Chapter 45

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Chapter 45

Yoongi felt tears leave his eyes as he stared at Jimin's adorable face. Jimin who was peacefully sleeping. Jimin slowly opened his eyes. He stared at Yoongi and he stared at the tears on his cheeks and his red eyes, but he didn't say anything. Instead he gave Yoongi the look of concern. 

"I can't Jimin." The boy furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "I can't do this." "...What?" "I may have been drunk, but I'm well aware of what happened yesterday," Yoongi's voice cracked. "Oh- come on've tried to get in my pants before where you didn't understand the word 'no' right away." 

Yoongi let out a breathy laugh, but his smile fell after a second. "B-but I would just call you lame and then you would jokingly hit arm and we would laugh, but Mini- I slap-I slapped you." Jimin didn't know what to think as his eyes followed Yoongi, who sat up. Jimin did the same. "I forgive you hyung. You should've slapped me when I cheated on yo-" "You don't get it Jimin." 

"No. I don't."

 Yoongi sighed before his chin began quivering. "I can't go on like this. I can't be with you, knowing I might hurt you again baby, you mean too much to me." Jimin shook his head. 

"N-no, don't do that. It sounds like you're ending things with me, b-but you're not. Right? You ca-can't do that." Yoongi let his chest rise and fall down back again in another big sigh. He shakingly took Jimin's hands in his. 

Jimin had never seen the older like this before. It was...interesting, but he hated it. "I don't want to hurt you again." "And you won't-" Yoongi shook his head. "I might baby. I really think I might. And I can't do that to you, you deserve so much better Minie," Yoongi's voice cracked. 

"I'm temper is too much for people like you Minie, I can't- we're too different. I can't be with you, knowing there's a risk that I could lay a hand on you again." 

Jimin was beyond angry. He wanted to lift Yoongi and throw him to the wall as if he was the hulk or something. He wasn't the hulk though. He really wasn't. 

"We're going back to Seoul tonight...I think we should-" "Don't." "We can't be together, not after that." "Hyu-" "Jimin, I'm breaking up with you." Jimin shook his head as tears formed in his eyes. His chin quivered and Yoongi only cried at the sight of Jimin looking completely desterapte and devastated. Broken. 

"Hyung, n-no. You're all I have! No-no one cares about me like you do. No one loves me the same, hyung. I'll have nothing if you leave me." Yoongi shook his head. "No...listen to me," Yoongi hardened his voice although it was hard with the tears falling down his cheeks, but he had to keep his voice strong for Jimin. For them both. 

"You got a job, and you're going to start working. I would tell you to go live with Namjoon and Hoseok, but you can't be at Wiheom street, especially not without me. A-a part of the reason why we're ending things is for you to get away from stuff like that. Places like that. People like us. So I'm going to find a nice a apartment for you. And I'm going to pay for it-" 

"No," Jimin shook his head as he kept crying as Yoongi's lips continued to move. "Yes, I will. I'll send you money for rent and food every single month, and you keep your job and spend the money on yourself, you got that?" 

"No..." Yoongi nodded as he forced a smile on his lips, eyes glassy. "A-and you're going to finish high school. You have Taehyung by your side, don't you forget that. You'll get a scholarship for a nice college, we both know you will. And you'll meet a nice person." 

Yoongi never thought speaking such words would hurt him this much. Even picturing some other guy just hugging Jimin drove him insane. "And you'll dance and you'll be happy." "Hyu-" "That's exactly what's going to happen." 

Jimin hit Yoongi's chest as he felt his whole entire body hurt. "Don't do this to me Yoongi-ah." He took Jimin in for a tight hug and the two cried on each other's shoulders. "You deserve better," he whispered before kissing Jimin's cheek. 

"So much better."


Jimin's new apartment was only filled with the loudest cries Jimin had ever let out. Taehyung held Jimin in his arms as he stared at the floor. 

"Jimin..." "No." Yoongi sighed as he sat down on their bed. 

"Look. I don't like this as much as you do. I'm hurting as much as you, but I know what's best for you. And I'm sorry, but your wellbeing matters the most to me." Jimin turned around to face Yoongi with tears in his eyes. 

"You clearly don't know what's best for me! Ho-how could you do this? To us...I hate you." Yoongi was sure he felt a new crack in his heart, but he couldn't let this affect him. He knew Jimin didn't really hate him after all. 

"I found a nice place for's close to your school too." Jimin shook his head. "I don't want it. I only want you." The boy hugged Yoongi as he sniffled onto his chest. "You should begin to move on Jimin." 

Jimin squeezed the life out of Taehyung as his cries got even louder. 

Meanwhile, Yoongi was lying on his bed with only a small lamp as the only source of light in his room, as he smoked in his room. Jungkook was lying besides him, just staring at him. "You did the right thing Yoongi hyung. You're too much for Jimin and you're doing good by letting him go. He's broken now, but he'll get over it." 

Yoongi hummed as he kept scrolling away on his phone. Jungkook lit up a cigarette too as Taehyung called him. "Hello baby." " Yoongi there?" 

Jungkook let out a short hum. "How is he?" Jungkook could hear Jimin's cries in the background, but he didn't mention it. "He's ignoring his feelings." Yoongi glared at him. "But he's probably just waiting to cry until I leave." 

Yoongi smacked Jungkook's head. 

"Okay...'s all I wanted to know." "Are you okay?" Taehyung assured him he was fine before hanging up. 

"Well he's not feeling so great eith-" "I don't care, he did this to us!" Jimin shouted. "It's his fault!" his voice cracked. "But Jiminie, he's only doing this because he cares about you so much," Taehyung kissed his cheek a couple times as held him closer. "You don't understand now that you're heartbroken, but with time-" 

"No, time will only confirm that I really won't ever be with him again. Time will make us apart for even  longer. I have nothing to live for now." Taehyung let go of Jimin and stood up quite quickly, which kind of surprised the boy. 

"Jimin will you shut the hell up and pull yourself together for a moment!" he shouted. "You're not alive because of him, you're not him! You're not a part of him. You're you, yourself, and you have your own goddamn life. You're a beautiful, talented person and you don't need Yoongi or anyone else for that matter to tell you that!" Taehyung breathed. 

"And even though it seems like you've forgotten about me when you threw me away for Yoongi, I'm your best friend. I always have been, and I'm here for you." Jimin wiped the tears away from his cheeks. 

"I-I didn't throw you away..." Taehyung gave a small smile before sitting down again. "Yoongi took up all your time. When he wasn't with you, you were doing homework or...other things. The only time I saw you was at school. And then you entered that clinic, and I only saw you at dance practice." 

Jimin sniffled before finding his way to Taehyung's lap, where he chose to sit. "You're right. A-and I'm really sorry." Jimin kissed his cheek before hugging him, resting his head on his shoulder. "Yoongi's not the only guy out there. And I'll be by your side. Forever, okay? Even after you've found someone who's ten times better than Yoongi." 

Jimin let out a breathy laugh. Jimin pecked Taehyung's lips (in an all friendly way) before hugging him tightly again. "I'm starting work tomorrow..." Jimin mumbled. 

"Oh right. You better give me discount on cake." 

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