Chapter 51

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3rd Person's pov

"So Basil, What are you doing here?" Reborn ask as Ieyoshi and Natsu was already awake.

Kyoya was leaning on the wall beside the window listening to them. He was also upset for the fact that his Usagi skip again. He wanted to bite that guy to death again he swear.

"Well, As you may Know Reborn-sama. The Varias was missing and attempted to steal the Vongola Rings. But the Vongola rings won't fully work on their hands since they have No vongols Bloods, well their sky ofcourse. So Timeo-sama decided to give this Rings to the Decimo and their guardians to protect the rings. " Basil said.

"Last night When I was in Tokyo, The Varias was chasing me. But I lost them and they don't know that I'm here." Basil explained.

"Hm~ This is tough. The only guardians they have are only Storm and Sun. I didn't ask Lambo yet to be their Lightning and Chrome to be their mist. Both Takeshi which was a qualified Rain and Hibari a qualified Cloud refuses." Reborn said.

"The we better ask Lambo later, I manage to Convince Chrome somehow and Takeshi too..." Ieyoshi said with a determination then he look at in Kyoya. "But I think you will be a great help in our Family. So Pls re-think about this offer that is given to you Hibari-san. Is just we need you right now to be our cloud, Think of this. If you will join you will gain more access to Mafia which you can use to protect Tsuna. " Ieyoshi said politely and then bow. "So pls re-think."

Kyoya just look away and Hum as an answer. That answered as he will re-think about that offer he will ask Tsuna about it if he should accept it or not.


Tsuna on the other hand glare at the person he bump into he was surprised too.

"What in the world are you doing here?" Tsuna ask.

"Didn't you say you wanted to meet me?" The Marshmallow freak reply.

"I did, But I didn't say you can come here!?" Tsuna said. Tsuna gaze at Two familiar faces. "And I didn't say that you can bring them too."

"What did you say You Brat!?"💢 Zuruko said

💢 "Excuse me, Who do you think your calling a brat?" Tsuna said glaring at Zuruko.

"Maa~ Calm down. Zuruko, Tsu-chan is not a brat he just a cute little child." Byakuran said with a smile.

Tsuna got pissed, He rather take the brat thingi rather than the Cute Little child. He gave Byakuran a smack in the head and got Yuni's arms.

"Come Yuni, Lets go to my house since you is enough rather than a Marshmallow freak who will just bother us." Tsuna said.

Byakuran was in the ground giving a childlish look with fake tears. "Tsu-chan is so mean...." Byakuran said.

Later Tsuna manage to get Byakuran inside of the house because of Nana who invited Tsuna's friend. Nana was happy that Tsuna finally manage to make friends through this years had pass by.

Tsuna keep arguing that Byakuran is ain't his friend.

"You brat! How dare you treat Byakuran so unFomal!?" Zuruko argue again as he saw how Tsuna treated Byakuran.

"Don't call me a brat again you red-hair freak!" Tsuna argue back.

" What did you just call me!?" Zuruko said.

"Maa~ Calm down Zuruko. Were at his house show a little bit of respect." Kikyo said.

"But He is not even respecting Byakuran-sama." Zuruko said.

"Hora, Byakuran-sama doesn't mind. see" Kikyo pointed at Byakuran who is enjoying his marshmallow pie fill with all marshmallows.

Zuruko sigh. But glare at Tsuna at the same time who smile at him back.

"You better not hurt Byakuran-sama." Zuruko said.

"Why would I?" Tsuna said and gave a true genuine smile. "Beside, Thanks to Byakuran, I got Stronger and more to determine to protect my friends and Family including him." Tsuna said, Which shock Byakuran who almost choak.

"Really Tsu-chan You consider me as friends?" Byakuran said hoping for an answer.

Tsuna answered "No" playfully. But inreality Ofcourse Byakuran is one of his family and friends even though they weren't in a good relationship before, Well Byakuran from his world that is.

They mess around with a little bit before Tsuna started to get serious and talk about the Pacifier hanging in his neck. He made them show the Pacifier.

"Tsuna-nii? Are you sure you can handle the effect of the Pacifier?" Yuni ask.

"Ofcourse. Kawahira did say I won't die. It will just make me weak." Tsuna reply.

Yuni and Byakuran sigh in relief, They really don't like to make Tsuna die, Not just yet.

"Well, Since its in your hands How come it doesn't Glow when Uncle reborn is around?" Yuni ask.

"Thats why I wanted to call you guys, It actually Glows but I cover it with mist flames so Reborn won't notice. His pacifier will glow too, But I cover it with Mist flames so he won't notice. But I can't use mist flames all the time so you guys better help me." Tsuna said.

Byakuran smile. "I know, You can Just use your sky flames to cover up the Pacifier. For example..." Byakuran said and explained to Tsuna how would Tsuna hide Pacifier Presence. Byakuran too exolain many things about the Pacifier itself.

During the chatting, Yuni got a message from her phone. She check it and its from their mens saying that another famiglia was being massacred by the unknown killer. The killer has No name, But currently all the Mafias is calling the Killers Group a Diavlo because everytime they mascred a whole Famiglia they always leave a Demons sign.

The Vindice is traking them, But It seems that those killers was good at Hiding.

"Diavlo famiglia, Demon's Family. How interesting." Tsuna said with a smirk then his head hurt.

"Tsuna-nii are you ok?" Yuni ask.

"Yeah, Its just mu intuition is ringing saying I should Go to school and should help everybody." Tsuna said.

"Oh, Then you should go." Byakuran said.

"We?" Tsuna ask.

"Yeah, I wanted to see Tsu-chan's school." Byakuran said excitedly.

"I can't reborn will notice that I, We met." Tsuna said.

"Don't worry, I could just tell reborn that we came here to meet the Vongola Decimo and you just happen to be at home to entertain us. " Byakuran said happily.
"Beside your good at Acting anyway."

"Yuni? Is byakuran in this world always like this?" Tsuna ask.

"I don't. He is always like that." Yuni said.

"He is always childlish." Tsuna said.


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