Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

"She's disgusted by me. I don't blame her. I am disgusting. Pass me the whisky will you?" Yoongi huffed at him. 

"Like I'm letting you drink my whisky." "I'm in pain here!" Yoongi nodded before sitting down besides Jimin who was lying on his couch. "She was going to leave me...but then she told me to leave instead...why? All I did was find a person who makes me happy...what's so bad about that? I love someone...why does loving you have to ruin my family." Yoongi nodded as he looked at the floor. 

"I'm sorry," he mumbled. Jimin shook his head. "I didn't mean it like that. It's not your's just...I don't know." 

Meanwhile, Jihyun was beyond mad at his mother. "How could you kick him out?!" "Why do you think?!" Their shouting filled up the once happy home. It wasn't even a home anymore. "He's a baby! And you told him to go live with his boyfriend? Don't you think he needs his parents? He turned seventeen in fall!" 

She shook her head. "Don't you dare make me feel guilty...I've been through enough." Jihyun huffed. "You have been through enough? Your husband cheated on you, and now you're getting divorced. That's what's happening. Jimin has been forced into being your perfect angel until he had to live under this roof listening to his parents yell at each other as he watched his family fall apart all because of his jerk of a dad. 

And then he finds someone who he loves, and someone who loves him, something that finally makes him happy, and you kick him out for that?! You wouldn't even let the poor boy dance, or go out with his friends. Do you think he was happy before?" 

She only shook her head. Jihyun told her things she didn't know how to react to. "Do you think I was?" "Well you could have done something about that. Yoongi's been there for him, more than you have. Just because you're sad doesn't mean you had to break Jimin to. You should have done the opposite. You should've been there for him."

 And with that, he left. 

He couldn't look at his mother anymore. It was totally okay for her not to be okay, or to accept Jimin or people who were anything but straight. But to be disrespectful about it, and actually throw your teenage son out, leaving him heartbroken, was something Jihyun couldn't forgive. 

Jimin couldn't cry anymore. 

He just stared at things now. Never had he felt more empty. His teachers were worried about him, so was his friends. Yoongi had told them was happened, but Jimin wouldn't speak to them about it. He didn't respond to Yoongi's touches very much, he didn't respond to much at all. Yoongi sighed. 

" feels like I've been kissing a wall for like a month now." 

"I'm sorry," Jimin looked down at the bed sheets that they were sitting on. "It's christmas eve tomorrow." Jimin didn't say anything. "Do you want to come to Daegu with me tomorrow? To my parent's place and celebrate christmas with my family?" Jimin shook his head. "You go...just let me be here." 

"Jimin you can't act like a ghost for the rest of your life so-" "Why the fuck not?!" Jimin snapped. "Just leave me alone!" Yoongi grabbed Jimin's chin harshly as he was about to lash out at him, but he managed to stop himself. 

"You're gonna shut up, and do as I say." Jimin didn't protest. "Go to bed. You haven't slept in two days. Tomorrow, we're going to Daegu. Okay?" Jimin nodded as tears filled his eyes. He got under the covers, and curled into a ball.

 Yoongi went to the balcony, he wanted to smoke. He came back a few minutes later, laid down and decided to cuddle Jimin, even though he told Yoongi to leave, they both knew he needed it. 

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