Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

"You're not drunk anymore, are you?" Jimin shook his head. "Good. Then we can start." "Was I annoying when I became drunk?" Yoongi shook his head. "You just act like a baby. More than usual of course." 

Jimin huffed before turning to look in the mirror, with a childish pout. It was 11pm. Jimin had sobered up. And now they were dying his hair orange. "Why aren't you dying your hair too?" Jimin asked when Yoongi applied the bleach onto his hair. 

"I like mine black," Yoongi mumbled. Jimin hummed. "You look hot with your black wavy hair so it's fine." The older chuckled at Jimin's bluntness. "But I do wonder if you're actually able to see sometimes, because your hair is like touching your eyes. You should get it cut. I mean I like it long, but not if you're gonna be blind because of it..." 

he rambled before sipping on the beer that he still hated the taste of, but he felt more like Yoongi when he drank it and less like a little kid. He liked acting like an adult. He felt like Yoongi liked him more when he did as well. But the teenager's personality was like a little kid.

"Okay. Keep that on there for 45 minutes." Jimin smiled before turning around to hug him, but Yoongi stopped him quickly. "You can't hug me for 45 minutes. I would like to not get bleached. I'm already quite pale." Jimin whined. 

"I can't keep my hands to myself for that long." Yoongi patted his shoulder. "We'll eat." Jimin furrowed his eyes. It was almost midnight. "What? I'm hungry," Yoongi spoke before making his way to the kitchen. Jimin stared at him walking away, until he got up himself and followed him. 

"You dad will probably hit me and my mom is gonna cry, no doubt." Yoongi gave him a concerned look. "Like my dad would hit me because it's not manly to dye your hair such colors as orange and he would think that I looked like some unserious punker. My mom probably wants my hair to be as much virgin as it is," he rambled once again, until he sat down by the breakfast table in Yoongi's kitchen. 

"But then it makes perfect sense. Because I took your virginity...and your hair's virginity." Yoongi spoke with a disturbed looking face as he turned on the oven. Jimin giggled. "I'll go to the balcony for a smoke, call me when the pizza's done," Yoongi said before he left. 

Jimin pouted. He wanted to share something with Yoongi too. He didn't want Yoongi to do it all alone. He probably had long talks and smokes with his friends all the time. Jimin couldn't be a part of that. He sighed before walking off to find the balcony. 

"Let me..." Yoongi sighed before taking another one out, lighting it up for Jimin. "You know what I like to do when I have problems? Or just a lot of things on my mind." "What?" "I like to watch the smoke vanishing into the thin air as I imagine the smoke being my thoughts. I feel lighter afterwards. It's like watching your stress disappear." 

Jimin did just that. Of course he was still sad and his problems hadn't vanished, but it felt nice. Comforting, in a way. 

"You like that?" Jimin nodded. "Would be better if this didn't taste so awful," he mumbled. Yoongi let out a breathy laugh before putting out his cigarette. "Pizza's probably ready." Yoongi put out Jimin's cigarette too, and they went inside. 

It took about two hours until Jimin's head was leaned over Yoongi's bathtub for the second time. "Don't get it my eyes like you did with the bleach." "Then don't keep your eyes opened again." "But I want to watch the pretty color wash out." "Eyes closed Jimin." 

The teenager sighed before closing his eyes. "Is it pretty?" Jimin spoke when Yoongi put conditioner on his hair. He hummed a yes, washing it out. The older threw a towel on Jimin's head before ruffling it making the younger giggle, as he couldn't see anything. 

Yoongi got out his blow dryer and soon, they were finally done. Jimin sighed. "What? You don't like it?" "I love it." Then why did Jimin not look happy? "I'll be sad when my mom forces me to dye it black." Yoongi shook his head. 

"You're not gonna do that." "I'm not?" Jimin raised an eyebrow. Yoongi shook his head. "Not if you don't want to." Jimin nodded. "I'll try." "And if it gets too hard, you come here." Jimin smiled "Should I call my parents?" He worried as he picked up his phone. 

"Do you want to?" "Not really." "Then don't," Yoongi shrugged, going to his bedroom. Jimin looked in the mirror one last time before following Yoongi. "Wanna go get my ears pierced?" "Don't push it Jimin. You shouldn't do everything at once." Jimin pouted, sitting down. "You told me to do what I want..." Yoongi shrugged. 

"Alright. I'll take you to get your ears pierced tomorrow." Jimin grinned. "If I'm alive tomorrow." "Hm?" "Well my parents are gonna kill me first," he said, playing with his orange hair. "You look like a fox." Jimin smiled at Yoongi's comment before laying down besides him. The two had a little fun under the covers before they fell asleep. 

Jimin was happy he didn't have school the next day since he woke up quite late. "Why don't I have a hangover? I mean my head hurts a bit but...I don't know," was the first thing Jimin said when he woke up. 

"Because you sobered up before you slept." "Oh." Jimin sat up, the bright sun hitting his face immediately. He scrunched up his face, putting a hand in front of his eyes, blocking the sun from blinding him more. 

"You look good with the orange hair." Yoongi commented. Jimin blushed, looking down. "I should probably take you home now." The younger nodded before getting dressed. "It's okay, I'll walk." "You sure?" Jimin hummed. 

"Go to work." "Alright, come back if your parents gives you a hard time..." He nodded before walking out. It took a bit longer for Jimin to reach home than usual. He went slower, enjoying the nice day. He also just really didn't want to go back home. He didn't want such a nice day to turn into thunder and rain only for him. His mother stood in front of the door as soon as she heard someone put the key inside the keyhole. 

"Jimin-ah! Where have you been? I was just about to call the poli-" she looked at Jimin like he was some stranger. "Wha-what did you do to your precious hair?" She ran her fingers through his hair, just to make sure that it was actually real. "I dyed it." "Where were you all night? At a salon?" Jimin shook his head. 

"My friend's place. Don't worry." She furrowed her eyebrows. Don't worry?! "Why didn't you answer my calls?!" She put a hand on Jimin's arm. "Because I didn't feel like it!" And that was the first time he raised his voice at his mother. He went to the staircase, wanting to just stay in his room. 

"Dye your hair back to black," she ordered. Jimin turned his face just slightly to the side. 


Her mouth was wide open as he went up the stairs. He felt bad, but good at the same time. Jimin didn't talk to his parents for the rest of the day. His dad didn't come home. "Probably still cheating on mom," he mumbled to himself. 


"Hey, carrot head!" Mrs. Park called when the boy was running down the stairs and to the door. "Where are you going?" "To a friend's place." "The same friend who damaged your hair?" Jimin sighed. "Yup." Before Jimin could walk out, she placed a hand on his shoulder. "You haven't eaten dinner yet honey." "We're getting dinner. It's okay." 

Jimin was about to close the door, but she called his name again. "What?" "...Take care, don't come home too late." Jimin nodded before closing the door. 

And Mrs. Park broke down crying. What she needed was for Jimin to be by her side right now. But her son was growing up, she could see that. And he wasn't growing the way she wanted. She looked at the clock. Her husband should've been home by now. But she knew he hadn't ended things with that woman yet. 

And she wasn't sure that he was ever going to. 

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