Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

"Baby?" Yoongi caressed Jimin's cheek, trying to wake the boy up. "Seokjin made a big after-birthday breakfast or whatever you wanna call it." "Baby." "Hm-" Jimin slowly opened his eyes. 

"Get up and get something down your stomach so I can take you to school." Jimin rubbed his eyes, before nodding. Yoongi helped him get up, as he rested his hand on the small of his back. Jimin was greeted with Seokjin giving him a big smile as he put the last plate of pancakes on the table. 

"Breakfast's ready." Everyone gathered around and sat down whilst Jimin still stood there trying process the fact that he wasn't sleeping anymore. As he watched them all sit down and chat with lazy smiles on their faces, for the first time in a very long time, Jimin didn't feel lonely. Sure, he had Taehyung and Seokjin, but it was like something was missing. He felt complete now. 

Especially with Yoongi motioning to come sit on his lap. Jimin gave him a small smile before sitting down. 

Jimin observed the three boyfriends who were sat further down Yoongi's dinner table. His breakfast table being too small for all of them to have so big of a breakfast there. Taehyung was sat on Jungkook's lap, the older held a firm grip around his waist. Hoseok sat next to them and kept playing with Taehyung's cheek and making small talk as they both would feed Taehyung.

 He basically looked like a little baby with his two daddies and Jimin was surprised how much had changed over a single night. They were all surprised. 

Hoseok looked better this morning, Jimin was glad. 

"Chocolate milk?" Jimin heard Yoongi ask. He nodded his head and Yoongi filled up a glass. The teenagers who still needed to attend school, took showers and got ready before getting into Yoongi's car. "What about your uniforms?" "We have extra ones at school." Seokjin answered. "Oh." "Jimin-ah?" "Hm?" "See you tonight?" 

Seokjin gave Jimin a small glare. 

"My parents wants to eat dinner with me tonight in some restaurant." "Oh, to celebrate your birthday?" Jimin shrugged. "I guess." "Alright then, see you later." Jimin leaned in from the backseat, to the driver's and pecked Yoongi's cheek. "Bye bye." 


"Jimin-ah? You ready?" Mrs. Park called. Jimin went downstairs and nodded at his mother. "So where are we going?" "Oh there's this amazing Japanese restaurant near...Taehyung's house." The teenager widened his eyes. 

"The who who's famous for their ramen?" She nodded, putting her coat on. "You know it?" Jimin nodded. He could only hope that he wouldn't see Yoongi, although he was sure that if he did, the older wouldn't approach him. At least hoped for that. Jimin's father parked the car after a few minutes of driving.

"Honey hold my hand when he cross such a big road." "Mom, I'm not four!" She only laughed before taking his hand anyways, Mr. park rolling his eyes at his wife. Jimin kept his eyes on Yoongi's tattoo shop as they kept walking closer to it. The store was still open, he could see that from where he stood. And when he passed it, he made the mistake of not taking his eyes away. From the big window, he only got a glance of Yoongi tattooing someone. 

"Don't look at shops like that Jimin-ah." Jimin looked down to the ground again. He had a habit of keeping his head down. "Jiminie. Order anything you want." He smiled at his mom before looking at the menu, even though he had already decided that he would get the same Yoongi bought for him the last time. As they waited for their food, Jimin's mother spoke up again. 

"Jimin?" "Yes?" "Your teacher called." He widened his eyes. What? Why? "Your grades are the same as before, don't worry. But he says you're spending less time in the library these days, he just wants to make sure everything is okay. So do we." Jimin nodded slowly. 

"I'm fine..." "Really? Those new friends of yours seem to be taking a lot of your time," his dad finally spoke. " it a girl?" She carefully asked. Jimin shook his head immediately though. "Because if it is-" "There's no girl mom, I promise." She nodded. It was true. No girl at all. Just a twenty-four year old man. 

Speaking of... 

Yoongi opened the door to the restaurant and went straight up to order since he was taking things to go. Their shop was opened until 8pm today, and since they were quite busy, It didn't look like Yoongi nor Jungkook would get the time to go out and eat dinner like they usually did. They decided to get take out, Jimin wishing they would have just ordered over the phone instead. 

Yoongi looked around as he waited in line and leaned his shoulder on the wall besides him. He felt something, someone staring at him and it didn't take him long to find out where that feeling was coming from. 

He gave Jimin a small smile, knowing the other probably didn't want him to do more than that. Not with his family around. Jimin's mother saw anyways. "Who are you smiling at?" She looked to where her son's eyes had been lingered on for a while now. "No one." "Him? You know that guy?" Jimin shook his head.

 "I don't...he just smiled at me." She furrowed her eyebrows. "Why would he-" "It's called being polite mom." "Are you getting smart with me?" "Pfft, no." Jimin shook his head. He didn't dare to look at Yoongi's direction again, but the older kept his eyes on him until he was out. Mrs. Park noticed. 

"Look Jimin-ah. I have always tried to only show you the positive in life, and never the bad sides of it. But that doesn't mean you should be naive towards reality. You're a cute boy, and there are guys like him that coul-" "Mom," Jimin whined. 

"I know, okay? But I can take care of myself." She nodded with a sigh. They continued their dinner with small talk until it finally ended. On the way home, Mrs. Park remembered a quite important thing that she had forgotten to talk with her son about. Well...not that important. For most people at least. 

"Honey?" "Hm?" "My sister, your aunt, asked us to come to Japan to be there when she gives birth...She would really like our support." "I get that, but I have a very important test mom. I can't skip school," he spoke. 

"I know, I know." She sighed. 

"Which is why I'm considering..." "I can stay home by myself, please mom! There's only a year until I'm an adult!" She looked at Jimin with suspciousion. "Why are you so excited to be home alone?" The teenager sunk back in his seat. "...I'm not. But you should go." She sighed again. 

"He's not a baby," Mr. Park breathed. Jimin nodded even though she couldn't see that from the passenger's seat. "Alright." Jimin mentally cheered. He could be with Yoongi for a whole week without having to lie. He could even bring him over. 


"Yes?" "If you skip school, trust me, I will know. We'll leave money for food, at least try and cook something decent, don't eat junk food. Got it?" Jimin nodded. "And I'll have your brother track your whereabouts so don't think-" 

"Mom! I'm a good boy," he mumbled before smiling to himself. 

"I know honey, that's how I raised you." 

He innocently nodded before turning his attention to the road, trying to prepare himself for massive amount of guilt he was going to feel after that week of no parents had ended.

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