Chapter 67

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3rd Person's pov

Next morning, Ieyoshi was awaken by another Reborn's method which was now an electric shock.

"Pls, Reborn can you be more gentle?" Ieyoshi said after he got shock.

"Gentle is in not my vocabulary." Reborn reply.

Ieyoshi sigh. "Ofcourse not." Ieyoshi said as he got out of the bed and went to the bathroom. But, As he close the door of his room he heard a loud scream which he assume That Reborn gave Natsu electric shock.


He heard Natsu yelled. Ieyoshi just chuckled and proceed to go bathroom.

After a few minutes, Ieyoshi got up and saw a burn Natsu. He chuckle and laugh at his brother who glare at him and went to the bathroom.

Nana just got out of the room so Thus Lambo and the others.

Nana greeted them a happy morning which they greeted back.

"Is Tsuna-nii didn't come home?" Lambo ask lazily.

"No he didn't. But he did text me that he will come home today." Ieyoshi said as he gave a smile to Lambo.

"I miss him." Lambo said as he look down.

"Me too." Fuuta said.

"You miss him? He was just missing for a day." Natsu said as he appear out of nowhere.

"But a day was enough to miss him." Lambo said.

"I agree." Fuuta said.

"Well, I too wonder where does he go? If he isn't with Hibari-san" Ieyoshi said as he look up.

Then Reborn jump up at Ieyoshi's head. "Well, Tsuna is something that is mysterious so let just leave it be, by the way a friend of mind will be coming." Reborn said.

"A friend of yours?" Ieyoshi ask.

"Yes, I-pin might be happy to see him." Reborn stated.

I-pin look at Reborn confusely tilting her head before she went down stairs followed by the others.

Everyone settled in to eat there breakfast with Nana who prepared them. Nana most of the time ask questions about how's school and how is the day of the kids which everyone seems to answer it.

Reborn on the other hand just mentally sigh, his life is getting more boring as usual. He does like to have his own body back so he would do incredibly mission again, but this time without the sky Pacifier this body will be remain forever-maybe.

"Reborn? surprisingly your not doing paperworks or even searching in lop top? why is that?" Natsu ask.

"Thats none of your business Natsu." Reborn said

Natsu shrug and reply "Well I guest your right and continue eating Breakfast.

Reborn now a days was either reading reports from file to file to have a clue of this mysterious Diablo-Famiglia which was bothering His Yuni and all of the Mafia Famiglia. Even the Vendicare can't even trace them because they manage to develope an unknown flames. Its a Orage flame mix with pure black. Its was like a flame of Negative Sky. Either way, Reborn is also Searching an information about Tsuna.

He did follow Tsuna once and Tsuna was just normal, Well except for the fact that he hang around Hibari a lot. He spy on Tsuna to find that Tsuna do have skills in combat (He once saw He and Kyoya fight during patrols where Tsuna join Kyoya), Tsuna has a way to give hope to those people who is hopeless, Show them light, Tsuna too is spending time Mukuro Roduko the wanted criminal.

Reborn was shock to find that, but when he notice that Tsuna if Making Friends With Mukuro and taiming the Criminal. He quickly not to interrupt them. He was curious who would free Mukuro since Bermuda won't let Mukuro free that easily. He had conducted that its possible Tsuna, but... Tsuna has no connection to the Vedicare... Or does he?

As he observe Tsuna more, he find it more interesting. This Tsuna was different and a true sky. He would definitely love to know the truth right now. But he will wait until Tsuna decided to tell the truth to all of them, to really what happen.

Little does Reborn know, Tsuna knows about Reborn spying him thanks to his demotic Intuition. He just didn't have to say anything since it was just reborn. Tsuna knows how Reborn is so curious person who don't like secrets.

As for Tsuna he is still didn't wake up sleeping peacefully at Mukuro's Lap. Its just the Pacifier making him weaker than he already is.


When Ieyoshi was going to school he saw a Familiar looking red-haired guy. He smile.

"Good Morning Enma." Ieyoshi approach the boy.

Enma was a little bit shock to see Ieyoshi but smile back at him. "Good Morning Ieyosh-kun, Natsu-kun." Enma greeted politely.

"You wouldn't mind if we walk to together don't you?" Ieyoshi said.

"Ofcourse, That will be great." Enma said happily. Yes, he knows that this was supposed to be his enemy, but.... There is no wrong doings when making friends with the enemy right?

"So? Ieyoshi-nii who is he?" I-pin ask.

"Oh, sorry. He is Kozarto, Enma a tranferee student. He tranfer yesterday." Ieyoshi said.

"Heh? Kozarto Enma?" Fuuta ask curiously. "If I were to remember your the Shimon Famiglia Decimo." Fuuta said.

Ieyoshi and Natsu including Enma look at Fuuta with a what look.



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