\Chapter 2

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"thoughts in a thoughts"
"Text Messages"
"Normal speak"

3rd Person's pov.

Next morning, Tsuna did'nt have any sleep because he hack some mafia group specially Vongola files. It was still the same as in his world, but different since Ieyoshi and Natsu was a new comer. Tsuna look at the time and saw it was already time for school so he went down the kitchen and prepare a breakfast for himself. After that he eat alone, he heard someone was going down stairs and saw his two brothers.

"Oh, Good Morning Boys." Tsuna said with a smile.

"Look who's early in the morning." Natsu said with a sarcasm. Ieyoshi was still scared of Tsuna and hide behind his brother. Tsuna ignore his brother and proceed to his breakfast. After that he wash his dishes and went upstairs. "Hey wait, Mom is still asleep. How come you have breakfast?" Natsu ask.
"I cook." Tsuna reply.

"Since when?" Natsu said. .

"Oh since I was born." Tsuna reply. Well considering its the only natural talent he had.

"Liar." Natsu yelled.

Tsuna roll his eyes and attempt to ignore his brother. But Natsu look at Tsuna. "Sorry about yesterday. I just want to get revenge from what you did about Ieyoshi." Natsu said while looking away. Tsuna smile a little bit. "Even if you don't say sorry I still forgive you. But pls do take note, Thaa Revenge is not great. Getting revenge will take you to nowhere. The best way of getting Revenge is reaching out for that person and lead him/her to the light, to the world that you and him wanted. " Tsuna said seriously before walking up stairs. Natsun and Ieyoshi gaps in shock. They think like "What the hell just happen? Is that our brother?" They both thought in disbelief.

After that Tsuna went to the bathroom and take a shower. He look at his body which was now fully healed and he look hisself in the mirror. He sigh. "I guest no matter what world I'm in, I'm still have a body of a girl. Well, Its hot if you look in a way around." Tsuna said while admiring his self in the mirror.

After 30minutes. Tsuna was done and went towards his room and got dress. Currently he was combing his hair which he find it unnatural. Beside, who has a hair that almost broke the law of physics? Tsuna smirk again while looking at the mirror. " Well my hair was the first object who broke the law of physics. Anti- Gravity. How come sciencetist never notice it?" Tsuna said pouting at himself.

Then Tsuna walk down stairs and notice his family was having breakfast together. But he notice someone is missing Tsuna roll his eyes again and sigh. "that bastard has the same habit as my father has. How annoying." Tsuna thought..
Tsuna was about to ignore his family when Natsu's eyes was on him.
"Where do you think you will going?" Natsu ask.
"School ofcourse" Tsuna said.

Natsu stand up. He was already done anyway so he grab his bag and walk. "We were going Mom." Natsu said followed by Ieyoshi too.

"Ok,Take care." Nana said waving goodbye..

Then the three were walking towards the school. Except with distance. Tsuna was on the back looking around, Nothing really was change in the world he had except for his two brothers.

When he enter the gate, he had meet up with a flying tonfa. Good thing Tsuna catches it he look at the sender with a sweet smile."Tsk, Tsk, Tsk, Kyo-chan. When you will do this, Students won't learn. They will be just in the school clinic always, maybe in the hospital." Tsuna said and throw the tonfa back to the sender.
Both the sender, Students and Brothers were looking at Tsuna with wide eyes and disbelief. It was unbelievable. Tsuna just walk on and ignore everyone. "Wait Usagi." Tsuna turn his head towards the skylark.

"Kyo-chan, Pls don't call me that. I prepare the herbivore than calling me an Usagi." Tsuna said.

Kyoya look at Tsuna. "Hm~ Your different. A demon who wake up from slumber makes a difference." Kyoya said with a smirk. "Came from the mouth of prefect demon itself." Tsuna said mocking. Kyoya smirk more.

"Jah, Kyo-chan. I'll be in class." Tsuna said wave goodbye.

Everyone in that area look Tsuna with disbelief. The most shocking way was Tsuna called Hibari 'Kyo-chan and Hibari just allowed it' WHAT!?

When inside the class, Everyone start to gossips about Tsuna being a demon. He just smile sweetly and went to his sit. His usual sit and then look at the window and the sky." Wow I'm really am Popular." Tsuna thought sarcastically. His gaze went to the sky again

"I wonder How are they?, Do Hayato replace me as the decimo? Did Xanxus did? Did Hayato did all the paperworks? Did Takeshi still smile? Do takeshi wear a fake smile again now the sky is gone? Do Lambo is a less brat? Did Chrome eat well? Do Mukuro change to a good man Instead of a pervert and obsessed on possessing my body? Did Kyoya... Yes Kyoya, Did he move on regardings my death?" Tsuna thought millions about his family, Like how will they cope up without him in their side.

Tsuna sigh.


Tsuna snap out and look at the worst teacher he ever met. Nezu.

"Did you get what I just said?" He ask. Tsuna look at Nezu boredly.

"I did not get any of it. Beside, What ever you will say its useless. Your always blabing about useless Damn things. Mah, So much for a fake elite teacher." Tsuna said rolling his eyes.

"TSUNAYOSHI! HOW DARE YOU MOCK ME?" Nezu said, Tsuna roll his eyes and look up in the sky ignoring every word Nezu said.

At the back of Tsuna,There is a certain raven boy name Takeshi Yamamoto was thinking at the brunet. He was been in the same class with Tsuna since elementary school, Takeshi knows that Tsuna was being bullied. Tsuna was usually silent and talks a very not often. But he believe that Tsuna is a good guy despite a fact that he heard rumours that Tsuna stab his own brother. Takeshi suddenly had determination on his eyes that this lunch he will talk to Tsuna this time.


Thanks for reading
Hope you enjoy 😊😊😊

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