Chapter 53

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As you may all know I'm not good at Fight scene, Ofcourse I'll also extract the scene where The Varia Robot, What it called again? 🤔🤔

Nah, I don't know. I won't put that scene here. But all in all Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed.

3rd Person's pov

Kyoya was irritated, He did decline the offer to be the cloud guardians because he doesn't want to be under with those herbivores.

But here he is protecting a damn ring that wasn't really him. But Tsuna was cool at the same time scary, But He admit he like Tsuna that way.

Kyoya stop walking when A sword did nearly hit him. Good thing he avoid it.

"I found one target. 6 to go." That man said. Kyoya smirk as he notice that he is facing a deadly enemy. That Man suddenly attack Kyoya which Kyoya dodge the every attack.

Kyoya wanted to hit the man but it seems he can't do it. The man was too fast for his attack. Kyoya smirk more. This is interesting He thought.

Kyoya attempted to hit the man, but the man suddenly appear in the back of Kyoya and send Kyoya flying to a wall.

"The name is Genkishi, I'm here to collect those damn rings." The man said and attemted to attack Kyoya.

Kyoya block the attack with his tonfa and manage to attack Genkishi with a maxium speed. The fight last for atleast 30 minutes but it seems Kyoya is having trouble Fighting this Herbivore.

"Just Give up and give the rings." Genkishi said.

"The term give up isn't in my Dictionary Herbivore." Kyoya said but he was in his limit and fell to his knees.

"Use The ring Kyo-chan, and the box too." A voice of Tsuna says. Kyoya was shock, he look around but Tsuna wasn't there. He forgot that Tsuna can use Mist Flames to travel one person's mind. And probably Tsuna is watching somewhere near.

Kyoya smirk, as much as he do not want to use the ring. He would never give up in a fight and never wanted to accept defeat So he uses the ring and lit it up with his cloud flames. The ring in his finger then Connect with the box and then a cute little hedgehog was out.

The hedgehog did nothing at first so Kyoya and Genkishi fine it useless but When they started to move the Hedgehog scream and their surroundings was filled with spike.

So Kyoya was amazed by how the rings and boxes work. He never thought that he had such a power to do this. He smirk and started to fight Genkishi again this time his Tonfa waz filled with Raging Cloud flames.

They fight for atleast 20 minutes before the world just turn into a normal surroundings. The buildings started to crack as well as it collapsed. Kyoya look for his enemy but it was gone just like that. Kyoya immediately think that he should atleast get out of the place before it will collase so he did get out, Next goal Find his Omnivore.


Ieyoshi and Natsu on the other hand was with Hayato. They were gonna go upstairs but they were stop with a tons of flying knifes.

"Ushishishi~ Look what I have here."

"Why You stupid! 💢💢 Such a stupid princess." Hayato said.

"I'm not a princess, I'm a prince.Prince Bel".

"Then why in hell did you wear a Tiara not a Crown?" Hayato ask.

Silent was made first before Bel got angry.

"What in the world You just Said!? 💢💢 " Bel said as he throw some knifes at Hayato's directions.

Ieyoshi and Natsu manage to Avoid those, Hayato too. Then Hayato throw a tons of Dynamites at Bel.

Bel Catches those dynamites and use it to launch forward and Attack hayato. Hayato dodge bell and manage to kick Bell back and send him in the floor.

Hayato grab the Storm Vongola Rings since it was his dream to be the storm of his beloved Juuidaime. To be the storm or assistant of the one who accepted him. So he wears the ring and got the box.

Bel Kick Hayato and was send flying.

"Gokudera!" Natsu and Ieyoshi said in worried.

"Reborn, Shot me." Ieyoshi command.

"This is a battle of the storm. Means You have no right to interfere." Reborn said.


"No Buts Ieyoshi."

The cold awra of Reborn shut Ieyoshi. He look at Hayato in a concern way.

"Ushishishi, I guest You still have a guts to fight me. Sad to say I'm willing to get the rings." Bel said.

Hayato smirk. "Too bad, I already wear it Idiot." Hayato talk back. He  connect his rings to the box and was surprise to see a Cat.

A fearless cat with a red fire burning Tail. He was glaring at Bel.

"Ushishishi~ What does a stupid cat can do?" Bel ask as he almost laugh when he saw a useless cat.

Hayato too find The Cat Useless but as soon as the cat jump into Hayato's arms and place a Skeleton like in Hayato's arm. It spread through his arm and became like a weapon.

Hayato smirk and Activate that weapon and target bel, But before that The cat Run towards bel and manage to explode at bel which give a painful inpact. Hayato uses the C.I.A System as a finish blow.

Bel was lying on the grounf with burn marks everywhere.

"Woah, Gokudera. That was amazing." Natsu said.

"Yeah, That was so Powerful. How cool." Ieyoshi said happily.

Hayato blush at his Boss comment. He never thought that his Juudaime would complement him like this, This made him more happier.

"Ofcourse, I'll do anything to deserve as your right mand hand." Hayato said with a smile and a bow.


Thanks for reading
Hope you enjoyed 😊😊😊

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