Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

"Hyung stop." "Stay out of this Jimin." Jimin furrowed his eyebrows. "This is about me hyung. Not you. Don't you think I'm scared? Don't you think I'm pissed? Of course I am. But they're not worth it." 

Jimin held the man back from attacking the guys who touched him. "Go," Minho spoke. Jackson and his friends raised an eyebrow at Minho. "You can't make us leave Wiheom street," the blonde huffed. 

"Fine. I'm sure you'll leave on your own eventually." Everyone was beyond angry at what they did to Jimin. You can look at the boy, but you do not touch Yoongi's boyfriend. If it was someone who wasn't that well known, people might not have cared, but Yoongi was respected there. And going after his boyfriend was low. Too low. Even for them. 

Yoongi glared at them as they went back to wherever. He held Jimin tightly into his side as they went past them. Jimin liked that he showed possiveness. He knew Yoongi loved him, but that was it. They never really talked about their feelings for each other, at least Yoongi didn't. And Jimin was sure that the older didn't want to. 

He just didn't seem like the type.

 Come. I'll drive you home." Yoongi grabbed Jimin's wrist and found his car. "Hyung..." Jimin noticed the distressed look on Yoongi's face when he drove. "What's wrong?" "..." "Hyung!" "It's my fault Jimin-ah." Jimin put a hand on Yoongi's thigh as he traced flowers on his jeans to calm him down. 

"It's not." Yoongi only shook his head. "I want you to dye your hair back to black, take out your earrings, quit smoking and drinking, and I want you to wear the clothes you did before." Jimin sighed. 

"Hyung...that's not gonna fix anything. Sure it was a scary experience, but I'm fine. I like being like this. I wasn't happy before hyung...I wasn't myself...You've helped me, so don't make me go back to that...boy I was before. It's still me. The same as before. Just a bit different." Yoongi parked in front of Jimin's house. He took Jimin's hand and intertwined it with his. "I love you. I don't tell you that enough. And I know you didn't do anything with Taemin either...he's just testing you, Minho and him are always like that." Jimin gave a small smile. 

"I love you too." "Are you really happy?" Jimin shook his head. "But I am when I'm with friends too. It's really just because of my family...well, my dad for the most part." "Don't let him keep you from being happy." Jimin nodded, before sighing. "I wish I could tell my mom about you...and I wish she would accept it." 

"Jimin you can't expect everyone to be okay with you being with someone who's eight years older when you're still a teenager." Jimin shook his head. "I'm not talking about age, I'm talking about gender." "Right." "I mean sure, if you were a boy my age it wouldn't be as bad as a man like...eight years older. But still bad." 

"I get it. But can't live like this forever. One day you would have to tell her. Might as well do it now." The younger shook his head. "Not now. She's getting divorced, it would be way too much. I can't do that to her." Yoongi shrugged. "Once she's healed from the divorce you can tell her then..." Jimin nodded as he looked down. 

There may be awhile until he had to tell her, but he still felt nervous. "The worst thing she could do is kick you out. Which wouldn't be that bad, because then you have an excuse to live with me," Yoongi smiled. Jimin grinned. 

"You want that?" He nodded. "One day, we'll live together," he kissed Jimin's small fingers. It made Jimin's heart flutter and he couldn't help but just stare at Yoongi with the biggest smile ever. "You coming?" Jimin nodded towards his house. Yoongi nodded. "I'm surprised you haven't freaked out about missing a day from school."

Jimin stopped in his tracks, eyes widened as realization hit him. Yoongi rolled his eyes. "It's fine, one day won't get you killed." Jimin whined as Yoongi lead him to the front door where the younger got out his keys and unlocked it. 

"You hungry? You probably haven't eaten anything all day." Jimin nodded. Yoongi found the kitchen and looked through basically everything. "What have you eaten these couple days your mom has been gone?" 


Yoongi gave him a concerning look. "I can cook, I've just been lazy." Yoongi shook his head. "I'm making... Rice, wok fried vegetables with chicken...and shrimp. Extra vegetables because you haven't been eating those." Jimin rolled his eyes. "Okay dad." "About that..." "What?" "You have any kinks?" Yoongi spoke as he started the dinner. Jimin tilted his head in confusion. "Fetishes?" 

"Oh...Taehyung told me about those...wait, how does that have anything to do with what I said?" Yoongi smirked as he put the vegetables, shrimp and chicken on a pan. "The nickname." Jimin furrowed his eyebrows. 


The older couldn't help but laugh at Jimin's confused look. 


Jimin blushed as he looked down. Yoongi grinned as he lifted Jimin and placed him on the counter, besides the stove. He put his arms around his small waist and kissed the younger's plump lips that he found himself addicted to. 

"I could call you that..." Jimin mumbled on his lips, before Yoongi rested his forehead on his. "Really? You don't find it weird?" "No...but on one condition." "Mhm." "Call me baby boy more often," Jimin spoke lowly, with an embarrassed smile on his lips. 

"What was that?" "You heard me," Jimin giggled before hitting Yoongi's chest jokingly. "Any others?" "Hm..." Yoongi leaned away from Jimin as he thought it over. "Spanking?" Jimin noticed the devilish grin on his face. 

"Yeah, I've noticed," Jimin almost snorted. "I don't have a red handprint on my ass all the time for nothing." Yoongi chuckled, before going back to cooking. Jimin was in a peaceful state, as he stared at his legs rocking back and forth with a small smile on his lips. It continued until the door rang. Jimin looked up. 

Who could it be? 

He jumped off the counter and went to the front door. "Dad?" "Hey...I heard your mom left you...just wanted to check in." Jimin huffed. "She didn't leave me, I told her to take a short break and she did. Didn't you know you cared enough to come by." The man shook his head. "Still acting like a brat?" 

"Well, it's your fault," Jimin shrugged. He disagreed though. According to him, it was Jimin's mother's fault, and Jimin was well aware of the thoughts inside of his father's head. "Jimin?! Who is it?" Mr. Park furrowed his eyebrows. 

"Who's that?" Jimin went blank for a couple seconds, staring at his dad with his mouth closed. 

"A friend." 

He nodded. "Well, I'm also here to get some things I forgot." "Of course you didn't really come here to see how I was doing," Jimin gave a sarcastic smile, having no effect on his dad as he opened the door wider. Instead of going upstairs to get his things though, he went into the kitchen first. Yoongi looked up from the stove when Mr. Park cleared his throat. 

" is my dad. He's just here to pick up some stuff." "Oh..." Yoongi bowed. "I'm Yoongi. Nice to meet you sir." Who's this, clearly much older than my son, tattooed and pierced up punk? 

He just nodded at Yoongi with furrowed eyebrows before leaving to go upstairs. Jimin showed a face of mental pain to Yoongi before walking to him to receive a hug. "Only one parent to go now, hm?" "No," Jimin whined, letting go of the hug but still keeping his arms around Yoongi's torso. 

"He knows your name and what you look like, and now he'll tell my mom! And if my mom finds out, she's not-" "'s okay Jimin-ah," Yoongi put a hand on Jimin's chin, making the smaller look up. "No matter what. Everything will turn out fine, and I'll never leave you. Okay?" Jimin nodded. 

"Good," the raven haired man whispered before leaning in to kiss Jimin once again, already missing the sweet taste of his pink lips.

 But he moment was ruined as the two males jumped in shock when the front door smacked closed. 

"...H-He sa-saw us?" 


Oh shizzle

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