Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

"Jiminie," she squeled when she opened the door just to see Jimin's adorable face. "Hello to you too, mom," Yoongi sarcastically smiled, faking being hurt by her only reacting to Jimin. She smiled before giving Yoongi a hug. 

"Okay, they're here, so hurry upstairs with your bags and things, and come down for dinner." Jimin smiled at her as they went inside. He loved Yoongi's mother. She was so nice, he wished he had gotten Yoongi's family instead. 

The boy remembered what Yoongi had told him about his real mother, but based on the family he had now, Jimin was totally ready to switch. Yoongi shrugged it off and told him that his family had their open and hippy like mind-set, as Jimin called it, because they all were from Wiheom street originally. That street was just different from the rest of Korea. 

Yoongi took the bag from Jimin's shoulder and placed it besides the bed of his old room. "I want you to relax while you're here and forget about your family. Enjoy your christmas vacation off school as well. Just be here with me, and don't think about anything else when I touch you." Jimin forced a little laugh. 

"I'm always with you though," he said, holding Yoongi's hand. The man shook his head. "You're here physically, but lately...mentally you're just not. And I get it, a lot of things are going on right now, and they aren't exactly nice things. So just do your best to try and think of anything else. I'm sorry for being so bad at comforting you..." Jimin giggled. 

"What are you talking about? You're the best at comforting know what I need." Yoongi shook his head. He felt like he often forgot how young and sensitive Jimin was, he didn't think he was good at taking his feelings into consideration. So he told Jimin that. "Well you're not wrong about that...but you're only helping me with growing up." 

"Every time you're upset I just...I just touch you...I'm not good with words and I'm not sure that what I do is very good for you." Yoongi leaned down and kissed the younger before placing his forehead on his. 

" only do me good. Your touch's comforting, I like it. I need it. Especially in this time." Yoongi sighed before pecking the younger's lips, standing straight again but still holding onto Jimin's hands. 

"Are you okay?" Yoongi looked genuinely concerned and Jimin could see that by the way his eyes sparkled and the way his eyebrows frowned a bit. "I know you're not. But, with I mean Us." "Why wouldn't I be okay with you? Or us?" 

Yoongi wasn't sure how to form his words. He wasn't even sure that he knew what he meant himself. "You heard what that elder woman on the train's not easy for the younger one in the relationship." Jimin gave a small smile, happy that Yoongi cared about his comfort and how he felt in general. 

"I'm perfectly fine when it comes to us. I love you." "Do you wish that I was younger?" Yoongi questioned. Jimin shook his head. "No. I wish I was older. Not because of us. I actually kind of like our age gap. I like it when you take care of me." Yoongi smiled, rubbing Jimin's cheek gently. "That's the thing...I'm not good at taking care of you." Jimin shook his head. 

"You take better care of me than my parents do." "Please don't compare me to your parents that's kind of disturbing." "You're the one who likes it when I call you daddy in bed-" Yoongi playfully grabbed Jimin's lips to keep him from talking anymore. Jimin giggled before taking Yoongi's hand off his lips. 

"You said you didn't wanna be older because of us though." Jimin nodded. "Then why?" The boy sighed. "So I wouldn't be so much in need of my parents. Or my mom at least. Which reminds me that I should probably get a job soon, it's not like my mom's gonna send me any money. She doesn't even answer my texts." Yoongi shook his head. 

"Don't worry about money, baby. I'm here." Jimin shook his head. Sure he liked getting spoiled like every person does and especially teenagers his age, but he felt bad for using Yoongi's money. "I don't want to ask you for money every time I want something. I'll get a job," Jimin smiled. "I'll pay for your university then." "Are you crazy? Besides...I'll get a scholarship." Yoongi smiled. "Still getting them A's even after meeting me?" Jimin nodded. 

"IQ 200," Jimin said, pointing at his head. Yoongi chuckled as his mother opened the door to his room, but not without knocking first. "You two coming down?" They nodded, and headed downstairs. 

Yoongi greeted his relatives and Jimin was shy when he met the many people. His family was so different from Jimin's and he took notice of that. Everyone seemed special yet the same. Yoongi's cousins had tattoos and piercings like him, and were all open to same sex couples and the age gap wasn't a problem for anyone. 

Jimin thought about his own family. His cousins would he wearing pretty white dresses with their hair tied up. They would set a disney movie for the kids as well as the teenagers to watch. They would sing about Jesus and open gifts. Yoongi's family's way of celebrating christmas was a little less about Jesus and more about family and getting together. 

Made sense since most of the people in Yoongi's family were either atheists or buddhists. Instead of the adults handing Jimin disney movies to pick from because all the kids in his family were too excited to agree on one, he was handed a glass of wine. Jimin was glad that they treated him like he was older, and not younger. 

Jimin felt at peace as they sat at the big dinner table. He looked around and gave a small smile to anyone he got eye contact with. They ate, and stayed at the table for about another two hours. Jimin was getting sleepy, Yoongi could tell as the boy's eyes grew heavy and his features softened up. Yoongi rubbed his back and Jimin leaned his head to rest on Yoongi's shoulder. 

"We'll go to bed soon." "But they're gonna watch a movie afterwards..." he mumbled. Yoongi smiled at the cute sight. "It's okay, I'm tired too." "O...kay." Yoongi turned to his mom, since his dad was nowhere to be seen.

"We're gonna go upstairs before Jimin falls asleep on my shoulder." A few relatives laughed at the cute sight of Jimin trying his best to not fall asleep. "Alright," she smiled. They wished each other a merry christmas before Yoongi took Jimin upstairs. 

After he had put his boyfriend down on his bed, he sat on the bed and unbuttoned Jimin's jeans. He took them off, and got his shirt off too, leaving Jimin in only his boxers, shivering. "Yo...ongi-" "It's okay, shh." 

Yoongi got out a big sweater from Jimin's bag and got it on the boy with slight difficulty. Jimin felt himself warm up as he cuddled up to Yoongi as soon as he laid down, and fell asleep before he could hear Yoongi tell him goodnight. Jimin woke up at around 5am. He was confused as to what time it was, since the sky still imitated the shade of black. 

He got out of Yoongi's strong hold, just enough to reach for his phone. His eyes burned at the bright light, even when he turned it all the way down. "So early," he groaned. He couldn't fall asleep though. He was fully awake now. He had gotten his eight hours of sleep. As his face was buried in Yoongi's chest, he looked up, only seeing the older's chin. 

Jimin sighed before lifting his head. He poked Yoongi's cheek. He was bored...and hungry. "Yooooongiiiiii..." The ginger pouted when Yoongi still looked like he was dead. Jimin huffed before lying on top of Yoongi. He wrapped his arms around his torso and his legs around his hips, acting like a koala. He left pecks on Yoongi's neck. 

"Stop it." Jimin unwrapped his body from the older's and looked up with a surprised expression. "You're awake?" "I've been awake for the past 20 minutes." That only made Jimin frown. "Before me? Why did you play dead then?" "Wanted to see what you would do," Yoongi grinned. That stupid, annoying, beautiful grin of his. 

"You're so cute," Yoongi spoke before biting Jimin's cheek. Jimin whined loudly before pushing Yoongi's mouth away from his now red cheek. "I'm bored and there's no reason to get up so early." Yoongi sighed, agreeing with Jimin. 

"So...wanna have sex?"

"Your parents are in the room down the hall." 


"...okay, let's do it."

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