Chapter 40

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3rd Person's pov

"So you mean In your world Kawahira guy was known as the greatest Mist User?" Mukuro ask.

"He is, Your the second. Viper member of the Arcobaleno's which known as the Strong 7 is not that great Mist user. You once defeated him on a match well that is Mukuro in my world." Tsuna explain while they were walking in Namimori alleys towards Kokuyo.

"How interesting, Kufufufu~" Mukuro commented.

Tsuna chuckle."Your laugh sounds Creepy, Yet you had a bad hair stylist. A Pineapple one." Tsuna said happily.

"Call me that again and I'll make sure your gonna regret it." Mukuro warned but Tsuna just smile. "Ok'" Tsuna said happily.

Kyoya on the other hand was lost on his own thought. A thought of Him lossing Tsuna. Thay weird Baby mummy thing said about being Tsuna will disappeared once again Yet, Kyoya can't imagine a world without his Omnivore. They Just Met even, They didn't even last for years. It was just what? 5 months? Six Months? and here he will find out that his friend will be disappearing anytime soon? What a stupid scene.

"Well Mukuro, Now that your free Pls don't do stupid things again." Tsuna said.

"You set me free for some reason, What is it? What did you wanted me to do?" Mukuro ask still he didn't trust Tsuna.

Tsuna smile. "Lets just say I'll come to you if I need you." Tsuna said then he turn around and walk away waving goodbye.

Which Mukuro find Tsuna is a weird person.

Soon, When Tsuna and Kyoya was alone Tsuna seems to notice Kyoya's quite behavior, Too quite.

"Your Quite, Why?" Tsuna ask out nowhere.

"What am I supposed to say?  When I know someday you will disappeared." Kyoya said.

Tsuna sigh. "Maybe I shouldn't really be close to all of you, Or maybe I shouldn't told you the truth. But Kyoya you and I knows that Truth hurt the most than the lie that is bring told. Because there is always one truth. " Tsuna said. Kyoya just Sigh.

"Either way, Your gonna disappeared." Kyoya said coldly but there is a hint of sadness In his voice.

"Don't worry, Until that day comes will forget about that fact for the day? Beside we can spend time together still." Tsuna said.

Kyoya sigh again. "There you are again, Being positive and happy again." Kyoya said.

"Well, Its what am I. Always positive." Tsuna said with a smile.

"Never thought you could be that idiot." Kyoya said

Tsuna pouted. "your mean, How come you can call your friend an idiot." Tsuna said rather childlishly.

"I kinda like your boss mode." Kyoya said.

"Aw, Kyo-chan. Thanks for praising." Tsuna said.

"Shut Up." Kyoya said. "I think he really is soft, and an Idiot. Carnivore pretend to be an Herbivore."


When Tsuna got home he was greeted by Lambo who is playing with Fuuta.

"Tsuna-Nii welcome home." Lambo said happily.

"Yeah, Looks like you and Fuuta is enjoying what ever you are doing." Tsuna said.

"Yeah, We play tag then some games while your gone. I wish you were to play with us. Where were you anyway?" Lambo ask.

"I was with Kyoya. I overslept at that night and then he drag me out somewhere. He is really a Hard Carnivore to tame." Tsuna said.

"Aw, Kyo-nii is something. " Lambo said. "Do you want something to eat Tsuna-nii, I'll ask maman To bake you something." Lambo offer.

"Thank you. But I'm not hungry. Me and Kyoya along with a pineapple head already satisfied." Tsuna said with a smile

"Aw, Then Wanna play with us and Fuuta?" Lambo invited.

Before Tsuna can reply, Natsu went down the stairs and saw Tsuna. "Good, Your home." Natsu said.

"Aw, Natsu-sama. Are expecting me?" Tsuna ask.

"Are you still calling me that?" Natsu said.

"Yes I do." Tsuna reply.

"Well, Since your here come here with me. We needed to discuss about something." Natsu said and the went upstairs again.

Tsuna look at Lambo and pat his head. "Looks like I won't be able to play with you guys. So It will wait." Tsuna said.

Lambo look down and gave a disappointing smile. "Aw, Thats fine." Lambo said.

"Don't worry. I promise I'll play with you guys together." Tsuna said giving an assuring smile.

"Ok." Lambo said.

As Tsuna went upstairs, Fuuta immediately ask Lambo.

"Why are you so Close to him?, Isn he dangerous?" Fuuta ask.

"Well, Thats what I think of first. But if you give him a second chace you will know how nice he is. " Lambo said.

"Don't you know, He is the one who take me home?" Lambo said.

"He did it to me too.  But Can you really trust him?" Fuuta ask.

"I do trust Tsuna-nii. It depends on the person, and I have a feeling that you will too." Lambo said.

Fuuta re-think. He thought about how Tsuna help him hide with those Bad mens chasing him, How Tsuna offer a home to him, How Tsuna help him.

Maybe Tsuna is not that bad person afterall.

Fuuta though.


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Hope you enjoyed 😊😊😊

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