Chapter 54

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Chapter 54

Jimin stared at the door boredly. He went home from Taehyung's place at around 10pm. He purposely decided to use the way through Yoongi's shop instead of the front door to his apartment, just to see him. But Yoongi only gave Jimin a peck on his cheek, because he didn't have time for more than that. 

He stared at Yoongi's kitchen. He was hungry but he didn't want to make anything himself. He couldn't. The boy knew how to make ramen and that was it. He wasn't even that hungry. So he turned around and laid himself onto the couch, turning on the tv. 

He wanted to sleep, but now that he had Yoongi with him again, he never wanted to go one night without the man. He needed the milk to sleep, especially when he couldn't have Yoongi. He forced himself to stand up after ten minutes and stared at the milk. 

"Do I use a pan or a pot?" He had no idea. He turned to the thing that looked like a mix between a pan and a pot, what he had seen Yoongi use. When the milk started to boil, he figured it was warm enough, so he turned it off and put it in a mug. He took a sip. It wasn't the same. Why is this clumpy? It's not sweet enough either.

 Jimin wanted to cry. With a depressed look on his face, he put it back on the counter and went back to the couch where he cried. "Yoongi..." he whined out loud. Jungkook opened the door to hear a crying Jimin. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion before finding the cute boy crying on the couch. 

"Jimin-ah, what's wrong?" He sat besides Jimin and rubbed his shoulder. "I wa-want Yoongi," he mumbled. "I can't make fo-food and my milk doesn't taste as good as his and I d-don't know what to do- why did he leave me a-again-" "Jimin-ah," Jungkook cooed. 

"Yoongi didn't leave you, he's just working for the night. I got off two hours earlier, I can make you some food and warm milk, would you like that?" he ran his fingers through Jimin's silky hair, in a comforting way. 

"Do-do you know how to?" he sniffled. "Sure. I do it for Taehyung all the time." Jimin sat up, wiping his tears. "Taehyung misses you. And he's sorry. But he says that his family won't get in the way once school starts." Jungkook gave a small smile to the boy. 

"I know..." Jungkook got up and Jimin followed him. "Food first, milk afterwards." Jimin nodded. "What do you want?" He only shrugged. Jungkook spend a while looking through Yoongi's kitchen to decide on what to make. "Seafood salad? with some bread as well." "Sounds good." Jungkook proceeded to cook. 

"No offence, but why are you even here?" The younger asked. "Now that I'm done with college, I have nowhere to stay so I'll be staying here until I find a place. I'll probably just move in with Hoseok anyways. I need to talk to him first though." Jimin nodded. "You okay with me staying here for a few days?" 

"Of course, why wouldn't I be?" Jungkook shrugged, dumping the shrimp onto the now warm pan. "You two just got together and maybe you don't need another grown man to live here." Jimin giggled. "You think you intimidate me?" Jungkook turned around to look at the boy with a raised eyebrow. 

"I don't intimidate you?" "My boyfriend is Min Yoongi. I'm pretty used to people like You by now." Jungkook nodded. "Fair enough," he spoke. "Hey, what do you mean people like us?" Jimin giggled before standing next to Jungkook, looking at his knife skills as he was cutting up the salad and vegetables. 

"The Wiheom street kind of people." "What a cheap way of describing us." Jimin nodded, agreeing. "Besides having to see Taehyung a bit less in this vacation, how are You three in your poly relationship doing?" Jungkook gave a small smile, looking down at Jimin. 

"We're good," he ruffled Jimin's hair, letting his arm slide down and wrap itself around Jimin's waist. "Taehyung's a spoiled one isn't he?" Jimin asked. Jungkook nodded with a chuckle escaping his lips. "I wonder how nice it feels to be dominated by two men at the same time." Jungkook pinched his side. 

"Like one Yoongi doesn't feel like five men in reality." 

"True," Jimin giggled. "Look, you're smiling again," he said. Jimin thanked him. "You know...Yoongi's gonna kill me if I tell you this, but you're not the only one who's miserable when You're apart." "What?" 

Jimin questioned whatever he was talking about, sitting on the counter besides the food. "You have no idea how much he cried on his pillow, wishing you were there after You broke up. He was broken, I had never seen him so depressed." Jimin frowned.

"But it's okay, because you're together again," he gently caressed Jimin's cheek, making the frown on his face go away. The food was ready and the two sat down by the breakfast table and ate in a comfortable silence. Jimin helped with cleaning up as Jungkook continued to make the milk. But he had Jimin watch it. 

"And then you put in a very small tea spoon of honey." Jimin gasped. "And when it starts boiling, you turn it off." "That's what I did!" "Just listen." Jungkook grabbed a small sieve. "To make the weird clumpy stuff go away after boiling milk, you use the sieve." 

"Do you use mugs or do you have a baby bottle?" 

Jimin choked on air. "Wha-what?" "A baby bottle," Jungkook spoke cluelessly. 

"I-I don't-I don't-" "Oh." "I just thought you-" "No..." Jungkook awkwardly nodded before putting the warm milk in a mug. 

"Do-does um...does Taehyung do that?" Jungkook nodded. "He says it's comforting." Jimin furrowed his eyebrows. "Isn't it...weird?" Jungkook only shook his head. 

"Besides, you can lie down with the bottle. You can't lie down with that mug, isn't it annoying?" "...I-I guess." "You can ask Taehyung about it later." Jimin only nodded, feeling weird about what just happened. About the new information. He was going to talk to Taehyung about this later. 

Jimin snapped his head to the door when Jungkook handed him the mug. In came a tired looking Yoongi. Jimin carefully ran to Yoongi, not wanting to spill anything. He wrapped his free arm around Yoongi and hugged him. 

"Still awake Minie?" Jimin nodded against his chest. "I couldn't sleep without you, and I couldn't make the milk- but hyung made it for me, look!" Yoongi smiled, running a hand through his hair. "Have you eaten anything?" He nodded. 

"Hyung made me Seafood salad." "Okay," he rubbed his chin. "Why don't you go into our room and finish your milk and I'll be with you in a second." Jimin nodded before walking away. "Thank you," Yoongi patted Jungkook's shoulder before yawning. Jungkook let out a hum. "You know, he was crying." "Why?" Jungkook shrugged. 

"I guess he just felt very helpless. And he felt like you had left him again." Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows. He was just gone for one night. "I know. It's not normal. Your relationship isn't normal, but I guess I shouldn't be talking." Yoongi huffed. 

"Yeah, well. It works for us. Like yours works for you." Jungkook nodded. 

"Also...if he begins to drink milk out of baby bottles, it's not my fault." 


"Goodnight hyung." 

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