Chapter 70

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3rd Person's pov

"Its been a while since This bitch got a high score." Natsu said as he pointing to Joyce.

Joyce edz smirk and got Natsu hands and grip it hard enough to brake bones which Natsu yellep.

"Say something pretty boy?" Joyce said.

"I didn't say anything." Natsu said in pain which Joyce released Natsu's hands.

"Good." Joyce edz nodded.

Everyone look at her thinking that she is really a demon.

"So let's eat lunch, I'm starving." Joyce edz said.

"We-well lets settle down first."Chrome said.

"But first we will secure the area if that Birdie Freak is ain't here." Hayato said looking around.

"Maa~ Its Hibari-san territory. We should be the one who will ask him if we could stay rather us who's gonna shoo him away." Takeshi said in a polite manner.

"Tsk, That bastard always hurt Juudaime." Hayato said as he look away pissed as always.

"Its actually fine Hayato, and Takeshi is right." Ieyoshi said giving a smile.

"I-Is Hibari-san is the one who attack us yesterday?" Enma ask.

"Yes he is." Natsu answer.

"And speaking of him I spotted him with someone." Joyce said and glare coldly at that Someone.

"he-hello Joyce." Tsuna said nervously.He admit, Joyce glare is scary.

"Look who decided to showed up." Hana said.

Tsuna jump from up and down to them. "I'm sorry, if I skip school yesterday and today. I had to some stuff." Tsuna said with a smile.

"Maa~ Its fine." Takeshi said as he place his arm around Tsuna's neck. "Your here anyways." Takeshi said with a smile.

"Where are you anyway? Did you do your secret mission again?" Joyce ask and glare.

"Yeah... " Tsuna said messing his hair a bit.

"You have too many secrets Tsuna-nii." Ieyoshi said with a smile.

"I know, But soon you will know it since that time is already approaching." Tsuna said as he gave a smirk.

"What time Tsuna?" Takeshi ask.

"The time of the 'Betrayal of the truth be revealed' Is gonna happen" Tsuna said.He will call the battle between Shimon and Vongola in that term. For him its quite fitting.

"Not understanding what ever you are saying." Natsu said.

"Moreover lets skip, Who is this handsome young man?" Tsuna pointed at Enma who look down and blush.

"Oh, His name is Enma Kozorto." Ieyoshi introduced.

"Hi-hi." Enma said shyly.

"Hello, Don't be shy I won't do anything. I know you know what my name is so need the intro. Call me just Tsuna, Tsunayoshi is too long." Tsuna said as he smile at Enma. "By the way, your really are cute when you blush. Your hair matches your hair, how cool." Tsuna said Chuckling.

Enma shrink and was very embarrass about what Tsuna just said. He can be sure that his face was red as his hair is.

No one had call him cute before, nor complement him being cool. Infact no one had ever complement him, so the fact that the so-called demon child complement him. Makes him feel a little bit happy and embarrass.

Well for Enma, seems Tsuna wasn't really a Demon child, infact he so friendly to others as they spend time together lunch.

"Well, Tsuna your cute too so stop praising Enma." Joyce said.

"For your info,I'm not cute. " Tsuna argue.

"Aw... The princess is pouting." Joyce edz teased.

"For your info, I'm not a princess." Tsuna argue again with a blush.

"Tsuna-kun look cute." Kyoko said with a chuckle.

"Your so Mean Kyoko-chan." Tsuna fake tears.

"Hahaha.. Mah, Your our little princess by the way." Takeshi said.

Tsuna look at Takeshi. "pls don't encourage them Takeshi." Tsuna saifd as he pouted.

"I agree, Tsuna is a princess." Haru said happily.

"Pls you guys, Stop that." Tsuna said as he pouted more.

"Hm..Hahahaha."Enma and Ieyoshi burst to laughing.So thus the others.

Enma never thought that he would be laughing at cute Tsuna. He won't call Tsuna demon child.He agree Tsuna is cute.

"Mou you guys." Tsuna said. Deep inside he was happy to be with his friends again. He miss this because now a days his been focus on the hacking files and the curse he forget to be with his treasures.

The lunch when on they talk for a while and Tsuna knows enma more. Ieyoshi said that Enma can trust Tsuna and he does. Tsuna even talk to Enma about how Enma is looking cool with his hair. But for Tsuna there are tons of people with a weird hair style. Like him, a brown hair who defies Gravity.

All in all they enjoyed spending time together. When the bell ring, Lunch is over. Takeshi said,

"Guys, I have free tickets to my baseball match this Saturday. Who wants some?" Takeshi said.

They all Agree to watch Takeshi's baseball tournament and support Takeshi including Tsuna. Which Takeshi was happy about that Tsuna his first friend would be there. Then they all headed to class except for Tsuna who stayed in the roof and look up to Kyoya who is watching and listening to the event.

"Your not going to class?" Kyoya ask.

"Nope, I rather stay in your office and help you with paperworks or Rather Just stay here and sleep together. I know you didn't sleep enough last night since you went patroling again.Perhaps I'm wrong?" Tsuna said.

Kyoya smirk."Maybe.I went patrol late because I'm looking for someone." Kyoya said.

"Who?" Tsuna ask curiously.

"My uncle." Kyoya said.



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