Chapter 38

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3rd Person's pov

When Ieyoshi and Natsu wake up from their slumber early in the morning they immediately went down stairs and went to the dinning table.

"Good Morning Reborn, Fuuta." Natsu greeted.

"Morning you two. You did a great job by the way. Saving Fuuta." Reborn said as he sip his expresso.

"Yeah, We did." Natsu said proudly, Ieyoshi look down and look at his palms. "Strength? I wonder if what would I needed to do to show Tsuna nii that I'm powerful. That event was amazing, I wish Tsuna-nii was there." Ieyoshi thought.

"Speaking of, Where is Tsuna-nii and Lambo?" Ieyoshi ask.

"He didn't came home." Lambo said as he went down on the stairs.

"Tsuna-nii didn't went home? Come to think of it he was rush on yesterday." Ieyoshi said.

"Where in the world is he anyway?" Natsu ask.

"Oh! YEAH, Thats why yesterday I have a feeling I'd forgot something. He, Tsuna-nii was there, In that Scene along with a man with raven hair and well cold eyes." Fuuta said.

Natsu, Ieyoshi and Reborn was shock. How can be Tsuna was there?

"WHAT!? TSUNA WAS THERE!?" Natsu said in shock.

"Yes he is." Fuuta said.

"Then we need to find him." Ieyoshi said in concern.

"Huh? Which scene are you guys talking about?" Lambo ask, All of them look at Lambo. "He just texted me that he was with Kyoya-nii and did fall asleep in Kyoya-nii's house. See." Lambo said as he show the message which Tsuna sent, and also to comfirm it. In lambo's phone the last caller was Tsuna's number.

But Lambo said that the one who call him wasn't Tsuna, It was Kyoya who spoke to him that night about Tsuna is gonna be with him for the whole night.

"So, If Tsuna is with Hibari then..." Natsu look at Fuuta. "Are you sure you saw Tsuna really?" Natsu ask.

Fuuta nodded.

"Maybe thats was only an Illusion." Ieyoshi said.

"But if that was an illusion, How did he know that You Fuuta knows Tsuna? Don't you think its kinda... Ah, Never mind." Natsu said.

"Your right, That means Mukuro might be spying on us before this event has happen." Ieyoshi said. "So, We really need to tell Tsuna about this so that he will be aware, We don't know what will happen next, It might put him indanger." Ieyoshi said.

"I agree on that, But first we need he needed to be here. We will wait for him to come home." Reborn said.

"Fuuta, Would you like to play with me after this?" Lambo ask.

Fuuta happily nod since he doesn't have any friends with the almost same age as him.

"Ok, Minna. Breakfast is ready." Nana said.


11:30 am.

When Tsuna wake up, He was met up with a woden brown ceiling and a light coming from an open door. He sat up and saw that he is in an Japanese room. He look to the left, he saw the garden which was the familiar Graden to him. He look at his right was a door suppose lead in a hall way.

The door slid open to revealed Kyoya.

"Oh, Hi Kyoya." Tsuna greeted.

Kyoya was a little bit shock but ca down at the same time.

"Seems to me your ok." Kyoya said.

"Yeah, Thank you by the way for making me stay here." Tsuna said as he attempted to stand up but fall again. Good Thing Kyoya was there to assist him.

"You should rest " Kyoya said.

"I can't I'd promise Bermuda to go to Vindice Right? So I will. He is a man hard to deal with so I need to show up." Tsuna said as he manage to stand.

"Fine, But let me come with you ." Kyoya said, "And I wanted you to tell me the truth Now. I'm patient but there are things that I don't understand and confuse. So How about you tell me the truth, I don't like being confuse Tsunayoshi." Kyoya said rather serious.

Tsuna chuckle. "Its what we call Impatient. I'll tell you after Lunch." Tsuna said.

Kyoya Narrowed. "How'd you know? Theres no Clock here." Kyoya said .

"I have strong Intuition. I'll tell you " Tsuna said.

After that Tsuna manage to cook Lunch for the both of them. After that Tsuna tell, He showed Kyoya who he really is using his Mist Flames.

Well, He first show the memory of Tsuna from this world and how he died and next was How Tsuna from the other world replace him.

Ofcourse Tsuna made Kyoya show who he really is bis world, The sky, The Boss, The vongola Decimo who had Kyoya from his world was his cloud. Reborn was his spartan Tutor, and Dino manage to be Kyoya's tutor which was a bit annoying for Kyoya from this world who seen his other self.

Well all in all Tsuna didn't explain at all, He only explain the weirdness and an unknown reason as to why he is here and thats what he wanted to explore this world more so that he will find a reason as to why he is here.

After the mini theater thingi, Kyoya now understand as to Why Tsuna was a very much accepted and so soft. Even Tsuna was known as Dame Tsuna and was useless in his past days, Yet Tsuna didn't have an anger in his heart. He just accept waht his faith. No wonder he was a Sky, A Sky who accept them all.

"If you find your purpose in this world, Then Accomplished it Would you disappeared?" Kyoya ask.

"Who Knows, I might be." Tsuna said sadly. "Beside I'm suppose to be dead am I?, Thats why, I accept if I disappeared in this world." Tsuna said .

They went on a simple silent, With that Kyoya was thinking about Tsuna, He wanted to help Tsuna, But if he help Tsuna his only friend, His Omnivore might disappeared. What shall he do? He can't just decide immediately.

"Let's Go Kyoya. To the Vindice " Tsuna said as he stand up.

Kyoya look at Tsuna per a bit. Its seems that Tsuna really wanted Mukuro from this world even he knows that This Mukuro is not the same Mukuro from his world, But theres a chance that Tsuna can turn Mukuro from this world to the Mukuro From Tsuna's world. Kyoya believe that its not Impossible. Considering Tsuna now Is A True sky that can make you believe in yourself and can lead to the truth.

"Lets go"


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Hope you enjoy 😊😊😊

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