Chapter 47

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3rd Person's Pov.

"were home." Ieyoshi said as he went inside of their house.

"Welcome Home Iey-kun,Na-kun, Reborn-kun. Wait Who is she?" Nana said as she notice A girl.

"Her name is I-pin." Ieyoshi said, "She is kinda a half Chinese."

"Ni hao." I-pin said politely.

"Oh, Welcome." Nana said happily.

"Mom, I-pin doesn't have a home. If its ok if I-pin can stay?" Ieyoshi said.

"Our home is not an orphanage" Natsu murmur softly.

Nana Chuckle. "Oh, Na-kun. Don't be so rude, Its fine the more the merrier."Nana said happily.

Ieyoshi smile." Here that I-pin? You can stay."

"Thank you very much, Ieyoshi-nii "I-pin said as she hug Ieyoshi.

"Your welcome." Ieyoshi said.

Then they walk towards the living room and saw Fuuta and Lambo who are doing there assignments.

Ieyoshi greeted the two to get their attention.

"Hello you two." Ieyoshi said.

Those two greeted back at Ieyoshi.

"By the way guys, This is I-pin. From now on she will be living with us." Ieyoshi said.

"Ni hao." I-pin greeted shyly.

"Chinese?" Lambo ask, I-pin nodded.

"Welcome I-pin, Come sit with us. Were currently doing our assignments." Fuuta said.

"Can you do that later?" Natsu said.

"Were Sorry, Natsu-nii. But Tsuna-nii said that if we have assignments we should do it first before we can play." Fuuta reply.


"REBORN!" Natsu yelled as he received a smack from Reborn.

"See, Fuuta and Lambo are learning well. A good students should really be doing there assignments not playing in there phone." Reborn said.

"Shut up, Like you know anything." Natsu said.


"Are you doubting me?" Reborn said with well a cold Awra. Natsu went paled.

"I say nothing reborn. I said Nothing." Natsu said.

Reborn re-draw his gun. Natsu sigh.

"Speaking of Tsuna, Did you see him anywhere?" Ieyoshi ask.

"Nope, When we got home Maman said that Tsuna-nii went out." Fuuta said.

"Oh." Ieyoshi reply.

"Where did that Weird guy went? He just skip school for some reason." Natsu said.

"Yeah, I was hoping I could make him teach us." Ieyoshi said.

"Neh? Fuuta, Is this Tsuna-nii a nice guy?" I-pin ask curiously since she wanted to find out of Tsuna the demon is not what the rumors said.

Fuuta smile at I-pin. "Not really, He is actually nice. His the one who brought me here and gave me a home. He is nice and a warm welcoming person." Fuuta said.

I-pin never really expected such an answer it seems the so-called demon child is not true at all.


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