Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

"Just a friend," he shrugged. She nodded. "You don't have to tell me about him, just let me know when you're with him. Don't use Taehyung in all of your lies." "I'm sorry..." Jimin held the pillow to his chest tighter. 

"I don't mean to make you worry about me." She shook her head. "Jimin. I'm your mother, of course I'm worried about you. You go out more, you died your hair, you pierced your ear and you smoke..." Jimin only felt more guilty as he watched her mom speak with concern. "So many things I've always tried to keep you away from." 

"But why mom? Studying in your room all day, and being forced to go to church...that's no life for a teenager." "You used to be content with that." Jimin shook his head. 

"I was content with that, because I didn't know any never let me go outside in the city or explore different kinds of people and places even on social media. I was content. Not happy." She wiped her tears. 

"And what happened? It got worse when your father..." "I met someone who showed me that there's more to life than doing math homework and going to church." She huffed. "And that's smoking?" Jimin shook his head. 

"I don't even like smoking. Besides it's not about that. It's called having fun mom. I would like to see you try that." "Having fun?" Jimin nodded. "I think you need a should leave...for a getaway." Jimin's mother frowned. 

"Are you just trying to get rid of me?" Jimin laughed a bit before shaking his head. "I can't imagine how much stress you're going through. Dad's a jerk." She gave a sad smile before nodding. "I can't leave you here alone though. Especially not when you're in this rebellious teenage phase. Who knows what you'll do." Jimin giggled.

"I'll continue with what I'm doing now. Don't worry, Jihyun will check in on me." She sighed. "I wouldn't be able to leave for more than two weeks though. I still have work." Jimin nodded. "Two weeks should be enough...right?" She nodded. 

Jimin got out his computer, and together, they decided where they think would be the best place for her to stay. Jimin got reminded of their small but cute apartment in Hong Kong. She agreed to the idea of going there. 

"Good idea, then I won't have to pay extra for a hotel room either." Jimin nodded. She bought the ticket and Jimin went to bed. She was going to leave next week. Jimin was more than happy that his mother could finally take a break. And of course he was excited about living with no parents for two weeks as well, but he tried to not focus on that excitement. 

He felt bad for it. 

The next time Jimin spoke to Yoongi was when he picked him up from school as he promised. People stared as they watched the once innocent and nerdy Jimin being approached by an older, tattooed male. 

"Y-you didn't have to come up to the gate." "Are you embarrassed?" Jimin lowered his head. "People are staring." "Come on." "Who's the hot guy, and why is he with church boy?" Yoongi looked as the two whispering girls before opening the door for the younger. He rolled his eyes as he got into the driver's seat. 

"I hate high school." Jimin nodded, agreeing. "Is college better?" he asked, with hope in his eyes. Luckily, Yoongi didn't have to destroy his hopes or dreams, for college really was better. "College is better. Don't worry." Jimin smiled, and they drove in silence before the ginger spoke again. "So my mom is leaving for a much needed vacation for about two weeks..." 

"She actually agreed to that?" Jimin nodded. "My dad also came home yesterday, but that was only to get his stuff. He moved out. He also told me that they're getting divorced. Also, apparently, they know that I smoke a bit, but for some reason my mom didn't confront me...she hasn't even yelled at me for it. Oh, she also kind of knows about you, because she saw you calling me. I didn't tell her who you were of course, she just doesn't want me to lie...she's not asking for more than that, I don't know why." Jimin continued to ramble on about what happened yesterday. 

"You smoke?" Jimin furrowed his eyebrows. "You basically feed me cigarettes every time we're together, why do you look surprised?" "Yeah, but that's when you're with smoke on your own?" Yoongi stopped at a red light. "...I didn't ask you for your pack of cigarettes for nothing," he spoke as he got out the pack that he kept in his jacket pocket, before putting it back. 

"Jimin...doing it every once in a while with me is fine, but I didn't mean to make you a smoker." Jimin shook his head. "It's okay. It reminds me of you, so I like it. It still tastes bad, but I like the smell." Yoongi didn't answer. "Can you get me more once it's empty? I'm not old enough to buy them myself," he innocently looked up to Yoongi. 

"Sure thing baby." Jimin hummed to himself as Yoongi continued driving. "I'll be an adult in a year though..." he suddenly spoke. "You'll still be a teenager." "Yeah, yeah. But I can buy stuff." "Like cigarettes?" Jimin nodded. 

"Does that make you feel like an adult?" Jimin nodded again. "Don't feel like you have to rush growing up just because of me." The ginger shook his head. " 'm not." "Good." "But would you like me more if I stopped drinking milk and if I threw away my plushies?" Yoongi shook his head. 

"Those are some of the things I love about you. It's cute." Jimin smiled as Yoongi parked the car. 

"Italian food?" Jimin spoke as he got out of the car. "I was craving pizza," Yoongi shrugged. "Besides, I have some business with the guy that owns the shop," he mumbled before placing his hand on the small of Jimin's back, leading him inside. "What kind of business?" "Doesn't concern you." Jimin decided it would be best if he didn't interfere. 

They ordered pizza and soda with fruit taste. "So do you have to get back to work after this?" Yoongi nodded. "Let me stay at your apartment." "Sure, but why?" "I don't feel like going home yet." Yoongi didn't question it any further as he simply just nodded. 

Suddenly, the owner of the restaurant came into view. "Min Yoongi!" he smiled. "Jungwoo." Yoongi stood up and they gave each other a quick 'bro-hug'. "Enjoying the food?" he smiled at Jimin. Jimin nodded. "It's delicious, thank you." 

"I'm glad," he smiled. "Do you have the stuff?" "Sure, it's in the back. You can come and take it once you're done eating." "Thanks," Yoongi gave a friendly pat on his shoulder before sitting down again. Once they were done, Yoongi told Jimin to go sit in the car. He didn't argue, as he just left. Jimin played on his phone until the older finally came back. He had a white plastic bag that he placed on the backseat. 

"Is it drugs?" Jimin joked. But Yoongi nodded. "WHY ARE YO-" "I just sell them at the parties on Wiheom street with Jungwoo." "...So you're a drug dealer?" Yoongi shrugged. "Call me whatever you want." The drive to Yoongi's shop was short. As soon as the two stepped in, Yoongi got back to work and Jimin fished his keys up from Yoongi's back pocket, and went into his apartment. 

The once pure boy spent the time on Yoongi's couch, watching anime on Netflix as he smoked out of boredom. He made sure to open all the windows first though. He was bored now, but he imagined how much fun he would have once his mother had taken off for her vacation. 

Might as well make the most out of it.


So how is y'all doing in this wonderfuuuul time of exams? 

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