Chapter 59

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3rd Person's pov

The Varias did stay a little bit longer, They left after dinner which was worth it because they taste Tsuna's italian-with Japanese style dishes and admit that Tsuna was a great cooker. Although they hesistate to eat but Then soon did eat and enjoy it.

But sad to say, Tsuna again didn't eat with them and just say that he wasn't hungry and went upstairs and sleep. He was glad that everyone was ok and at peace.

Later that night Ieyoshi and Natsu visit Tsuna while he was asleep including Reborn.

Ieyoshi smile when he saw sleeping Tsuna at the bed. "Thank you Tsuna, For everything." Ieyoshi said with a smile.

"You know he can't hear you and his not our brother." Natsu said.

Ieyoshi chuckle, "But thanks to him, I'm able to change for the good. Thanks to him I became like a new me in a good way, and I'm happy. Either his my brother nor not." Ieyoshi said with a smile as he play with Tsuna's hair a little bit. Ieyoshi smile more when he notice Tsuna's hair was so soft and flappy.

"Well, We should let him sleep peacefully." Reborn said.

"Yeah, Good night Tsuna-nii." Ieyoshi said.

As Natsu and Ieyoshi went out, Tsuna open his eyes and smile.He look at the ceiling and smile. "So this is how it felt like to be loved by a brother." Tsuna thought as he chuckle little he never did had a brother so he had felt how a feeling to have a brother yet, its still hard that Ieyoshi wasn't really his brother. Tsuna just smirk before closing his eyes and sleep again


Next Morning

Tsuna was walking towards the school with a peace. He smile as he look around with the same scene as in his world. But in his world he often walks with Hayato and Takeshi but in this world he is alo-


Well almost alone. Tsuna look at the owner of the voice and smile. It was Takeshi.

"Hey, Good Morning Tsuna." Takeshi greeted.

"Morning too Takeshi." Tsuna said with a smile. "How are you anyway? Are you ok? I heard from Lambo that you had a fight." Tsuna said.

Takeshi smile more. "ofcourse I'm ok." Takeshi said "No need to worry."

Tsuna just hn and smile at Takeshi. The next event was Tsuna walking with all of his friend including Chrome, Joyce, Hana, Kyoko, Haru and Takeshi. Together they discuss about the event where the girls went to Haru's house and enjoy their selves.

They walk towards the classroom as usual some other students chattering about Tsuna who poisoned them (Tsuna's friends) all and make them fall for Tsuna. Tsuna's friends heard that they admir they felt angry about those students, but if ever they will go and yelled to them than Tsuna will get angry. So they just shrug it and just walk chattering happily with Tsuna.


During Class Tsuna was listening carefully in the first subject which a subject that Isn't Nezu. When Second subject came thats the time Tsuna doze off to sleep which pissed off Nezu seeing Tsuna a person who almost got him fired and technically ruin his life is just sleeping and relaxing.

So he decided to go throw a chalk towards Tsuna, But All of them was literally shock when they saw what Tsuna did while sleeping.

Tsuna catches the chalk and throw it back with a speed of a bullet which The board had a small hole on it. Everyone look at the hole with a pale in their faces, Specially Natsu and Ieyoshi who was literally Shock.

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