Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

"I know I take a lot of your time, but what do you do when I'm at work? Huh? Do you just sit on your ass and smoke your pain away?" Jimin looked down to his feet as he just kept listening to Yoongi scolding him, trying his best to not cry. 

"You think you're gonna get all those scholarships you talk about like this? The ones you were so sure you were gonna get? Do you think just because you're smart and do college level work, you don't have to study anymore, like ever? Do feel cool by giving your teachers attitude, hm? What, you can't focus on school because of your family issues, is that what you're gonna blame this on?!" 

A tear left Jimin's cheek and he didn't bother to wipe it away. It was late in the evening, Yoongi had just finished work. He came home to see Jimin staring at his new report card with a blank look. 

"Go do your homework before bed," Yoongi mumbled. "But, I'm-" "Now." Jimin grabbed his backpack and went to the breakfast table where he always did his homework. He got out his math homework, just staring at it for about two minutes. 

Jimin knew the answers to the questions, he knew how to solve them. But it took so much for him to actually think just a bit. It took way too much than it should for the boy to do more than just stare at the paper. 

Hell, getting out of bed in the morning and eating breakfast seemed a lot harder too. Lifting his arm to brush his teeth, even kissing Yoongi was like every single muscle he had to move, took all of his energy, and the poor boy had no idea why. 

Jimin felt his pen fall from in between his fingers to the round table. Yoongi sighed as he watched the boy just stare at his papers. He was about to go scold Jimin again for being a lazy teenager until the boy broke down in sobs. 

"Jimin-" Yoongi placed his hands on the nape of Jimin's neck to comfort him, but the boy only got up as soon as he felt Yoongi's touch. "Don't touch me," Jimin muttered, putting his things back into his bag. 

"Come on Minie, the questions has always been easy for you to answer-" "They are!" Jimin snapped. "They are easy to answer, answering the damn questions isn't what's hard!" Yoongi looked taken aback. 

"The hard thing is to fucking make myself lift my hand and actually write something. It's like my body just gave up and the only thing I can think about is What's the freaking point?" Jimin hardened his stare and looked Yoongi cold in the eyes. 

"What's hard is that I have to listen to you, the only thing keeping me from ending it all, judging me." He tightened his jaw as he tried not to cry. He didn't want to cry, but he knew he was going to sooner or later.

"Jimin...I just don't understand..." "Don't understand what?" To be completely honest, Yoongi didn't get how the boy could let the disapprovance of this parents, affect him so much. "Your entire family is supportive, how would you know how it feels?!" Yoongi huffed. 

"When my mother, was unhappy with me, when she decided to drink and take drugs and be depressed instead of taking care of me, do you think I was happy with myself? Don't you think I blamed myself too?" 

"Well then at least you should understand a bit of it!" Yoongi shook his head. "No, because that's the thing Jimin. I was smart enough to realize that she was in the wrong. I should pity her, not myself. She's the one who decided to end up dead instead of having the happy life that she could've chosen, it was right in front of her. Not me. I'm not the one who has any actions to regret. So I fucking moved on, and decided to be happy with the people who were there for me. What I don't get, is how you can't do the same thing." 

Jimin looked down, sniffling. "We're not all strong, Yoongi. At least you had your dad, right? Do you think I would be so upset with I at least had my mom?" Yoongi rubbed his face with his hands in frustration, not seeing this conversation going anywhere. 

"I think you should go to a Mental health clinic of some sort," he blurted out. 

"And I think you should go fuck yourself." 

And with that, Jimin was out the door. Normally, Yoongi would have gotten beyond pissed because of the younger speaking like that to him, but right now, he couldn't find the anger in himself do that. 

Instead he called up his acquaintance, a friend of some sort, Jimin's therapist. "Well the best one I know is not very far away from where you live. It's at a more rich people area. A more quiet place, it's pretty nice." 

"Rich people area? Where Jimin's house is?" Yoongi questioned. 

"Yeah, close to that. I have to have a conversation with Jimin before I can send him there though." Yoongi sighed. "Do you have time tomorrow?" "Tomorrow? I don't think I can-" "Please, Dowon hyung." Dowon sighed. 

"I can squeeze you in at 4pm." "Great, thank you so much." Yoongi threw on a jacket and grabbed another one since Jimin went outside in the cold with only his jeans and a sweater on. 

It was snowing. 

Yoongi decided to grab a scarf as well and headed outside, almost tripping on the stairs from his fast pace. Jimin stood on the bridge further across the street and Yoongi wasted no time running over there, happy that it didn't take long for him to find the pretty doll-like boy. 

"Jimi-" "I'm not gonna jump, hyung. Ca-calm down," he said, stuttering from the cold that was hardening his cheeks, making it difficult to talk. 

"Just...step away from it." 

Jimin turned around, taking a last peek at the water below him, before walking over to Yoongi who quickly put the jacket and the scarf over him. "I'm sorry for not understanding." Yoongi spoke. "I love you," he mumbled. Jimin hid his face in the crook of Yoongi's neck, not having the energy to wrap his arms around the raven haired man. 

"And I'm sorry for being harsh on you, I just don't want your grades to drop. But before they can get back up, your mental health needs to do so too. So let me take you to a clinic, one that Dowon suggested. You'll live there, and I'll come visit you everyday, I promise. It'll be good for you." 

"Hyung, I'm not depressed, I just don't want my family to hate me." "You don't want your family to hate you, of course. But you are depressed. And you'll learn how to cope with your situation well there." Jimin looked up, Yoongi felt his eyelash tickle his neck. 


The older hummed. "Really." Yoongi took Jimin back to his apartment and made sure the boy went to bed safely. "Can you kiss me?" Jimin shook his head a little bit. 

"Can I kiss you?" 

"Please do."


New book cover because their new photoshoot for love yourself: tear, is killing me yet keeping me alive. 

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