Chapter 25

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3rd Person's Pov.

Lambo nod, Tsuna gave him a toothbrush and proceed to the bathroom. Tsuna prepared the place where he was gonna sleep and where will Lambo gonna sleep tonight. He make sure that he made it clean. Tsuna smile at thr thought that Lambo is scared with him, He guest he need to work on that.

When Lambo return, He was already dress up ready to bed. But suddenly the rain pour outside heavily. "Aw I think It will be a cold night." Tsuna said as he look at the window.

"Tsu-Tsuna-nii,?" Lambo ask nervously and shyly.

"What is it Lambo?" Tsuna ask gently.

"It- It- Is Just, Wh-when ra-rain comes lo-loud Thunder too. So-So, Ca-Can yo-You Sleep with M-me Tonight?" Lambo said as cue lighting strike.

Tsuna laugh. "Hahahah, Lambo-chan look cute when he blush and got nervous. Hahaha." Tsuna said happily, Lambo was shocked he didn't except the Demon child to laugh. He expected it to yelled at him

"Its fine. Come on." Tsuna pat the bed. Lambo nooded and lay on the bed. Tsuna stand up and then switch off the lights. He climb back to the bed and cuddle Lambo. "Good Night Lambo, If ever the thunder storm will strike. Just remember I'm here for you ok." Tsuna said very calmly. Lambo smile and then nod. He Close his eyes and then think, "the so-called demon child is not true at all." Lambo's last thought.

Next Morning, Lambo wake up and saw a Peaceful sleeping Tsuna. Lambo slightly back away but when he saw Tsuna he started to think that Tsuna is not that bad. He reach out his hands on tsuna's soft Hair and started to pat it.It was nice and greate, its so soft.

He smile and wanted to do more. But tsUna started to stir awake. Immediately Lambo re-draw his hands and pretend to be asleep.

When Tsuna awake, he knows Lambo is just pretending but didn't voice he just Chuckle and pat Lambo's head before he decided to go to the bathroom.

Lambo open his eyes, His hands was so warm and nice. Lambo thought as he hug the pillow more. Maybe he is not that bad.

after that Lambo decided to wait for Tsuna in the room. When Tsuna came  he invited Lambo to go eat breakfast with everybody. Tsuna will ofcourse prepare them along with Nana.

After some discussion, Lambo went to fix hisself while Tsuna prepare the breakfast. After he prepare it, Everyone was then awake and eat Tsuna's German Style breakfast.

Which was everyone was surprise that Tsuna knows too much when it comes to cooking. And Lambo was surprise too how the food was delicious, it was more good than in the fancy restaurant that his family was eating.  Thats why not just him but all of them finish Tsuna's cooking.

But the big problem there was Tsuna again skip Family Breakfast saying he still need to do something in school before walking towards the school again Avoiding his family. In the first place that family wasn't his.

So Tsuna walk to school and when he got there he met up with Kyoya. "Good Morning Kyo-chan." Tsuna greeted.

As usual Kyoya greeted with a hum and nod before leaning in the gates again.

"Good Morning Tsu-Na." Takeshi said with a smile as he tap Tsuna's shoulder.

"Morning too." Tsuna greeted back.

"What happen to your cheek?" Tsun ask as he notice a cheek had band aid.

"We-Well, Its a sword practice that my father and me spar yesterday." Takeshi said.

"Are you ok? Are you feeling fine right now?"  Tsuna ask in concern.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. Now that I'll be able to protect you." Takeshi said with a smile.

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