Chapter 28

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3rd  person's pov

Everything went to a rutein. Wake up in the morning, make breakfast go to school, have lunch with friends, sparing with a demon, play or watch baseball practice sometimes, then go home.

Its been 3weeks since Tsuna do those things. And 2, and a half months since Tsuna wake up from the coma yet Tsuna form a strong bond between all of his known peers. Even though those peer wasnt the same one as what he knows in his world, He still accept them, But there was the feeling that he wishes to see his own family living in his own world.

Tsuna currently was in a cooking class which Kyoko, Hana, Joyce edz, Haru, and Takeshi was his member since all of his classmates doesn't wanna go with him. (The food Might be poisonous.) Natsu and Ieyoshi wanted to join Tsuna's group since they know Tsuna is one best cooker, But sad to say only 6 members for each group so Tsuna just said good luck to both Ieyoshi and Natsu about this cooking thingi.

"What should we cook Tsuna?" Takeshi ask.

"The judges say that the theme today was an Italian Dishes." Kyoko said as she was reading her notes.

"I know some italian Dishes. How about we make some Italian Style Lasagna?" Tsuna said happily.

"Do you know how to make it?" Hana ask.

"Ofcourse, I can make it in an hour just slice the ingredients for me." Tsuna said as he order his members to do things that needed in baking the lasagna Italian style with mix of Tsuna's style.

While in the middle of the cooking, A group of Boys approach the team of Tsuna.

"Sure, Your food will be the last that the judges will taste." Boy number 1 said.

"If ever tge judges will taste your damn food." Boy # 2 said then the 3 of them started to laugh then walk away

Joyce edz look at them with a glare, ready to kill. She felt a tap on the shoulder and saw Kyoko giving her a its ok  look. She look at where Tsuna is and she was surprised that Tsuna was still smiling while working on their project. It seems Tsuna didn't heard a single thing or just pretend that it never happened.

So Joyce did the same and continue their work.

One Hour later their dish was done. Joyce look the dish with a sparkling eyes. The Lasagna look beautiful, well the others thinks its weird looking since its messy in the eyes. But for Joyce edz who is a foreign and familiar in dish as like Lasagna. she was amazed at Tsuna's dish.

"You guys wanted to taste?" Tsuna ask.

"But this is for the Teachers" Takeshi said kinda a little disappointed.

"I did make one for all of us. " Tsuna said as he brought one small tray fill with Lasagna. "Its smaller though."

"Lets give it a taste." Haru said exictedly. Each one of them got a spoon and then after that they taste the lasagna. They were amazed how delicious was it, the flavor of it tasted in their mouth was overwhelming.

"This is delicious. How'd you do this Tsuna?" Takeshi ask.

"Yeah, I must say all your cookings are delicious." Kyoko said happily.

"Thank you, But I can't do this without all of your help. So help yourself." Tsuna said with a smile.

"If the teachers won't eat the other Lasagna. I'll take it home and eat. " Hana said seriously.

"Not fair you should share." Haru said.

"Nope, Its delicious. Its like eating in a fancy resto. So I won't share such an expensive meal." Hana said.

"Hana, Your mean." Kyoko said.

"Such a heavy eater for such a full knowledge girl." Joyce edx said.

"What did you say tomboy-freak!?" Hana said.

"Deaf." Joyce edz said.

"Why You!" Hana said.

You can see a lighting strike between their glaring contest. Good thing Takeshi is there.

"Maa~Maa~ Lets just gave our work to the teachers ok?" Takeshi said.

"What are you talking about? The teachers clearly is avoiding us to come here and taste our food." Hana said as she looks around. Each team has their own stations, and the teachers were start to roam around to eat their students dishes and some of them really avoid at Tsuna's team.

"Teachers, Such a coward. I thought they suppose to be a key for the future of the students, give inspiration, give hope. Not made them lost hope and teaches them to give up. Stupid teachers." Joyce edx said it loudly so that the teachers in their surroundings can heard

"Joyce!" Tsuna scold.

"What its true?" Joyce said.

"Ahm.." A teacher, A woman teacher who approach joyce nervously.

"Ma-May I-I se-see yo-Your Wo-Work?" The teacher ask nervously as her eyes landed on the demon child who is giving her a warm smile.

"Oh, Sensei. No need to nervous. Pls feel free to taste our Italian-style Lasagna. " Tsuna offer sweetly.

The teacher gulp before she grab the spoon nervously. Then she nervously again pick the lasagna with her spoon. She is thinking that this food is safe since they are in the school, but there is still a chance of the food was being poison. Because the one who made it was known as a demon child.

Then the teacher nervously eat The Lasagna and was surprise, That the food was great its not like the other food that she tasted. Even fancy resto can't compare to this.

"Did you really made this?" The teacher ask with excitement. Tsuna nod with a smile. "Wow your talented. This food was the best." The teacher said in excitement before digging again.

"Oh thank you very much. Its actually the only talent I have." Tsuna said with a smile.

"Neh? Tsuna-nii, Can we have a taste too?" Ieyoshi ask.

"Ofcourse Ieyoshi-sama, Natsu-sama, even Hayato sama too. I made each of you this." Tsuna said as he got out a 4 inches long lasagna for each of them Tsuna gave Natsu two pices. One for Natsu and for Reborn.

They all was amazed by Tsuna's dishes and Tsuna was declare as the great cheft of the day. Natsu wonder for who's the 3 pieces of Lasagna was place at Tsuna's bag.

Tsuna said, That one for Lambo, One for Nana, and one for Kyoya. He can't just forget them can he?


thanks for reading
Hope you enjoy 😊😊😊

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