Chapter 37

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3rd Person's pov

"So your in my team now?" Mukuro ask.

"Nope, Its just I want to have fun. Because If I'm correct those two won't notice that it was an Illusion all along if you will just make a simple Illusion. Pineapple-chan." Tsuna said happily.

"How dare you call me that." Mukuro said with a small smile. He admit he didn't meet someone as weird as Tsuna but as Nice as Tsuna too. Somehow it made him Happy a slightly.

"Well, Mukuro-chan. what is your next plan?" Tsuna ask.

"Tsk, What are you planning Omnivore, Being friends with someone like him." Kyoya said as as cold as ever.

"Jelous?" Tsuna said which Kyoya glare more. Tsuna chuckle. "Don't worry, I just wanted to be friends with someone who didn't have friends for years, Well I wanted to show Mukuro a light. Because Revenge is something that You will guide your enemy towards the light, make him realize his/her mistake and help him/her do things right. That is my plan." Tsuna answered.

Mukuro smirk." Do you really think you can lead someone Like me?" Mukuro ask.

"Ofcourse, I'm confident. If I can't then I'll just make it happen." Tsuna said with a smile.

"You said that you've replace that Demon child? Where did you came from really?" Mukuro ask.

"I told you, I came from the other dimension. Yet In my world all of existed, but You were all my Family, A famiglia that I treasure. But Let's talk this topic on the other time and lets play shall we?" Tsuna said with a smile and stand up.

"Here Kyoya." Tsuna said as he gave Kyoya a liquid pink bottle. "Its a cure for your Sakura disease. I ask My Friend Shoichi to make such kind of drugs. Drink it its safe, Or else you will fall under Mukuro's sakura illusion again." Tsuna said.

Kyoya smirk, He really think that Tsuna is an amazing person, but a weird one. He grab the bottle and started to drink it. Tsuna saw the scene down him that Natsu and Ieyoshi realize that they wasted their energy through such an illusion.

So They started to look for Mukuro, Who showed up infront of them. "Well for starter Cute little bunny, I You don't know what can I do. I shall show you." Mukuro said while looking at Natsu and Ieyoshi yet his words was for Tsuna.

Tsuna smirk, "You don't need to tell me. I know that you were known as a dealiest prisoner of Vindice because of Your 6 path from hell." Tsuna said with a smirk, His voice can be oy heard by Mukuro and Kyoya. Mukuro who was shock and smirk at that time. He Quickly Tried the first path.

"First path is called the Realm of hell. Its a path were your fire or involves lava illusion and other illusion turn real." Tsuna explain, That time Ieyoshi's feet almost burn by the fire,and he felt the Lava underneath was very hot. So he gave Mukuro a X-burner not strong as Tsuna though but enough to burn Mukuro slightly.

" 2nd path is called the Realm of Hungry Ghost. this path can let you possess other bodies and their powers." Tsuna explain, Which Mukuro tried to posses Hayato and uses the Storm power against Natsu. But Natsu who doesn't like to hurt Hayato just made his storm unconscious and attack the true Mukuro, but Mukuro dodge.

" 3rd path is Realm of Beast. This path can let you control dead animals and summon them." Tsuna explain, Which Mukuro manage to failed that path, But Tsuna knows Mukuro's body is not as strong because of the fact that Mukuro just got out of the prison so thats one reason it failed.

"4th path Realm of Demons, increase your capability combats and your power." Tsuna explain, Which Mukuro did. His combat and fighting skills did increase and he manage to throw Both Ieyoshi and Natsu to a wall which it Crack. But Ieyoshi who first stand up and face Mukuro once again, Beside he promised his own self to be stronger, not be the shy and weak Ieyoshi. So He send Fire ball again at Mukuro which Mukuro did manage to dodge.

"5th path Realm of Humans, a path were your strength and power increases more." Tsuna said which Mukuro did increases his attack which Cause Ieyoshi down. but Mukuro forgot about Natsu who attack from behind of Mukuro but Mukuro did manage to Throw and Make Natsu down.

" 6th path Realm of Heaven. It can possess and control others mind, body, and souls. It indicated the most scary and deadliest path of all" Tsuna said but Mukuro failed the doings because an explosions has been made and it revealed some of the Vindince. Tsuna smirk, He knows them too well, Specially the small baby one. Bermuda. And The person who Bermuda was sitting on is Jaguar.

"Mukuro-sama!" Chrome called and she saw how Mukuro was chained by the Vindince.

"Wait, Mukuro-sama!" Ken and Chikusa did yelled.

"The Four of you are under arrest for masacared the entire Estrano Famiglia." Jaguar said in serious.

"Bermuda-san." Tsuna called, But still his voice can be heard by Kyoya, Mukuro, Chrome and Bermuda. Which the 4 people turn there eyes on to where Tsuna is.

"How about just capture Mukuro and leave the resto them. They were innocent under Mukuro's command. In the first place Mukuro too is innocent. If You wanted a proof I'll show you, Tommorow I'll be in the Vindice Prison if you Like. We can Talk about this even and the Pacifier and as To why I am here? Sounds a great deal?" Tsuna said seriously.

Bermuda who smirk behind his mask Nod as a respond.

"Jaguar, Take Mukuro Roduko only. The rest of You can be free. " Bermuda said which Jaguar was slightly confuse but nod against his master's will.

Reborn tilt his Fedora down, It seems the situation was interesting since Bermuda never did really change minds that quickly. Something must happen.

Kyoya who think his Omnivore is crazy but amazing at the sametime. In the first place what did he Know about the Vindice better ask his Omnivore about it later.

Mukuro who gave Tsuna a look of "what are you doing? Are you crazy?l People use to think dealing with the Vindice is Crazy, So Mukuro can't believe what did Tsuna did. And as To what really is Tsuna's goal.

"See you Vongola Decimos. And you too, Sun Arcobaleno." Bermuda said before all of them disappeared in the night flames.

"No! Mukuro-sama!" Chrome, Ken and Chikusa called.

Chrome went down to her knees and cry, Ken and Chikusa confort him. Natsu and Ieyoshi did when Unconscious. Reborn called Dino for back up since all of his students and the Guardian of his student was knock out only Ryohei and Fuuta manage to just stay conscious. Fuuta forget about Tsuna somehow, but he is feeling thst he had forgotten something he just can't remember what.

Tsuna and Kyoya disappeared within the mist. They end up in the house of Kyoya. Tsuna then suddenly fell on his knees.

"Tsunayoshi!" Kyoya held Tsuna.

"Geez, Healing you and using mist flame is Tiring" Tsuna said very very tiredly before he fell asleep in Kyoya's arms.

Kyoya smirk at him. "You didn't need to heal me. But Thank you." Kyoya said.


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