Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

"Jimin." Taemin nodded before they began to walk again. They made small talk along the way, the two of them not minding the comfortable silence that fell upon them every now and then. "How old are you?" "Sixte- Oh wait, no. I'm seventeen." Taemin chuckled. 

"You forget your own age often or?" Jimin pouted before shaking his head. "I almost just turned seventeen, that's why." "Ah, makes sense then. You're pretty young for your looks." Jimin awkwardly nodded. Maybe Taemin regretted walking with him now since he was younger than he thought. But the other really didn't. 

"I'm twenty-four, hope this isn't awkward for you," Taemin chuckled. "No, my boyfriend is twenty-four to-" Jimin put a hand over his mouth. "Don't tell anyone." 

Taemin only laughed. It wasn't like he knew Jimin or anyone of his friends, who was he supposed to tell anyways? "I won't." He sighed though. "So you have a boyfriend?" "I'm on my way to his place right now, yeah..." They went to Yoongi's place in silence, only speaking when they were finally there. 

"Thank you for walking me here, that was nice of you." He nodded. "Why didn't your boyfriend get you?" he looked to the big building towering over the two. "Oh, I told him not to." Taemin shook his head. 

"Don't do that the next time. You saw how many thirsty looking people we passed." "Yeah, but they didn't do anything." "Hm, yeah. Why do you think?" The older pointed to himself and smiled. Jimin laughed, before nodding his head, understanding what Taemin ment. 

"Jimin?" Yoongi went out with the trash, before walking towards the younger. "Who's this?" "No one," Taemin answered with a forced smile. "Maybe, I'll see you around Jimin. Bye bye." Jimin waved. "Bye. Thanks again." Yoongi looked at him with a displeased look until he was out of sight. "Seriously, who was that?" Jimin shrugged. 

"His name is Taemin. I spilled beer on him on my way home, accidently of course. And then he just asked me if he could walk me home." "And you said yes?" Jimin fiddled with his fingers when he noticed that Yoongi was not happy. 

"Y-yea-" "Why?" "Well people were looking at me and making noises and he seemed nice so-" "So you call me! Jimin-ah, he's a stranger. He could have been just as weird as those people making you feel uncomfortable in the first place. This is how boys like you get hurt." "What do you mean, boys like me?" "Naive teenagers! What do you think?" 

He kept his head down, waiting for Yoongi's scolding to be over. "I told you, I could pick you up. Why didn't you call me instead? Huh?" "Don't be mad at me..." Yoongi sighed. "You get why you make me worried, right?" The teenager nodded, before Yoongi told him to go inside. 

"It's okay baby, just call me next time. Okay? And don't be so naive towards strangers. How old was he anyways?" "Your age." Yoongi didn't know what to say, so he only nodded before pulling the younger into a hug. 

"I'll call you next time. I promise." "Good. Go put on some comfortable clothes, I need a cigarette." Jimin nodded before going to the other's bedroom. Yoongi sighed, walking to the balcony with a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. 

When Jimin was dressed in some comfortable clothing, he went out of the bedroom to find Yoongi. Heading straight to the balcony, assuming the older was probably there. Jimin suddenly missed the older as he felt a wave of tiredness hit him. 

He turned Yoongi around so that his back wasn't facing him anymore and rested his head on Yoongi's chest, arms wrapped tightly around his waist. "You alright Minie?" Jimin hummed. "I'm just tired." And then Yoongi hummed. 

"You've been studying a lot today, of course you are." Yoongi put a hand on Jimin's chin, making the boy look up, but still keeping his arms wrapped around the older. They kissed for a while, just enjoying the touch of one another. To be honest, Jimin wasn't sure how Yoongi could smoke so much, but still manage to taste like candy. 

"Baby? Slow down," Yoongi panted when Jimin put his hands on Yoongi's belt, undoing it. Jimin whined. " 'm want you." "You sure?" The older breathed. Jimin nodded with a needy look on his face. "Alright baby." Jimin made a squeaky sound when Yoongi picked him up and one again when he threw him onto the bed. 

"Don't tease me." Yoongi took off Jimin's clothes off, and Yoongi's was gone rather quickly as well. And just like yesterday night, Yoongi's bedroom got filled up with Jimin's loud moans and Yoongi's deep groans that Jimin already loved oh so much. 

"Fuck!" Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows as he harshly grabbed Jimin's chin, not stopping the movements that his hips had been making for a while now. That was the first time he heard Jimin curse, and probably the first time Jimin heard himself curse too. He didn't pay much mind to it, but Yoongi didn't like it. 

"Hey, don't." He put his thumb over Jimin's bottom lip. "I le-learn from y-you," Jimin smiled before moaning again. Yoongi shook his head. "Don't learn such things from me." "Bu-but hyung, you curse all the ti-" "You're not allowed to. Got it?" "Yoon-" "Got it?!" "Yes!" Yoongi gave a satisfied smirk before shutting up again. Just like the other couple times they had done this, Jimin fell asleep right after. 

The older couldn't help but slightly laugh. He found it quite funny how Jimin basically passed out every time. Yoongi sighed as he laid down besides Jimin, after cleaning them both up. "I'm ruining you, aren't I?" he whispered. 

Jimin didn't seem very shocked at himself for cursing. But rather proud that he was learning from his hyung, and starting to act like him. But Yoongi didn't want that. Not at all. He wanted the younger to remain his innocent, precious little self. But he was more than aware of the fact that he was just not a good influence. 

Not for people like Jimin. He looked to Jimin's red chin. "Was I too harsh?" He kissed his chin before lying fully down. "Hyung?" "I thought you fell asleep." "Not fully." Jimin opened his eyes just slightly, turning around to cuddle up to Yoongi's body. 

"I love you." 

Yoongi smiled a genuine smile. Too bad Jimin couldn't see it. He leaned down to kiss the younger's forehead. 

"I love you too," he whispered in his ear. 

"Weally?" Jimin mumbled on his chest. "Really." And with that Jimin fell asleep, Yoongi following a few minutes after. 

The next morning, Yoongi woke up to a teenage boy whispering in his ear. "Hyung." "Hm?" "I'm gonna go now." He looked to the clock. "It's 05.30am." Jimin nodded even though Yoongi couldn't see him in the dark. "I have to get home before I go to school. I'm gonna walk so, see you later." 

"Bye, love you." Jimin grinned at his boyfriend's words before leaning down to peck his cheek. "Love you too." Yoongi pecked his lips. When Jimin was home, it was around 6am. He pulled out his keys and spent the next hour and a half, getting ready for school. He unlocked his bicycle and rode to school. 

Since he was there a little early, Jimin decided to use the remaining time to read through the notes that he took yesterday. It was important to him that he got an A on this test just like any other. 

If not, my parents would have nothing to be proud of me for.

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