Chapter 49

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Chapter 49

"Are they back together?" One whispered to the other. "I don't know, I thought Jimin was with Hyunwoo?" "I feel so bad for Hyunwoo right now." Yoongi finished his cigarette and so did Jimin before the two went into the small restaurant. 

"Yoongi! Brother...what's up?" Jimin watched the two do some manly handshake before the chef turned to Jimin. "Is the iconic duo back?" Neither of them answered. "Two bowls of ramen and a plate of Tempura please." "Yes sir," he jokingly spoke before going back to the kitchen. "Drinks?" he asked before entering the kitchen. 

"Green tea please." He nodded, actually going back to the kitchen this time. "I wanted beer Yoongi," Jimin pouted. Yoongi was surprised. The only alcoholic drinks Jimin really liked was the pink kinds that tasted like strawberry. 

"You like beer now?" Jimin nodded. "Well you don't drink beer with Japanese food like this. Green tea suits what we've ordered." "You always have to be right," Jimin mumbled. "I notice you smoke more too," Yoongi commented when they sat down. 

"Yeah well...Hyunwoo made me smoke more and now I'm used to it." He wanted to tell Jimin to not smoke more than once a day, but he wouldn't want the boy to start thinking that he was already getting controlling again. 

And honestly, even though Yoongi said he would take care of him, he didn't have the right to do so. But to Yoongi, Jimin wasn't with him and then just suddenly...wasn't. No, Jimin has always been his. 

This year as much as the one before. 

Their food soon came, and Jimin didn't waste a second, taking his chopsticks and going at the hot bowl of ramen in front of him with some Tempura as well. "When was the last you had a proper meal?" 

"About a year ago," he shrugged before continuing to eat. Yoongi looked at him with concern. 

"How is the food?" "...Great. Can we get a bowl of Gyudon and miso soup?" The waitress nodded her head before making her way to the kitchen. "Wow Yoongs, are you really that hungry? You haven't even eaten your ramen or tempura yet." Yoongi gave him a weird look. 

"Okay first of all, don't call me Yoongs. And it's hyung to you. Second, it's not for me." Jimin wiped his mouth, before staring at him with big eyes. "Why?" "Because you're already finished." Jimin looked down at his empty bowl and plate before blushing. 

"I'm sorry..." Yoongi chuckled before he began to eat again. Jimin's food came within five minutes and he perked up at the sight. "Thank you," he sang at the waitress before eating. Slower this time. 

The two finished their food and much to Jimin's dismay, a special someone was right outside of the shop. However, Yoongi was rather glad by the situation actually. If he confronted and exposed him in public, right in the middle of Wiheom street, he would be out of their lives forever. No one would let him stay there without making his life a living hell, if they had hurt a person that Yoongi cared about so much. 

His ex boyfriend, but for everyone else, of course it seemed like they were back together. It reminded him of the Jackson situation. Hyunwoo's face grew red as he saw them together. "You!" He spat. Yoongi sighed. 

What an idiot.

 Yoongi slapped his hand away when he tried to reach out for Jimin. People were already interested in what was going on. "You hand Jimin back over to me. Right. Now. You had your turn, but he doesn't belong to you anymore." 

"Hobi?!" Jungkook shouted. "Yeah?!" "Look!" Hoseok walked to their balcony where Jungkook was pointing to the scene going on. "Since when did they get back together?" Jungkook shrugged. 

"Jimin never stopped being mine and you need to get that into your thick head," he spoke. "Don't you think I know what you've done to him? Tell me, do you want me to call the police on you?" "What did he do to Jimin?" A girl whispered to another. 

"I think we all knew he was abusive." Whispers around them continued and it drove Hyunwoo mad. "What's going on?" Minho suddenly appeared. "Is it true? You hurt Jimin?" he furrowed his eyebrows, looking at Hyunwoo. 

"Yoongi's Jimin?" Taemin appeared behind them, putting a hand on his Jimin's shaking shoulder. Sure Jimin had been in Wiheom street quite a lot the past year. Especially since Hyunwoo lived there. 

But he didn't get to hang out with Minho and Taemin and the other guys that Yoongi were closer with, because Hyunwoo just didn't like them. He was closer to the really bad people in this street. The ones that made this street rated the most crimes in Seoul. And he had missed Yoongi's friends a lot. 

"He-hey, he was mine! I co-could do what I wanted t-" "Seems like he's with Yoongi now, doesn't it?" Hyunwoo eyed Yoongi's tight grip around Jimin's waist. The teenager just stared at him with a small frown on his face. Now that Yoongi was here, he just wanted Hyunwoo gone. He realised he kind of sounded like a bitch, but who could blame him? "You have 10 minutes to pack your things and get out of here." 

"But Minh-" "Now." 

Hyunwoo watched as everyone looked at him with angry glares and betrayed looks on their face. Everyone on Wiheom street loved Jimin weather or not he was Yoongi's boyfriend. He was just different from everyone there and how could one not love his adorable face and cute personality? Jimin was always known as Yoongi's. 

No one liked the thought of him being with Hyunwoo ever since they got together. He let out a big huff before entering the apartment building behind him. "You okay?" Minho patted Jimin's back when he nodded his head. 

"Thank you," Jimin mumbled to Yoongi as they left. "Of course. What do you say we forget about him and buy some cake for you now?" Jimin let out a breathy laugh, not being able to giggle much at the moment. 

"That would be nice." Yoongi bought the bunch of cakes that used to and went back up to his apartment with Jimin trailing behind him. "What's up? You seem upset." Yoongi commented when he opened the door to his place. 

"I just ended things with my boyfriend and kind of ruined his life, of course I'm upset. We were together for a year you know?" The older furrowed his eyebrows before kicking off his shoes. "Why? He's an ass." 

He put the cakes on the coffee table and Jimin sat on the floor like he used to do. "Yeah, but I kind of loved him. He wasn't a jerk all the time you know?" Yoongi shook his head. "Just because he's nice sometimes, doesn't mean he's not pure evil as well in those moments. You only loved him because he made you feel less alone." 

Jimin shrugged. 

"I guess," he yawned before rubbing his eyes. "Tired?" Jimin nodded. Yoongi wanted Jimin close to him. He wanted him to lean on him as he always used to whenever he was tired, but it was a bit too soon. Not for Yoongi but for Jimin. 

But still, Yoongi leaned his back against the couch as he sat on the floor, he spread his legs and patted the space in between, telling Jimin to sit there. "Come on Jiminie. It's okay, don't you think?" Jimin stared at him for a moment before getting up. 

He sat down and rested his back on Yoongi's chest as well as his head. "Put a movie on," Jimin said and Yoongi grabbed the remote. 

"Eat your cake." 

"Don't have to say that twice."  

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