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3rd person's pov

Vongola was known as a rebel group because they did things Right in such a corrupted society and a corrupted city. Giotto knows that, he knows that The city they are living is a such a injustice country.

"I know that, but who order you to do it? Are they planning something big?" Giotto ask calmly.

"Why should I tell you? Your an enemy." The man said.

"Because with your information, we can use it to determine the weakness of this Country We can use it to change this world we arw living. Tell me Are you really gonna live in this corrupt and Injustice country forever?" Giotto ask calmly.

The man was silent. He knows that this world they are living was a mess, People hurt another people. Those people who belongs in low life will remain as low life, they won't and never gonna have a life that is not low. Such an injustice world.

"Well, the name of my boss is Eriligor. He wants to Hunt you guys down since your ruining his own town." The man said.

"Eriligor de Arciaga. The town's mayor. Such a pity life he had. He might have the power of all but he didn't have a happy life. I can assure it." Giotto said as he stand up and went to the men. He free the man from the rope that was being tied around him.

"Your free now do whatever you want." Giotto said.

The man blink once or twice in disbelief.

"Are you sure your gonna free an enemy like me?" The man ask.

" I gave everyone a second chance, I gave everyone a chance to change. But I also gonna warned you that if you are not gonna change and if we will catch you again then I'm not the one who's gonna interrogate you. My two demons will." Giotto said giving a smile.

Two demons? The man tilt his head in confusion. Giotto notice this then he pointed at Alaude and Deamon who is attacking each other in a scary and powerful way which gave the man a shiver in his spine.

"I just suggest you change or your gonna meet your worst nightmare of all. Them." Giotto said with a smile.

"How'd you deal with them?" The man ask. Giotto sigh.

"This." Giotto then close his eyes and calm down before opening them again. He has a sinister smile on his face and his body was surrounded by a black smoke. K.I, a stronge yet cold K.I was released.

The man beside him gulp, he swear that Giotto's K.I was the worst and scary he saw. Its so strong and powerful.

Alaude and Deamon turn to Giotto when they realize and felt Giotto's presence. They gulp and attempt to run away but Too late Giotto grab them and next thing they know they are laying on the ground with smokes coming from their heads.

Giotto just chuckle and smile. "Don't worry, they aren't dead. " giotto said and face the man who paled and guld. He admit Giotto was scary.

"Oh, before I forget. I need something to tell you." The man said.

Giotto look at the man,


Next that Giotto's knows he was in a dark forest.

"Tell me why are we hear again?" G sais.

"Because that man, said that Eriligor has an illegal transaction upcoming here. A transaction where they gonna sell Kids and Womens to other countries. That is Inhuman G." Giotto said seriously.

"What if he is lying?" G said.

"His not, my intuition told me so." Giotto said.

"You and your idiotic and demotic Intuition." G said.

Giotto ignore G and focus on what is uphead. He saw that some mens were surrounded the group of Children who is crying and badly injured. Giotto was anger with that.

Soon later he saw a scene that he doesn't wanna see. A scene where Those mens abuse and Whip,slap those 5-10 years old kids.They treat those guys as a not-inhuman.

So without a further a do, they attack and save those kids. They manage to win but in the end of the battle A guy was holding a box for Giotto is more like a weapon.

"What a lovely Weapon?" Giotto joke as he was in HWDM.

"Its lovely indeed, this weapon contains a monster that can destroy this city. This city is nothing but a hell. So This should be destroyed." The guy yelled.

"Not all the people in this city is Hell." Giotto said.

"Shut up! You don't know the feeling of Someone treated as slave. These people here Kill my family without no Mercy! you don't know how it Feels Like!!" the guy shouted. Giotto felt what the guy felt, anger. He remember his Family was also killed with no mercy in such a corrupted society. Giotto wanted revenge, but thats not what Revenge for him.

"Nothing will change." Giotto said then that man was shock.

"Nothing will change, Humans like are weak. Believing that Revenge, power, Throne will solve everything. Nothing will change within you, in the end your still weak." Giotto said seriously. He look up the night sky and continue." Humans are weak will always be weak no matttee how much time goes by, But weakness is not always a bad thing. Humans are born weak anyway,its not easy to be alone thats why we had a Famiglia. Were friends and Family should be. A famiglia is something you can call home and a place where your heart is suppose to. To flourish, to success we work together and always progress. The weaker once will be slow in progress, But as long as we believe in tomorrow and put one foor before the other, we'll be able to find our strength, our source of power, our source of Life, If you can lead others to there happiness then you too will live a happy life, a life with a smile. You can those things without depending on that stupid monster Device." Giotto said and gave a smile to the guy.

The guy fell on his knees and give up.

"Your so great Giotto." Asari said with a smile.

"I didn't think our idiot boss has brain." G said.

"Yare, Yare, as usual Giotto is an amazing person." Lampo said.

"YOUR ALWAYS EXTREMe." Knuckle said.

"Nufufufu~ no wonder your a Sky." Deamon said.

"A Omnivore, Carnivore indeed." Alaude said.

"Thank you guys, But-"

Giotto was cut off when the device started to explode. Smoke was everywhere and They can't see anything. But once the smoke was cleared all they see was a man that was standing infront of them. The man had deadly red eyes and has two horns in his head.

The man earlier who held the box was shock. "How did it activate? I didn't touch the press button." The man said.

"What is that?" G ask the man.

"Its an experiment. Its suppose to be a deadly weapon to use against the other country. That human that is standing infront of you is a test subject and if I were to correct the weapon is been complete." The man explained.

"Nufufufu~Then this is getting interesting." Deamon said as he smirk.

Next thing they know, the Weapon attack them in a full speed which Giotto was send flying.


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Hope you enjoy it 😊😊😊

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