Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

"Why are you crying? What happened? Who do I need to hurt?" Yoongi opened the door wider, letting his boyfriend in. He held up the paper in his hand, his crying and whining only getting louder. 

"What?" Yoongi stared at the paper with pure confusion. "I-I go-got an A minus," he whined. Yoongi rolled his eyes and Jimin threw himself on Yoongi's couch and cried on a pillow. Not something he would normally do, but he was quite comfortable with Yoongi now. "So what?" "I was one point away from an A!" Yoongi kept staring at the crying boy with confusion and concern. 

"But that's good right?" Jimin sat up with a frown on his face. "No it's not! My parents are gonna think I slacked because they weren't here! But I wasn't hyu-hyung I studied, a-a-and now..." Yoongi sat down next to Jimin. 

"Baby?" "Ye-yes?" "You're parents won't think you slacked. You got an A minus, that's good. And even if your parents gets mad, you know you did your best. Now, there are bigger problems in life so get over it." 

Jimin felt slightly better, but that quickly turned upside down when Yoongi kept talking. "You think I'm annoying?" Jimin broke out in tears again. "Oh my- no. Baby, you're not." The older took Jimin in for a hug and laid them both down. Jimin buried his face in his neck, arms around his waist. 

"Wanna spend the weekend together?" "But you gotta work." Yoongi shook his head as well as he good with a Jimin on his neck. "No, I'm going to spend the weekend at my parent's house in Daegu. I'm driving friday after work. I want you to come with me...besides with your parents gone and me not being able to travel a lot due to work, I'm not sure we will get other opportunities to spend a weekend together in another city."

"...with your parents," Jimin mumbled on his skin. "Mhm." "Are they" Yoongi nodded. "They accept me, don't worry." Jimin grinned. "Okay then!" He sat up, placing himself on Yoongi's crotch. "I would love to-" 

"It's okay if you're excited, but don't move so much when you're sitting on me." Jimin furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "Why? Am I too heavy?" Yoongi shook his head. "Nevermind baby, what were you gonna say?" 

"I would love to meet your parents and visit your hometown, but what if they don't like me?" Yoongi gave a soft smile, intertwining his fingers with the younger's. "Don't worry. I'm not gonna lie to you, I don't know how okay they'll be with your age, but...hey my mom likes cute things," Yoongi poked the tip of Jimin's nose, letting him know that he was talking about him. 

The next day Jimin opened the door to Yoongi's shop as he was finishing up a tattoo with his last customer. Jimin sat on the couch with his bag, swinging his legs back and forth, patiently waiting for Yoongi. 

"Go up Jiminie, we're leaving from the back. My car's parked there." Jimin nodded. "Keys?" "Jacket." Jimin waited for another 20 minutes, until Yoongi finally came up. "Hi baby." Kiss. Yoongi quickly got his bag and another bag just for snacks and drinks along the way. "How long's the drive?" 

"Three hours." "Don't get mad if I fall asleep." Yoongi chuckled before locking his apartment door. "Sleep all you want, Minie." When Jimin got seated into the passenger's seat, the first thing he did was asking Yoongi for food. Yoongi handed him the bag and he immediately opened a bag of chips. 

"When was the last time you ate?" Jimin shrugged, and Yoongi started the car. "It'll be late when we arrive, but my mom has probably cooked for us anyways." "What time?" he asked yawning, already feeling tired. 

"It's 8pm, so we'll be there around 11pm." Jimin hummed, closing his eyes. "Wake me up whenever." "Sure thing baby." And then Jimin fell asleep. Yoongi took a picture of the sleeping Jimin when he stopped at a red light, quickly throwing his phone away to the backseat afterwards. 

"What's with the traffic?" He sighed. Looked like it was gonna take a little longer than three hours. Yoongi didn't mind all too much though. He enjoyed watching the pretty lights of the nightlife in Seoul. 

After about two hours, maybe a little less, Yoongi made a stop. Jimin had managed to eat most of the snacks before he fell asleep, so Yoongi decided to buy more for when the boy woke up. He also felt nature calling. 

