Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

"thoughts in a thoughts"
"Text Messages"
"Normal speak"

3rd Person's Pov

"You are no Right to be the decimo. Take this." A silver haired guy said as he throw dynamites at Natsu, Ieyoshi was already knock out from the moment Gokudera Hayato throw a double bomb at him. He was laying on the grass in their lawn with his shirt and pants on It was surprising-

"Die you Decimo" Hayato said throwing tons of bombs. Natsu was having trouble on dodging the bomb since when he dodge another will showed up. Its a never ending. He look at Reborn who had a wide smirk in his face. He curse in his mind that this Spartan tutor from hell did showed up their lives. It was too not ok. His life was ok before, now this spartan showed up. He rather deal with a CRAZY MENTAL PROBLEM BROTHER, than to deal with a spartan tutor from hell who almost kill them. "Tsk, Tsk, Tsl, Natsu. Your useless. Now Die." Reborn said as he pointed the gun and Shoot, The bullet went to Natsu's skull and:

REBORN! I'M GOING TO DEFEAT THIS JERK WITH MY DYING WILL!" Natsu yelled and charge at Hayato.

"WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME ?" Hayato said rather annoyed and angry. He keep throwing bombs and to make sure he will dodge every Natsu's attack.

Natsu while in the Dying Will mode notice his brother Tsuna just open the window and look downwards to see the scene. Natsu curse himself for that as he saw that Tsuna will be going down any minute so he need a perfect plan to knock this Bomber down.

"TRIPLE BOMB!" Hayato yelled and throw the bomb away.

A bomb just fell from his grip down to his feet. The rest he manage to throw it. "Shit!" Hayato cursed and attempt to get the bomb and unfused it. But he was too late, Hayato sigh and thinking that his gonna die. But he saw infront of him was Natsu was willing to be exploded by tons of bombs just to save Hayato. He push Hayato away from the bombs and save Hayato. Natsu's back was full of burn marks.

Natsu's Dying Will turn off.

"Yo-you... You save me!" Hayato said with a smile. He then bow at Natsu who shriek a little. "I was wrong, Your fit to be a decimo. Pls forgive my action." Hayato said as he bow politely at Natsu.

"I forgive You." Natsu said as he gave a small smile at Hayato.

"What is the noise about?" Tsuna said as he slid the door.

Hayato ready his dynamites. "I'll protect you Juudaime from this Demon." Hayato said as he throw dynamite at Tsuna. Tsuna who catches all the dynamites throw it in the air, its perfect time that the dynamite exploded in the air.

Natsu and Hayato look at him in disbelief. Reborn smirk. "So he had a potential" Reborn thought pulling his fedora down.

"Dear~ Playing fireworks is dangerous. You shouldn't do it here, specially when the lawn is just small as this. Maybe play it somewhere? And Natsu What happen to your clothes? Your half naked." Tsuna said. Natsu look down with a red in his cheek. Tsuna sigh and the blanket that was covering him, he gave it to Natsu and cover his body.

"Thanks." Natsu murmur.

"Try keeping your clothes next time ok." Tsuna said with a smile. Natsu look at him with a slight gaps since he expected Tsuna would be laughing.

Tsuna gaze at Ieyoshi who's laying on the grass unconsciously. He sigh again, because Reborn is not really a merciful person. Tsuna kneel down and carry Ieyoshi bridal style going inside the living room. Reborn jump at Tsuna's hair, he must say Tsuna's head was comfortable to be with.

Tsuna lay down Ieyoshi on the couch. While Natsu sat down on the couch too.

"Wait here, I'll get your clothes." Tsuna said plainly and get some cloths for Natsu. While at it Ieyoshi started to wake up, He remember what happen and when Reborn gave him a smack for being weak.

Hayato swear his oath to protect his two Decimo from the demon child. But Natsu said, "He can't know about Mafia Gokudera-kun. And also Tsuna seems to be a different person from before and now." Natsu said.

"Natsu-sama here your clothes. Oh, Ieyoshi-sama your awake. " Tsuna said as he kneel down and gave Natsu his clothes. Natsu blink once or twice before he proceed what did just Tsuna called him.

"What did you just call us Tsuna?" Natsu ask softly.

"Natsu-sama, Ieyoshi-sama. Pardon if this is too much to ask. But Pls next time be careful in playing a fireworks with your acquaintance. If ever pls wear a safety device or something or else there will be no future for the clams, and Nana-sama will be disappointed. " Tsuna said rather formal like butler should speak.

Both Hayato and Reborn was shock, "Future for the clams? Could it be that Tsuna knows about the Vongola?, Impossible." Reborn thought, again he would like to investigate this so called demon child too.

"I thought your not aware of Vongola!" Hayato yelled.

Tsuna look at Hayato tilting his head. "Vongola an Italian word for Clams right? I'm aware, they are plenty in the sea." Tsuna said with a smile.

"Ho-How'd you know that Tsuna?" Natsu ask.

"Well, I can speak An slightly Italian since I love reading language in the book I have in my shelve." Tsuna explain. Reborn concluded that Tsuna didn't aware of the Vongola Mafia Group, maybe what Tsuna said was just a coincidence. Which was not.

"Maybe you could teach your brother some Italian." Reborn said.

"I would love too." Tsuna said happily. "Oh, I'd prepared some hot choco and Expresso in the table earlier. Maybe it will help you ease your mind a bit with those fireworks hit you. But pls better be careful with fireworks this time." Tsuna said.

"Tsk, They are not fireworks though." Hayato murmur, Tsuna chuckle. "I know, I'm not an idiot"Tsuna thought.

"I'll be going now, Natsu-sama, Ieyoshi-sama." Tsuna said bow slightly and went upstairs to his room.

"Natsu-nii, Why does Tsuna-nii acting like that?" Ieyoshi asked still he can't believe what their brother had become.

"I don't know the answer." Natsu said. He too was confuse with all of this.

"Mah, (Sip) I guest that the demon child change." Reborn said as he sip a cup of expresso.

"WHERE DID YOU GET THAT!?" Natsu and Ieyoshi said in both.


"Aren't you listening? He said he made us drink in the table." Reborn said as if he didn't smack his students.

Natsu sigh and grab the drinks his Brother made. His amaze that how Tsuna made the drink was warmelting.


Thanks for reading
Hope You enjoy 😊😊😊

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