Chapter 42

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3rd Person's pov

Next thing Tsuna knows he was in an abyss of White. He slowly got up, Rub his eyes and look around.

"Where am I?" Tsuna ask out of nowhere.

Then Tsuna manage to stand up and walk around the abyss until the scene changes. Tsuna now is standing at thr familiar shop. A shop that is own by the person he wanted to meet. Quickly he run inside the shop and found the person he was looking For.

"Ah~ Tsunayoshi. We finally met."

"Kawahira-san." Tsuna called.

Kawahira just gave a smile at Tsuna.

"Pls, Have a sit. A tea may feel you better." Kawahira offer.

"Sorry, But an Illusionary tea don't make me feel better." Tsuna reply.

"As I thought. You never change Don't you?" Kawahira said.

"As a Matter of fact yes I don't. Now will you tell me the reason as to why am I here?" Tsuna said rather serious.

Kawahira Smirk. "One your like reborn who is straight to the point. I don't blame you since your once under him, Two your theory is worng. All though your the one who's gonna broke the cursed in this world that doesn't mean you will gonna disappeared nor die, This will be your second chance in life. Take it as a gift of mine." Kawahira said with a gentle voice. Tsuna look down and gave a sad look.

"I don't need a second chance in life. All I needed is my Family. Just them is enough. " Tsuna reply sadly, Oh How he misses his true family.

"Don't be sad Decimo, You might not be the Decimo from this world, They might not be the same person you use to know but, still You can make changes in this world if you want to." Kawahira said.

"I don't need changes. I just want them." Tsuna said looking down while remembering some memories of his family. "By the way, Is the only world where you didn't exist? That means you came from my world? Can you tell me how my Family is doing?" Tsuna ask.

Kawahira Smile. "They are doing fine. Infact they move on regardings to your death because of the fact that they say, Before they buried you they all heard your voice saying That your always with them no matter what happens even your already dead. Kyoya from your world said, As long as the sky is upthere there always be you who's watching them." Kawahira said.

That makes Tsuna a little bit Happy. He smile." Aw, I thought he is the one who is gonna not Move on regardings my death." Tsuna chuckle.

"He is, His the last person who move on regardings your lost. According to My source. When Your gone, Your Storm keep playing a sad melody of a piano in his room about a week, Your Rain who keep cheering him up. Your rain, Keep his smile yet a sad one because he promise you that he will smile for everyone to make them feel better and always cheer up your family even he is always missing you for a week too. Your sun manage to trained everyday to get stronger, Training until he was tirer. He keep blaming hisself for a week for not being stronger able to protect you. Your Girl Mist keept crying for 2 days because of you were gone, Yet she promise herself after that 'that' she won't cry again and be stronger so she can protect your legacy which was the Strong bond of the family. Your lighting too did keep crying, He always said that isn't fair that you die without you Able to look at his final Sketch, His final Drawing. He always hang his drawing in his room so he can look at it everyday. He didn't smile and always alone for about two weeks Until the Rank Prince and that chinese girl manage to make him happy. Your pineapple Mist as we speak, Is Not doing all good. He manage to lead the group to kill each and everyone of the Mafia member who killed and attack that night, Means he fight with anger. Revenge as he may say. Mafia was truly a cruel world, He truly hates them each He wanted to destroy them all at once. But he remember your words, That Revenge is not good. It will just end up ruining your lives. So Mukuro did stop, But after a 2 weeks of that. He lock hisself in the room and first ever a Guy like him Cry for the lost of his sky. He did blame himself for being such a Iresponsible Guardian."

While this, The scene was changing to Every scene that Kawahira was saying. When Tsuna saw this, his happy yet tears came falling from his eyes. He never knew that his family, did care for him That much, he didn't expect that he will create such a family with such a strong bond He is happy with this.

"Your tutor, Was also anger. He manage to kill everyone else who is involved in your dead. Because according to him, Your like his son. A stupid pathetic incredible son that can make him Cry. Never ever in his life, Even when Luce disappeared had ever the greatest Hitman in the world had cry for You." Kawahira said as Tsuna chuckle a little while he was wiping his tears.

"I never knew that Reborn can cry. What an amazing scene." Tsuna said with a smile.

"Lastly, your beloved cloud." Kawahira said, With that Tsuna was a little bit of shock when he saw his cloud in his house alone. His japanese house seeing a beatiful sakura tree.

"Tsunayoshi? You always say I'm the one who is mean. But.... When I think it cleary, Your the one who is mean." Kyoya started to blunt out while looking at the sky. "You always say that your with us no matter what happens, Yet.... Your the one who leave us early, too early." Kyoya said, then he travel his cold hands towards his collar and pull out a beautiful pendant, Its a transparent circle like crystal inside was a singe Sakura Petal. Kyoya held it tightly.

"But I do believe, That the sky is always there. So you will too, Even it hurts for you not being here beside me. Tsunayoshi." Kyoya said as of that Tears came falling from his eyes.

"He was alone, And has no one. When Your gone he thinks that his alone again. He is there when the Vongola needs him but when not, He just lay in the room and do nothing mostly thinking about you that is. And Until now he was sad that you disappeared in his arms without saying any goodbyes." Kawahira said.

Tsuna on the other hand didn't stop crying not because he was sad. But Its just he misses his family more than anything and He was happy to hear that his family do care for him not just because he was the Sky, Nor the Decimo. But his family care because of him being him. Tsuna can't wish for anymore than to meet up with them once again. All of them.

"Can you see Tsuna, Your a true sky. A sky that no one can ever replace. I travel a thousand millions different world before, Meet different You on the parallels worlds But Your the oy Tsunayoshi who manage to bring a strong bond to his family." Kawahir said.

Tsuna smile and wipe his tears away. "And I'm proud of myself as to that. I'm glad I'd meet all of them, Specially Reborn who is the key for me meeting all of them. " Tsuna said as he gave his true smile which Kawahira did amazed.

Kawahira smirk, The true sky's Smile is really something. So Kawahira made Tsuna showed the Sky Pacifier.

"From this moment Forward, You will be the Holder of this. Until The Cursed will be broken." Kawahira said.

"Thank You Kawahira, For showing my family to me. For showing all of them specially my beloved Cloud. Thank you very much. And As For the cursed, How will I broke it?" Tsuna ask.

"You will know when the times is right." Kawahira simply answered.

"Thank You once again, But..." Tsuna then summon his Mist Flames with a Pen and a piece of Paper. He started to write a letter. 8 Envelopes with different color was made.

"The Green one is For Lambo, Black is for Reborn, blue-green is for Chrome, Indigo is for Pineapple Since its obvious the Indigo envelope has a design of a pineapple, And then Yellow is for Ryohei, Red is for Hayato, Blue is For Takeshi and Lastly, Purple is for Kyoya. Send this letter for them Pls. Its my last request." Tsuna said.

Kawahira gladly accept it before they say their goodbyes.

Then Tsuna wake up.


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