Chapter 62

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3rd Person's pov

"Kufufufu~ What are we gonna do with them?" Mukuro ask as he was looking at the mens who was scared at him. Well No one really knows that the most deadly and wanted Criminal of Vendicare did got free rather than Tsuna, Kyoya and Bermuda itself. Byakuran and Yuni knows too.

So those mens are scared at Mukuro now.

"Omnivore, Why would you bring that Pineapple herbivore here?" Kyoya ask Tsuna as he was glaring at Mukuro.

"Oya? Oya? Idiotic Skylark, My little bunny just ask a Help from me. Could it be your jealous?" Mukuro said smirking.

"I'll bite you to death." Kyoya's reply and was about to attack but Tsuna stop them.

"Mou~ You two stop messing around. We need to do something with them." Tsuna said.

"As you say my Little bunny." Mukuro said and Kyoya too didn't back away but still You can see that he is clearly annoyed.

"Well as for you Four." Tsuna look at those mens."Who are you working with?" Tsuna said seriously.

"We Wo-" one of the man said but Tsuna cut it off

"Its useless if you deny it. One I know if you guys are lying, Two its useless since your facing Mukuro Roduko sure you know him, and You know me. You have knowledge of what we are capable of doing." Tsuna said as seriously.

The mans gulp clearly they all know that Mukuro is a dangerous and they heard the story of Tsuna the demon child so its no use if they were going to keep lying because they know that they will get hurt more.

"Ok,We-Were fro-from Vi-Vixiento Famiglia-" The man said but was cut off by Tsuna.

"Vixiento Famiglia. The Famiglia that is known as the Diavlo Famiglia. No one really knows that your Famiglia was the 'Diavlo Famiglia' leader by Jacoob Marco Fernando." Tsuna smirk "This is interesting than I thought it would be." Tsuna said.

The mans widden their eyes. They were shock as to how did Tsuna knows such an information. No one as in No one had ever found out not even the Vendicare that the so-called dangerous Famiglia 'Diavlo Famiglia' was their Famiglia. And What!? How the hell did Tsuna knows the name of the leader?.

"Ho-How Did you know that?" One of the man ask.

Tsuna smile. "A secret that you shouldn't know." Tsuna said.

"Are you a spy or something?" A man ask.

"Nope, But I had my source. " Tsuna said as he summon a sky flame and burn the rope that hold the mans. "I let you go, Since you are pretty useless to me. And... Give Marco a message, That if he tries to hurt anyone near Vongola He will see the so-called demon child itself." Tsuna said seriously. Then he look at Mukuro and lean to his ears. Tsuna whisper something Which Mukuro smirk widden.

"Kufufufu~ I like that." Mukuro said.

Tsuna got Kyoya and started to walk. "Ok, Bye Mukuro. Do Your best." Tsuna said as he and Kyoya walk oyt.

Mukuro smirk and look at the mens.

"Shall we start?" Mukuro said with a wide smirk.

Next thing Kyoya heard is a Scream of fear and Scared. He look at Tsuna.

"What did you just said to that Pineapple Herbivore?" Kyoya ask.

Tsuna chuckle. "Nightmares."

"You can be a devil sometimes." Kyoya commented.

"Your very talkative when you are with me. Why is that? And when your with someone that isn't me they can't even understand you. Explain?." Tsuna said.

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