Chapter 05

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Chapter 05

"Don't be mad at me hyung." Yoongi stared at the boy who sat besides him. Black fluffy messed up hair, tear stained chubby cheeks. Yoongi looked away. "This is hard for me, you need to understand that hyung." Yoongi nodded. 

"I guess I forget you're only sixteen." Jimin took Yoongi's hand. "Bed?" "You wanna go to bed now?" Jimin nodded. "With you." Yoongi gently grabbed Jimin's chin. "I'm not gonna be your little teenage experiment baby. Either you like it, or you don't. I don't want any of the drama." Jimin looked away. 

"Yoongi- don't you understand that all my life...I've been taught that this is wrong. That I'm supposed to find a cute girl, marry her and have children. But then you came a long. It's only been three days and you're already ruining everything." "Don't blame me..." Yoongi took a few slow steps, and Jimin went backwards. Until his back hit a wall. 

"You liked it?" Yoongi leaned closer to Jimin. He left small pecks all over Jimin's neck. "I liked it..." "Then stop complaining." Yoongi lifted his head again and looked Jimin directly into his eyes. "No one has to know Jimin-ah." "B-but...I'll end up in-" "We'll be in hell together then." Jimin's eyes focused on the floor, until Yoongi intertwined their fingers, making him look at his intense gaze once again. 

"Okay," he whispered. Yoongi smirked before wrapping his arms around Jimin's waist. "Don't hold back this time," he mumbled before closing the gap between their lips once again. Jimin was quick to respond, the older had noticed that. "Mm, you learn quickly baby." Jimin giggled into the kiss. "Jump," Yoongi ordered when he had his hands around Jimin's thighs. Jimin wrapped his legs around Yoongi's hips.

"Has anyone ever told you what a nice ass you have?" "N-no." "Well you have a very nice ass." Yoongi resisted the urge to throw Jimin on his bed, and instead placed him down a bit more on the gentle side. "Tha-thanks?" "Don't be afraid to use your tongue," Yoongi panted. "I don't kn-know how to do that." "I'll teach you." Jimin gasped. 

"What?" "Does that mean I'm technically not lying to my parents?" "Hm?" "I'm studying." "Studying my mouth, hm?" Jimin nodded. Yoongi then made sure to use his tongue in the kiss that happened next, and Jimin tried to focus on his moves. "Now do to it me." Jimin nodded eagerly before leaning it, however, the boy quickly stopped himself. 

"I've never kissed anyone." Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows. "Haven't we been making out for a while now? Or am I dreaming?" Jimin shook his head. "You've been kissing me, and we've been kissing ea-each other, but..." "Well time to make your first move, pretty boy." Yoongi leaned back, his head resting on the headboard with a small smirk on his lips. 

The boy moved to sit on Yoongi's lap. Yoongi's smirk only grew, as he placed his hands on Jimin's lower back. "I'm waiting," he whispered in a low voice. Jimin leaned in before he would change his mind and regret everything. 

"Mmmm, I don't believe you haven't done anything like this before," Yoongi commented. "I promise I haven't." "Well you sure are good at it." Yoongi placed his hands on Jimin's hips as they continued to kiss each other. 

Jimin felt...weird. He liked this, but at the same time he hated it. He liked how it felt. Yoongi's lips and his rough hands. But he knew it was wrong. I shouldn't be doing this. Jimin couldn't recognize himself as Jimin opened his eyes and saw his reflection in the mirror besides Yoongi's bed. Yoongi had moved onto kiss Jimin's neck. 

The teenager tangled his fingers up in Yoongi's kind of long, soft black hair. His mouth was open and he was breathing heavily. Jimin shut his eyes, hoping that when he opened them again, everything would be over. Hoping that everything was just a dream. But when he opened his eyes again, he had to deal with reality. 

Jimin saw himself widen his eyes when he felt Yoongi undo his belt. "No, no- hyung stop-ah. Yoongi stop-" "Damnit Jimin!" Jimin shook from the older's sudden outburst. "You can't just make me horny and then tell me you don't wanna do something about it." Jimin went quiet. "Um...what does horny mean?" Yoongi chuckled. 

Not at Jimin. But at himself. He nodded to himself, Jimin had no idea what was going through his mind. "Perhaps you're too young and innocent for me." Jimin shook his head. "No- hyung. I-I'm just not ready for...that kind of stuff. But I can do other stuff!" Yoongi huffed. "Like what, hm?" The boy went quiet. 

"Kiss?" "Kissing won't satisfy my hard di-" "Okay, okay!" Jimin looked to Yoongi's crouch. But then he shook his head. He shook his head as he tried to get off Yoongi. "I can't." "I'm sorry, I just ca-" "It's okay." Jimin looked Yoongi in the eyes again. "It is?" He nodded. "Of course. I'm not gonna force you into anything." 

"Lay down." Jimin nodded before slowly making his way back to the bed. He sat down besides Yoongi this time. "You must be tired now, hm baby?" Jimin nodded as Yoongi caressed his cheek. "Go to sleep." "Are you mad again?" Yoongi shook his head. "It's okay if you're not ready. You're still a kid." 

"I'm not a kid!" Jimin pouted and crossed his arms. "Sure." "I'm not!" "I said sure!" Yoongi pointed towards his closet. "Get some sweatpants, and a sweater." Jimin did just that. However, he ran to the bathroom to change. Yoongi chuckled before lying down. He looked down to his crotch. 

"Damn you Jimin for blue balling me," he sighed. "Hell no, I ain't gonna deal with the pain." Yoongi went to the second bathroom where he...finished what Jimin couldn't. Jimin shrugged when he saw that Yoongi was gone. He lied down on the bed and turned on his alarm for 6am. His parents wake up at 7:30am every morning. 

This should be enough time...god, look at you Park Jimin. 

Jimin stuck out his tongue at himself as he looked at his reflection in the mirror, before he pulled the blanket over himself. When Yoongi came back, he got a cigarette out of the box from his jacket and lighted it. Jimin peeked up from the blanket. "If you're gonna keep hanging out with me, then get used to the smell." 

"Fine hyung, I'll get used to it." "Good boy." 

Yoongi laid down, cigarette still in his mouth. Jimin stared at Yoongi for a few seconds before cuddling into his side. Yoongi had to admit, he was slightly surprised. Yoongi kissed his cheek and the boy soon fell asleep. Yoongi put out his cigarette after a few minutes. 

Jimin cuddled further into Yoongi when he turned off the light, and the older wrapped his arms around him as well. He played with his hair gently, as he massaged his forehead. Jimin had laid his head on Yoongi's chest by now. "I'm sorry," he whispered, even though he could tell that Jimin was asleep. 

"But I'll be the one to ruin you. And I think you already know that."

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