Chapter 35

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3 rd person pov

When Tsuna started to run towards Kokuyo Land he was sure that Mukuro was there and also Kyoya.

The first thing he saw was Chrome, who was humming a song and was randomly walking.

Tsuna stop at what his doing, He kinda just notice that this world wasn't his wold. Therefore Mukuro and the rest will be more deadly than anyone.

Chrome stop walking when her eyes met up with Tsuna, She was familiar with the face of the so called demon child face so she started to tremble and was about to run but Tsuna gave her a gentle smile.

"Ahm.. Miss, Did you see a raven Teen this high, and then kinda muscular with kinda gray Icy eyes." Tsuna ask gently.

Chrome who was kinda a little bit confuse was going to give a reply when suddenly she saw both Chikusa and the other guy( I forgot his name) came behind Tsuna and gave he a shhh Look.

Tsuna who knows that there are people in his back (thanks to his intuition), Pretend not to know since it might lead it it to where Kyoya might be.

So He let hisself get hit in the head and went unconscious. Which was immediately done. Then a teen carry Tsuna bridal style since Tsuna is Light.

"Woa, He is light." The man said.

"Well, He looks like a girl too. But look on the bright side, we got the demon child." Chikusa said.

"I'm sure Mukuro-sama will be proud at us." The other said.

"Lets take him" Chikusa said.


Kyoya on the other hand was leaning in the wall heavy injured because of the fight earlier. He can't even move an inch because of his Injuries. He also heard his Phone rang a couple of times earlier this morning, but he can't reach it since its to far away from him.

"Kufufufu~ Such an Strong opponent with a strong pride ruin by a Stupid Tree. How did that felt?" The indigo hair man carrying a Trident was smirking at Kyoya who glare deadly.

"Such a look. But that won't work on me Kufufufu~" .

"Mukuro Sama!" The other guy called

"I see your back." Mukuri reply.

"Well we brought you something, well more like someone." Chikusa said as they presented an Unconscious Tsuna.

Mukuro who saw that gave a smirk. "Kufufufu~ What a cute little bunny, Wait? Aren't he the so called demon child?" Mukuro ask.

"Well he looks like it." Chikusa said.

Kyoya who is there and saw his Omnivore wanna charge to Mukuro again, He can't let those people hurt what his Yet, He can't even move. He curse inside of his head.

But he question as to why did Tsuna was here? Why would he be in the place like this?

"Kufufufu~ We can Use him for something. First we needed to get them." Mukuro said with a smirk and turn into Kyoya.

"Looks Like you won't be lonely since you have accompany" Mukuro said.

Kyoya just tsk, The other man put Tsuna gently beside Kyoya. Tsuna's was lean on Kyoya's legs while he was falling asleep like nothing is going on.

Kyoya manage to move his hand towards Tsuna's hair and slightly brush those bangs away which make Tsuna look more beautiful than he is already. Kyoya gave a small smirk, Tsuna was really an amazing person even though he is known as a Demon child.

Kyoya heard Mukuro gave orders to his mens to go and find the Star Child who held the book that Mukuro can use to destroy all Mafia. So that was this Herbivore wanted to find in his town, in his place the Star child.

"Kufufufu~ Mafia will fall. And it will be the end." Mukuro said as he keep his smirk on.

Tsuna on the other hand started to stir, Looks like Mukuro's mens forgot to tie Tsuna. When Tsuna wake up, He felt Gentle yet cold hands touches his forehead. He open his eyes and met up with those Grey like Ice eyes looking at him with Concern.

Tsuna suddenly sat up. "Kyoya!" Tsuna said as he look at Kyoya with Concern. "Are you ok? Are you hurt anywhere? What did the Pineapple did to you?" Tsuna ask in concern.

"Kufufufu~ Looks like your awake my little bunny." Mukuro said.

Tsuna look at Mukuro and was shock a little. "Hah! A talking pineapple. Ay, No Its just a human who had a fruit head." Tsuna said but when he realize that this was a Mukuro from this world not the Mukuro on his world. He slap his mouth.

"Forget what ever the hell did I say." Tsuna said.

"Kufufufu~ Your an interesting man. No wonder they call you a demon child." Mukuro said.

"For your Info, That Demon child Was Long dead. I'm a person who replace him."Tsuna said.

"Oya? A perso. who replace him, How interesting." Mukuro said with a smirk.

"Yeah Yeah, I know." Tsuna said as he roll his eyes and kneel down at Kyoya.Tsuna immediately summon his sun flames and started healing Kyoya.

"If you ever wanted to get that Book for revenge. Then your no different from those people who sell and Experimented on you." Tsuna said seriously without even looking at Mukuro. His gaze was focus on healing Kyoya.

"How'd you know about that?" Mukuro said pointing his trident at Tsuna.

"Because, In my world. Your my Precious Mysterious Mist who is willing to lie to cover the truth for his sky." Tsuna said seriously.


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