Chapter 46

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Chapter 46

One year later

"I got in!" Jimin screamed, smacking his laptop close before tackling Seokjin in a hug. "I told you. Why would Korea national university of arts, not want you?" Jimin grinned before letting go of him. 

"How am I going to tell Hyunwoo this?" Jimin's expression suddenly turned into a panicked on. "Why do you care about what your stupid boyfriend thinks?" Seokjin spoke with sass before refilling his cup of tea. 

"Come on hyung..." Seokjin shook his head. "How's your rib?" He lifted Jimin's shirt to show a blue bruise. "It's healing fine, don't worry," he mumbled, going back to his computer. "What excuse did you tell the hospital this time?" 

"...that I fell down the stairs." 

Seokjin rolled his eyes right before Taehyung entered the apartment. Seokjin and Namjoon's apartment that is. "You got in?!" Jimin nodded. He would celebrate with them, but he got a text from a special someone...and he couldn't say no to him. 

"I have to go, Hyunwoo texted." Taehyung rolled his eyes before waving him off. "Have the police's number ready." Jimin ignored their comments as he went out of the apartment, and made his way to Wiheom street. 

He got out a cigarette and put his headphones on. 

Hyunwoo immediately opened the door when he heard the first knock. "Where the fuck were you?" "...Just at Seokjin's." He opened the door wider, and Jimin went in. "You're spending quite a lot of time there lately." Jimin turned around to face him. 

"I-I'll stop seeing them as much, if you want me to." He nodded before he cupped Jimin's cheeks and kissed him. "I get home late from a party tonight. I want you to be ready on my bed when I come home, got that?" Jimin nodded before they kissed again. 

"Good." "Mmm," Jimin hummed into the kiss. "Don't stay out too long though, I'll miss you." Hyunwoo smirked. "Good. I was worried you started to drift away from me because of that stupid dance thing." 

"About that..." Jimin grabbed his hands. "I got into...the national university of arts..." "What?" Jimin winced when Hyunwoo pressed a hand into the bruise on his stomach, well aware that it wasn't healed yet. 

"B-but I'll still see you every single day!" He shook his head. "No." "But Hyun-" "I said no!" Jimin felt a sting across his cheek. But he was used to it by now. "You don't fucking argue with me, you know that. I said no, that's final. Now shut the fuck or do you want a more clear answer? Hm?" Jimin shook his head. 

"I-I'm sor-sorry." 

He nodded. "You can apologize tonight baby...actually, why don't you come with me to the party?" "You want me to come?" He nodded. Normally he wouldn't like Jimin coming with him, because cheating on him is easier when he's not there. "There's plenty of space, we can surely find a bedroom there." Jimin just nodded. It wasn't like he had any say in this. 

"Get ready. And look hot."


 "Fuck, Jimin-ah!" Jimin's loud moans and the other guy's loud groans could be heard from outside the door, but no one cared since they weren't the only ones anyways. Besides, the party was downstairs, along with the loud music that probably would make everyone go half deaf for a day. 

Namjoon laughed with Yoongi by his side as they went upstairs to go the bathroom. 

"Man, you're already smashed," Yoongi chuckled at Namjoon who only shook his head. "What? No. Seokjin would kill me." Yoongi laughed before he froze. "What? Come on, at least they closed the door," Namjoon spoke before opening the door to the bathroom, but Yoongi stopped him before he could go in. 

"It just..." "Hm?" "Sounds a lot like Jimin..." Namjoon raised an eyebrow and the older just decided to shake the feeling off. 

About ten minutes later and Hyunwoo was finally done. "God, I love your body." 

Jimin panted as he tried to calm down from the state that Hyunwoo just had put him in. He leaned down to kiss Jimin's lips, which turned into another wet and messy make out session. "Put on your clothes, let's get drunk baby." 

"I thought you already were." "Yeah well...not that drunk." Jimin nodded before standing up. "Wait-wait." He got out his phone and took a few pictures of the boy, despite his protests. "It's okay baby, it's just for my eyes only." The two stumbled downstairs where Hyunwoo immediately found the drinks. It didn't take long before he had cornered Jimin up against a wall once again, making out with him. 

"I-I need to go the bathroom," he came up with an excuse as he felt him start touching him again. "No you don't." He mumbled on his skin before licking it. "I-I do-" Hyunwoo put pressure on Jimin's bruise once again making the boy whimper. "Shut the fuck up Jimin and let me do you here..." 

"But we just- and we're in public-ah!" He grabbed Jimin's hair in tight fist. "Please- Hyunwoo, not here." And a hand on Jimin's throat. "You trying to order me around hm?" Jimin croaked out a 'No.' "No?" He shook his head as well as he could. He didn't feel air back in his lungs before he saw Hyunwoo on the ground, and a familiar person kicking his stomach. 

Jimin widened his eyes as he coughed, looking at him. He shook his head as he walked out as fast as he could be didn't get very far before he felt someone grabbing his arm. 

"DON'T!" Jimin spoke harshly and loudly as he turned around. 

Yoongi. Oh Yoongi. "What the fuck are you doing here?" Yoongi shouted over the loud music. "I don't need to answer you!" Jimin spat before walking out the front door. But Yoongi grabbed him again and pulled him to the sidewalk, further away from the drunk people and the loud noise coming from the house.

Yoongi didn't say anything he just furrowed his eyebrows. 

"Wha-what were you doing with Hyunwoo?" "Why do you care, we haven't spoken in a year." "You- answer me." "He's my boyfriend," Jimin shrugged, looking at Yoongi to see his reaction. 

"HYUNWOO?! I let you go to have the good fucking life you deserve, not to be with some guy who's at least a thousand times worse than me!" Jimin was beyond mad. How could Yoongi just talk to him like that after a year of...nothing? Who did the think he was? 

"You dare to judge the people I'm with? Really? After a fucking year of no communication?" Yoongi nodded. "Yeah, pretty much." Jimin had no idea what to say next. So he just said whatever. "Well, fuck you!" 

"You-" "You don't have the right to get mad at me you old-" "You just did it with a thirty year old, and you wanna call me an insult that starts with 'old'?" Jimin furrowed his eyebrows. How did Yoongi know that? 

"You don't think I would regoicnice your moans?" Jimin's face grew red. A group of people passed by them, and of course one of them had to brush the slow healing bruise on Jimin's stomach. Now, Yoongi knew that Jimin always had been a whiny kid who was fairly extra when it came to pain, but this was a bit too far-fetched. 

Yoongi lifted up Jimin's shirt, making the boy jump away from him. It's not like he didn't already know. Jimin had a few bruises on his arms too that Yoongi could make out in the dark. He sighed before shaking his head. 

"Jimin this not what I wanted..." Jimin stared at the ground. "I missed you," he mumbled in a small voice. Yoongi gave a small smile, softening up. "Does he know where you live?" "Of course, he's my boyfriend." Oh how Yoongi hated it when Jimin called him that. 

"Come with me then." "Woah," Jimin huffed. "What?" Jimin stared at him with disbelief. "You really think I wanna be with you?" "What you want, matters a little less than your wellbeing. He's probably gonna show up at your apartment, so come with me. We'll figure it out." Jimin rolled his eyes. 

"You haven't changed one bit." 

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