Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

"I'm scared." "Stay still," Jungkook said. Yoongi held Jimin's hand. "I didn't know you guys pierced too," Taehyung spoke as he looked at Jimin with curious eyes. "Want me to count?" "Yes. No- Yes!" Jungkook rolled his eyes before counting. 

"1...2..3." After Jungkook had pierced a hole through Jimin's skin, Jimin looked around cluelessly. "It's not that bad..." "Really?" Taehyung perked up. He nodded. Jimin scrunched up his face when Jungkook put in the ring. 

"Now my earlobe is all dressed up," Jimin smiled. Yoongi ruffled his hair before he got off the chair. "Your turn baby." Taehyung placed himself in the chair and Jimin held his hand. "Not that bad hm?" 

Taehyung nodded after the jewelry had been put in. "You two chat for a bit, I need to talk to Yoongi," Jungkook spoke, walking towards the small kitchen that they had in the shop. "Are you coming to Minho's birthday party on Wiheom street?" Yoongi sighed. 

"I don't have much of a choice do I? He won't take it politely if I decline his invitation." Jungkook nodded. "Good...just making sure." "Okay, Minie. Off you go," Yoongi said when they came back. "See you tomorrow?" He nodded before leaning down to kiss Jimin's cheek.

Jimin went out alone since Taehyung stayed back since Jungkook would be sleeping at Yoongi's place for the weekend. 

Jimin decided to go another direction than the one that would take him home. He needed a new book, and the library wasn't too far away. It was true, he really did need a new novel to read in his spare time, but it was honestly just an excuse to stay away from home for even longer. Jimin passed by the many bars, restaurants and clubs until he reached the library. Luckily, the ginger found the book he wanted after only a minute. 

Jimin's head was filled with a bunch of thoughts as he looked up at the dark sky, focusing on the stars that shone the most. And that's how he bumped into him again. "Jimin?" Jimin looked up. "You seriously need to stop daydreaming when you're walking by here." 

Jimin grinned. He hadn't seen Taemin since the time where he took him to Yoongi's place. He waved at him shyly. "You look different," the older noticed. Jimin only nodded. "Ho-how are you?" Taemin shrugged. "Fine," he said, sipping on his beer. "You always spend your weekends here?" The teen asked with a giggle. 

"I guess. Next weekend I'm going to a birthday party though." "Oh, where?" Jimin was actually interested, Taemin could tell. "A close friend of mine is having a birthday party on Wiheom street." "Wiheom street? I've never been mom always told me to never step foot in that area." Taemin chuckled. 

"You may have to be careful around the people, but the place is pretty nice. You wanna come?" Taemin did his best to not let his lips form into a smirk. "...Oh I don't know..." "Yoongi's your boyfriend, right?" Jimin nodded. "I bet he'll be there too. Ask him about it." Jimin nodded again, but with a bright smile on his face. 

"I will!" "Okay...want me to walk you home?" "Is this gonna be our thing now?" Taemin laughed as he put his hand on the small of Jimin's back. "Let's go." The teenager thought nothing of it, as they began to move their feet. Taemin waved his hand to some friends who were standing outside the bar, telling them goodbye. 

"I would drive you but, don't think that would be very smart after drinking." Jimin nodded. "You smoke?" The older pulled out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. "Sometimes." "Want one?" Jimin shrugged. "Sure." Might as well learn to get used to the taste right? For Yoongi. Taemin handed Jimin the lighter, and the once pure boy, lit it up. Taemin placed his arm around Jimin's waist, bringing him closer to himself as they kept on walking. Jimin didn't mind. 

"You really should come though. If you would like to meet Yoongi's friends." "I already know his best friends," Jimin smiled. "No, I mean all of them. All of his friend's will be there." "It's a big party hm?" "That's Minho," Taemin chuckled. 

"He's pretty extra." More than you think. "I like your hair like that. Keep it." Jimin nodded before he took a puff of his cigarette. He couldn't believe how much he had changed, in such a short amount of time as well. He didn't really think much of it though. He didn't want to. "Yoongi's treating you good, right?" Taemin suddenly asked. 

Jimin looked up at him. He could feel the grip around his waist becoming tighter, but once again, he ignored it. "Of course." The older nodded. "Are you submissive to him?" Jimin furrowed his eyebrows. "Why are you asking me these questions?" he mumbled. "Just answer me." "I-I guess I am...yeah." He hadn't really thought about it until now. 

"Obedient?" "Yeah...sure. But why are interested in that?" "I just...want to know about your relationship." It wasn't really a lie, but not the whole truth at all. "Are you a curious person, hm?" Jimin smiled. Taemin shrugged.

"Sure." Yeah, let's just go with that. "Just know that I'll be there if you ever need any boyfriend advice. Yoongi can be difficult." "Everyone says that, but I think he's pretty nice." Taemin furrowed his eyebrows, intrigued in what Jimin had just said. "He's not...hard on you?" Jimin shook his head. 

"He's sweet...wait do you know him?" Taemin shrugged. "Seen him a few times on Wiheom street." It didn't take long until they were standing in front of Jimin's house. "Thank you for walking with me again...maybe I'll see you at that party." The older nodded. "Remember to ask Yoongi about it." "I will." 

He waved him goodbye, and carefully unlocked his front door. 

"Oh,'re home." Mrs. Park's eyes were puffy and red, Jimin noticed that. "You got your ear pierced?" Jimin nodded before passing his mom to walk upstairs, but she grabbed his wrist. 

"What's going on with you?" Jimin looked to the floor. "Nothing. Where's dad?" he changed the subject. The question only hurt her. Her eyes fell to her feet as her eyes watered. Jimin sighed before pulling her in for a hug. 

"I'm sorry mom...but you should really divorce him." She shook her head on Jimin's shoulder. "Honey I can't...It's just...give it some time. Alright?" She pulled away from her son and gave him a small, faux and sad smile. Jimin didn't answer. "Why do you smell like smoke? Don't tell me yo-" "I'm not mom..." he lied. 

She knew he was lying, but she couldn't bare to yell at her son right now. Jimin felt guilty as he looked at his hurt mother. She looked miserable, and Jimin understood why. "Mom..." "Hm?" She looked up. 

"Wanna go to bed together?" She cried. It's a been a while since she hadn't slept alone. "I would like that honey." Jimin gave her a small smile before changing into comfortable clothes and cleaning his new piercing too. Mrs. Park cuddled up to her son when he laid down. "Divorce him mom." 


"I'll leave if he doesn't." 

She went silent. "I'll talk to him about it." Jimin nodded.


"What the hell were you doing last night, walking around with Taemin who, apparently, was very touchy? Huh!" "How did you know?" Jimin furrowed his eyebrows. "You don't think people tell me when they see my boyfriend walking around with other guys?" Jimin only became more confused. 

"Okay first of all, the words spread so fast, it's kinda weird. Second, nothing happened. He was just walking me home. Third, people know who I am?" Yoongi nodded. "I'm quite known, of course they would know about you too." "Well, about Taemin..." "What?" 

"There's this party..." 

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