Chapter 83

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3rd person's pov

When Everything seems Normal all of them was shock to what They saw Even Jacoob Himself.

"What the hell is that!?" Jacoob yelled.

Tsuna kick Jacoob roughly and powerfully. Jacoob was send to a ground and the Ground where he laid had a creater because of the impact.

"Your an idiot, Ofcourse its the memory of The Tsuna from this world and Tsuna from the outer world which is me." Tsuna said smirking.

Jacoob stand up. "So Your they say A true sky. Let me see how true sky are you." Jaccob said and his body was full of Black Flames and attack Tsuna with a full force.

"Be warned, I can be more sadist than Reborn itself. Well, Who's to be blame his the one Who Make me like this, Make me use my True Power, Make me use them to protect my Famiglia's smile. So Be prepared to see a Mini-Reborn." Tsuna said said with a smirk, with that Sky Flames lit his head and hands.

Reborn hearing that seeing the Whole Anime series. Smirk he was going to enjoy this Show.

Tsuna punch Jacoob that hard sending Jacoob back away. Jacoob hit a wall and it seems the ground is shaking with Tsuna's powerful attack.

Speed, Jacoob use them but Tsuna just smirk.

"Oh god, my Lighting Bovino, Lambo is more faster than You idiot!" Tsuna said and catches Jacoob using His lighting flames.

Jacoob use Dark Storm flames to attack Tsuna, But Tsuna avoid it and suddenly was up flying in the sky behind Jacoob.

"Tsk, Hayato's deadly C.I.A attack is more hotter than that." Tsuna said.

Tsuna feel a cold on his Feet. Water, means Rain Flames. Oh, Tsuna make the Water Vanish immediately and use his X burner to attack Jacoob.

Tsuna was barely have a scratch. Jacoob was losing.

He now made An Illusion that Bring Tsuna down with some vines.

Tsuna burn those Vines. "I already experienced 6 path of hell to say What is Illusion and not." Tsuna said and attack again.

Jacoob Now uses His Cloud flames to hit Tsuna with a sphere but Sadly The sphere broke by Tsuna.

"My beloved Cloud Kyo-chan~ Has more stronger cloud flames with that, But I'm not saying that Kyoya is more stronger than Mukuro, nor Mukuro is stronger than Kyoya." Tsuna said sending Jacoob fly away.

When Kyoya heard that He shot a glare to Mukuro, Mukuro just smirk Happily.

Jacoob then uses all of his Black Flames to form a huge ball and attack Tsuna.

"Tsuna-Nii dodge it!" Ieyoshi yelled but Tsuna didn't move and let those flames hit him.

Suddenly all of the sudden a huge earthquake has made and vlack smoke everywhere.

Once the smoke is clear the first thing they saw was Jacoob who was standing, But he fell slowly on the ground.

The next was Tsuna who still and HDWM and look at Seriousness.

Everyone was shock what happened just earlier, Well.

Tsuna uses his Zero Breakpoint: New Edition.

And Thats end the battle. Tsuna fell down on his knees but Reborn was the one who fist Run towards him.

"Your such an idiot you know that." Reborn said. Tsuna scoffs

"Can you atleast Praised your Other self's student." Tsuna said and look away.

"Seems My other self didn't tought you enough." Reborn said.

"God Reborn, Your really are A sadist Demon. I'll tel-" Tsuna was cut off when each pacifier Glowed and each one broke into pieces. The other arcobaleno's was gone to Normal. But Tsuna's sky Pacifier didn't break. Tsuna hold it and look at It curiously.

Oh yeah, He remember that Kawahira said he can Wish for anything before he the sky Pacifier shall be disappeared.

Tsuna wish to see, Just see how his family are doing. How they are, Are they happy? Sad? He wanted to see how they are and how Vongola is.

And it seems The Pacifier gave that Wish to him.

Kyoya was usual Aloof but then Treat Lambo, I-pin and Fuuta as Family. Surprisingly he was the one who toom the kids.

Mukuro and Chrome together,

Hayato and Takeshi too,

Ryohei and Hana,

And Tsuna can't be more happier than what he saw. Everyone is happy and he doesn't need to worry.

The next day, They all regret and felt sorrow about Tsuna in this worlds death. They didn't even respect him because they keep calling him demon child. But now they know the truth all they could do is pray to him and say sorry, Specially the Sawada Family who is very very wrong about Tsuna. He isn't a demon child, he was just a broken Child thats all.

But yet again they all pray thanks as they give Tsuna from the other world. A unique one too.

Of all this years, Tsuna help Reborn Train Ieyoshi and Natsu to become the heir however Ieyoshi somehow wish to Reborn is gonna Train him, Tsuna is really a sadist, a very bad sadis.

Sometimes though Tsuna do help The Vongola to make it stronger.

Well he guess that he only needs to worry his new family here.v


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Hope you enjoy it 😊😊😊

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