Chapter 72

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3rd person's pov

When Tsuna wAs busy playing with the kids and Reborn was discussing to Fon how Tsuna knows about the Mafia and the curse and Reborn's first name Fon was shock to know that.

"How'd he know all of that?" Fon ask.

"Beats me, he said that when Ieyoshi and Natsu is ready to confess the truth about them involving in Mafia. He never tell mehow he knows it,but I have a feeling that he Knows the Curse since he mention Arcobaleno and Call me Renato." Reborn said seriously as he sip his expresso.

"So? This means that he might know where the sky pacifier is." Fon said.m

"He might, speaking of that. Are you aware of the diavlo Famiglia?" Reborn changing the topic since he really doesn't know how to continue the topic of Tsuna. They will just end up being in a mysterious and more comfuse conversation.

"I heard they are mysterious Famiglia that already destroyed and massacred 34 different famiglias. It cause Chaos in the italy that even Italy government was focusing to find out who they were." Fon said seriously.

"Yes, all of those 34 famiglia's base was burn, literally burn. Could it be that the one who burn it has flames?" Reborn said.

"Possible, but I doubt that its sky flames. Since Sky flames won't work when it use for bad stuff. " Fon said.

"Yes, I agree." Reborn said

"Were Home." Ieyoshi greeted. He saw Reborn and Fon sitting in the couch while drinking.

"Who's this?" Natsu ask Pointing to Fon.

"His name is Fon, I-pin's master and a friend of Mine." Reborn said.

"Hello." Ieyoshi greeted politely.

"Another Idiot." Natsu murmur.


"Reborn!" Natsu yelled while patting his own head where Reborn hit him.

"You said another idiot aren't you saying I'm an idiot too?" Reborn ask coldly. Natsu gulp.

"No absolutely not." Natsu said as he look at Reborn with a pale face.

"Good." Reborn said and re-treat. He look at Ieyoshi.

"Now I guest the right time to Go back to the past and meet the Ghost." Reborn said looking at Ieyoshi Observing him.

"Past? Meeting the Ghost?" Ieyoshi ask.

"Its part of your training to Know the truth of the Vongola. Using strong amount of Mist flames and your subconscious you will find to as where and how did Vongola Start. And who are the people involved, each Boss pass this level. The problemis we-" Reborn said and explain but was cut off by Tsuna who just walk in.

"You guys need a strong Mist Flame user right?" Tsuna said.

Everybody look at him, they were shock a bit but reborn just smirk.

"Yes." Reborn said.

Tsuna smile and grab his phone. "On it."

He look at his phone and search for his contact name 'Pineapple ' before clicking it and call.

A few second and it answered.

"Kufufufu~ its nice you call me up Tsunayoshi."

"Need help, Strong mist flame user, location House, time: Now." Tsuna said and end up the call.

Not too long, a bunch of indigo flames was forming beside Tsuna and later it revealed a Mukuro.

"Kufufufu~ What do you need me for this time?" Mukuro said while giving a smirk to Tsuna.

"Well,they say they need a strong mist flame user. And you immediately flash in my mind." Tsuna said with a smile.

"What will I get in return?" Mukuro ask.

"I'll bake you that Chocolate cake you like if you want." Tsuna said with a smile.

Mukuro smirk. "Deal." Mukuro said and look at Ieyoshi and Natsu who is completely shock.

"I-i-is that Mukuro Roduko?" Natsu shutters.

"He is, baka-Natsu." Reborn said.

"But isn't he in the vendicare?" Fon ask.

"As you can see his not. Don't worry, he may not be in our side but his in Tsuna's side." Reborn explained.

"Ahm... Reborn? What shall He do?" Ieyoshi ask.

Reborn got magical Ring. And give it to Both Ieyoshi and Mukuro. Tsuna look it curiously, in his world Reborn nor any of them didn't had that kind of ring,so he wonder what was those for.

"You lit it with your flames and it will take us to where it is." Reborn explain.

"Then that won't be a problem." Mukuro said as he lit the rings resulting a small indigo flames burst out of the rings and lit. Same goes with Ieyoshi but in his was an orange flames.

The scene around them started to change and they were standing like in the office or something with a blonde hair man sighing while looking at the paperworks.

"How come it happen to this? Why does those two must be keep fighting." The Blonde male said as he sigh again and slam his forehead on the desk.

"Wh-who's that?" Ieyoshi ask.

"His Giotto di Vongola. The founder of Vongola Famiglia." Reborn said.



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Hope you enjoy it 😊😊😊😊

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