Chapter 01

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Chapter 01

"Jimin-ah. Wake up. Breakfast is ready." Jimin groaned, rubbing his eyes. Jihyun, his older brother, woke him up. "You're home?" The guy was 22 years old, and had his own apartment near the college he attended. 

He was rarely home, but did his best to come back in the weekends. Mainly because his mother always made a big deal about spending family time. "Yeah, come on." Jimin sat up, and gave his brother a hug afterwards. The teenager spent about a minute, rubbing his face even more, before actually getting up.

"Good morning, honey," Mrs. Park spoke. "Good morning." Jimin's dad was sitting at the end of the table, where his usual seat was. Re-reading the bible whilst sipping on his coffee, every once in a while. 

"Prayers," she reminded the three males sitting around the table. They all closed their eyes, and prayed. This was routine. "Jiminie, I bought you a new nice button up, you can use it for church tomorrow." Jimin nodded. He couldn't remember the last time he didn't spend his sunday morning at a church. 

"Any plans for today?" "I'm going to meet with Taehyung again." "Oh, I forgot to ask. Where were you Jimin?" "What?" "You came home late from Taehyung's house yesterday." "It was 7pm." "Exactly. Curfew is at 6pm, you know that." Jimin looked down to his lap. "Sorry father, it won't happen again." "I asked, where were you?" 

"Still at Tae's. We studied." Jimin hated himself in that moment. He just lied to his father. He was mentally slapping himself at the moment. Mr. Park nodded his head. The youngest of the household got ready, before leaving. 

"So why were you really home late?" "Um-" "Don't lie." Jimin sighed. "You can't tell anyone. Especially not my mom and dad." "Okay." Jimin stopped breathing for a second as he stared at Taehyung, dead in the eyes. 

"I'm serious." Taehyung rolled his eyes before nodding his head. Jimin lifted his leg and put his foot on the the end of Taehyung's bed, besides him. He pulled down his ankle socks and lifted up his jeans just slightly. 

"You got a tattoo!?" "Shh!" Jimin shushed him aggressively. "How could yo- what? Why?" Taehyung was beyond shocked. He knew that it was so unlike his best friend to do such a thing. "I don't know what came over me...suddenly I just...went into that shop," Jimin pointed to the tattoo shop that you could see from Taehyung's window. He happened to live close by. 

"How did you even get away with it?" "The owner didn't seem to care much about my age," Jimin shrugged. "Well are you happy with yourself?" Jimin groaned as he took his foot down to touch the floor again. "I's pretty! I like it...but this is so unlike me." Taehyung went quiet for a few seconds, until he finally spoke up. 

"I want one too." "You what?!" Taehyung looked to the floor with a guilty look. "Didn't it feel...good, when you did it?" "No, it hurt-" "That's not what I mean." Jimin sighed. "I guess...rebelling got me excited." Taehyung grinned. "Let's go." "You serious?" He nodded, grabbed his wallet and jacket. 

"Come on!" Jimin's body flinched, as if he snapped out of a trance that had him paralyzed, mind filling with regret. "Oh! We can't tell Seokjin." Jimin looked at him as if he was crazy. "Of course not." Taehyung looked at the shop before his eyes with an open mouth. 

"You know you can just open the door if you wanna get in. You don't have to stand there until I open it for you," Yoongi spoke as he opened the door. 

"Um...this is Min Yoongi, the guy who tattooed me." Yoongi smiled at Taehyung. "Taehyung wa-wants a tattoo." Yoongi opened the door wider for both of them to enter. Yoongi was kind of happy that Jimin came back, he didn't want to deal with his friend though. "Jungkook-ah." "Hm," the brunette looked up from where we was doing whatever tattoo stuff, the two weren't familiar with. 

"Take care of pretty boy's friend." 

Taehyung stared with big eyes and once again an open mouth when Jungkook stood in front of him. He was tall, his muscles were obvious and he certainly couldn't keep his eyes of his tattoos. Similar reaction Jimin had. Jungkook nodded his head towards a black leather chair. Jimin gave him a small smile. 

"So how you've been?" "It's been a day?" Yoongi shrugged. "Hot chocolate? For you and your friend?" Jimin gave a small smile before nodding. He enjoyed the warm fluid Yoongi gave him last time. It was sweeter than the other hot chocolate drinks he had drunk. Not in a gross way, it was a nice sweet with the taste of chocolate being more prominent. 

Taehyung was given the drink to calm him down before Jungkook began. "Hold my hand Jimin-ah." Jimin gave the younger a worried look before walking towards him, grabbing his now sweaty hand. Jungkook seemed cold and didn't even try to ease Taehyung's nerves. "It's gonna hurt." "Wow. Thank you," Taehyung spoke to Jimin. 

Taehyung had decided to get the Gucci snake on his ankle. The two boys had also decided that the ankle would be the least likely place for anyone to see and find out. Well, besides their butt or inner thigh maybe and other parts of the body that was a little more private, but they certainly didn't want any guys to be so close to them, even if they were professional tattoo artists. It was just too personal for the two. 

"Jimin?" "Hm?" "Can I talk to you?" "Sure." "No, don't leav-" Taehyung sighed at his friend. Jungkook put a hand on Taehyung's thigh, making the boy look at the man who was sitting down besides him. "Relax. If you're good, I'll give you a lollipop afterwards." Taehyung frowned. "I'm not a child at a doctors visit." 

"Well, you are a child." Taehyung then pouted. "I'm not!" "How old are you?" The older raised an eyebrow. "Sixteen." "You want that lollipop or not?" "What flavor is it?" Taehyung looked down and began playing with his hands. "Whatever you want." "Okay then." Jungkook finally let a smile take over his lips, but he tried to play it off as a smirk instead. 

"Your friend's like you?" "What do you mean like me?" Jimin pouted. "I think you know, pretty." "Yeah," Jimin breathed. "You pressured him to do thi-" "Of course not! It-it was his idea. After I showed it to him just a few hours ago." The raven haired man nodded. "Okay, just wanted to make sure." Jimin nodded. 

"Oh right, there was another thing." "Yes?" "Give me your number." "What?" 

Jimin froze. "I wanna to talk to you, give me your number." Jimin knew he wasn't supposed to do this. He met the man yesterday, he didn't know him. He didn't even know how old he was. He could be thirty, even though the man looked younger than that. 

But he didn't want to ask for his age, for he was afraid to sound rude to the older. He was always told that asking for people's ages were rude as he grew up. Manners were something very important to Mrs. Park and she made sure to teach her two sons just the same. 

"You don't have to if you don't wanna," Yoongi spoke whilst Taehyung bit his lip from making any noise since he really wanted that lollipop, but he couldn't deny that he was in pain. "No, let's exchange numbers," Jimin let a grin take over his lips. 

"I'm not that old, by the way."

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