After using the bathroom, Yoongi looked around in the store. That's when the teenage boy in his car woke up. "Yoongi? Hyung?" He looked out the window, and saw a small store. His body relaxed as he decided that Yoongi was probably just in there. He grabbed Yoongi's phone from the backseat and distracted himself with games on his phone. 

His hand mindlessly reached to the bag that was once full of snacks, pouting when all he felt was air. "Yoongiiiii!" he kicked his legs around, whining for his boyfriend to come back already. But finally, in the dark, he could make out the shadow of his boyfriend. Jimin gave a small smile when Yoongi opened the door and got in. 

"You slept well?" Jimin shrugged. "Did you buy more snacks?" Yoongi chuckled. "Yes." He handed him the plastic bag. "Don't judge me, I'm hungry." Yoongi held his hands up in defence before starting the car once again. 

"How long 'til we're there?" "Don't speak with food in your mouth." Jimin made a whiny sound before he continued to eat. "About an hour and a half." Jimin groaned, before placing Yoongi's phone to the backseat, bored of the games now. "Why are you being so whiny?" "Because I'm tired, and I need a bed, I can't sleep comfortably in a caaaaar." 

"We'll be there soon princess." Jimin huffed. "Who are you calling princess?" "The boy who's acting like one. Now shut up and eat your snacks. I bought you strawberry milk and chocolate bars too." Jimin gasped finding the snacks at the bottom of the bag. "Thank you hyuuung." "Mhm, your welcome." 

It wasn't long before Jihyun had noticed Jimin leaving Seoul on the tracker, and let's just say, he freaked out just a little bit. Jimin felt his phone buzz in the pocket of his jacket. Your actual hyung. Jimin accepted the call.

"Yes?" he mumbled, munching on his chocolate bar. "Why are you not in Seoul anymore?!" "Calm down, I'm driving to Daegu." "Why?" Yoongi had an amused smirk on his lips. "Unless it's some school trip then..." 

"No, I'm in Yoongi's ca-" Yoongi took the phone from Jimin's grip and put it up to his ears. "We're going to my parent's house in Daegu. Don't worry Jimin's hyung." Jihyun rolled his eyes. As if he didn't know his name. 

"Well, I guess you can't be doing too much in your parents it'll be fine." Yoongi snorted. "If that helps you sleep at night, then sure." And with that he hung up. Jimin widened his eyes before taking his phone from the backseat where Yoongi had thrown it off too. He quickly found his brother's number and called him up again. 

"Jimin what did he-" "Hyung, just please don't tell mom and dad that I left Seoul. It's just for the weekend and I'm with an adult!" Jihyun smacked his own head. "Normally being with an adult is a good thing, but that excuse doesn't work when he's your boyfriend Jimin." Jimin rolled his eyes. 

"Do you know how many times you've told me 'don't tell mom and dad' in his week? You should be ashamed of yourself Jimin-ah." The teenager let out a long whine. "What do you want me to do?!" "Nothing. I won't tell mom and dad. Just give me fifty dollars the next time we meet." "Fifty dol- you don't even need more money!" Jihyun chuckled.

"I know, but compared to all the secrets I'm keeping from mom and dad right now, fifty is actually pretty kind of me to ask for. Jimin sighed. "Fine." He felt his boyfriend take the phone out of his hand once again. 

"Hey Jihyun?" "What?" "How do you get a whiny and fiesty Jimin to calm the hell down?" "How long have you been driving?" Jihyun asked like he knew actually what Yoongi was talking about, and he did. Jimin pouted. "2 hours." "Right, Jimin always gets like this when he's in a car for longer than an hour."

 "No, I don't!" Jimin shouted. "Just give him a cup of warm milk and take him to bed when you get there alright? That will quiet him down." "Don't talk like I'm not here!" Yoongi put his hand on Jimin's thigh, squeezing it before giving Jimin a warning look, telling him to keep quiet. 

He was being way too loud and it was giving the older a headache. A side he hadn't seen of Jimin before, but honestly, he kind of expected Jimin to act out at one point. When Yoongi hung up, Jimin huffed in annoyance. 



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