Chapter 60

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3rd Person's pov

When Tsuna wake up, its already lunch time. He had no lunch today because he was too lazy to make one this morning. So he sigh and wanted to sleep again but someone call his name.


Tsuna look.up and saw Joyce eds Smirking.

"What do you want?" Tsuna ask.

"Hey, Don't be angry I didn't wake you up. Do you want to eat lunch anyway?" Joyce ask.

"No, I have no lunch. I'm too lazy to move anyway." Tsuna reply and wanted to sleep again but Joyce grab Tsuna's hair and pull it a little bit hard. Then after that Joyce gave a smirk look once Tsuna was out of his chair standing and patting his hair.

"So? Are you still lazy?" Joyce ask.

"Tsuna are you ok?" Kyoko ask.

"Thats a way to wake somebody." Hana said and smirk.

"Tsk, Your so mean Joyce why would you do that?" Tsuna said half pout and half glare.

"Want me to do it again?" Joyce said mocking.

"Your so meanz." Tsuna said.

Joyce just roll her eyes. "Such a childlish stupid guy, No worries you can be cool too if you'll try." Joyce said.

"I'm not gonna say anything to that." Tsuna said.

"So Wanna have lunch desu?" Haru ask.

"I don't have lunch box because I'm lazy to make one this morning." Tsuna said.

"You can share with mine." Takeshi said appeared out of nowhere.

"Well, I'mnot saying No to that." Tsuna said happily.

But along the way Ieyoshi and Natsu approach Tsuna. "Don't you mind we eat with you guys?" Ieyoshi said.

Tsuna smile. "Ofcourse, The more the merrier anyways."

When they arrive at the roof the scene was too familiar to Tsuna. Ieyoshi who is happy chattering with the girls. Joyce eds along with Hana are arguing with Hayato and Takeshi was trying to make them calm.yet failed in the same time. All Tsuna do is laugh and chuckle at the scene remembering his precious life when he was still in high schools.


Tsuna look up and saw a Kyoya who looks pissed. So Tsuna climb up and sit beside Kyoya.

"Why did you bring those herbivores here?" Kyoya said quite pissed.

"Well, They wanted to eat lunch with me but I guest they just wanted to have fun with each other." Tsuna said happily.

"Tsk, They are disturbing." Kyoya said.

Tsuna smile and held Kyoya's head. He pull Kyoya towards his lap and slowly play with Kyoya's hair for a bit. "Relax, and hear my voice I'll make you fall asleep." Tsuna said.

Kyoya can say no to that. Feeling those soft and warm hands in his hair enough to make him hypnotize. So he close his eyes and heard Tsuna soft voice.

White symbol for peace
Symbol calm
Symbol for silence

Make you feel relax
Make you feel good
Make you feel relief

Seeing the white
Seeing the light
giving hope

Hope that you can trust
that you can love

To find your path
Your right path.

Seeing the wide sky
Seeing the clouds
as they move freely
upon each time

Seeing makes you feel alive
At the sametime
makes you feel relax

Seeing the white clouds
Just seeing light

Seeing light
Just like seeing hope

You will find your path
your right path
find happiness

Within those clouds.

With that Tsuna conclude Kyoya was peacefully asleep. Tsuna chuckle and just keep humming a tune to Kyoya since he sing so soft and gentle that those so called herbivores (in Kyoya's term) didn't heard him sing at all. Tsuna just smile and look up in the sky.

He wonders, How does his kyoya felt like when he will see his Omnivore was been taken by another him. Tsuna chuckle at thought.

Along the time he just hum a tune so that Kyoya will not be awaken. When the bell rings Takeshi and the others look at where Tsuna use to be but they found Tsuna was missing. They look up and saw Tsuna and Kyoya. Tsuna put a finger in his mouth to silent those so called herbivores.

They just gave Tsuna a signal that they will go and Tsuna just gave a thumbs up.

Once the herbivores are in the stairs.

"Tsuna-nii is really good at handling Hibari aren't he?" Ieyoshi said.

"Well, they are both demons." Natsu said.

Natsu receive a smack at the stomach from Joyce edz and a smack from the head of Ieyoshi.

Joyce edz glare. "Say that to Tsuna once more and say bye bye." Joyce said which Natsu gulp and nod. Yet Joyce suddenly chuckle and smile. "Well, If you say it like that I don't mind skylark will bite you to death." Joyce said with a smile.

Natsu went paled thinking his outcome when Hibari beats him. zhe shiver. "I think I can't handle that." Natsu said everyone laugh at Natsu's reaction.


Tsuna on the other hand doesn't want to wake Hibari up, He make sure that Kyoya do sleep well since who knows if the skylark do sleep well, He already know that the skylark doesn't eat that often so Maybe sleeping atleast 8 hours is also lacking of the skylark.

All of the skylark in Tsuna's perceptions might be obsessed with the laws and Namimori's policy. His Policy.

So Tsuna assure to give the peaceful time to Kyoya. He stop humming but continue to pat Kyoyas hair gently.

Tsuna find that doing is also calming and relaxing it helps his mind to be ease and cool for a bit with all of this happenings. Yet Tsuna stop patting Kyoya's hair and sigh. He look at the sky and gave a sad smile.

"How are my elements? Are they doing fine? Are they still destroying Vongola's Property? Pls... I hope they change, I hope they didn't destroyed the whole mansion." Tsuna thought.


Tsuna look down to met up with a new awake Kyoya. Tsuna smile. "Good Morning, Rather good afternoon."

Kyoya sat down and look around.

"The herbivores?"

"The bell rang about 25 minutes ago." Tsuna said.

Kyoya's eyes widen, Usually he can hear the bell rang or feel the herbivores is gonna go to their class, Surprisingly Kyoya didn't feel anything. Its his first time to be so Relaxed and calm, He didn't even feel its already that Afternoon.

Kyoya smirk a little, He guest that this omnivore can really make him feel calm and nice.

"Would you go to your class?" Kyoya ask.

Tsuna chuckle. "If you let me, I would like to have a pratrol with you."

Kyoya re-think about it. Tsuna was good a fighting, Can take of hisself and specially Tsuna is not an Herbivore so Kyoya hum as an respond.

"Ok then, But first lets wait for a minute here. Its not easy if your lap is a pillow anyway." Tsuna said

Kyoya just hum and waited before leading Tsuna to his office to do some paperworks and stuff.


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Hope you like it 😊😊😊

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