Chapter 9

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"thoughts in a thoughts"
"Text Messages"
"Normal speak"

3rd Person's Pov

Chapter 9

Next thing Tsuna heard was a loud yelling and loud bang next to his room Prabably Reborn is training Natsu again. He can hear Hayato's voice too. Praising his Juudaime like a god. Tsuna gave a weak smile while he hug his pillow. His thoughts wonder, What his Storm is doing rightnow? Is he ok? Is he doing fine? Did he have another boss? How was he? Tsuna can't help but to wonder. He close his eyes and went to his dream land.

That night, He dream about Hayato playing a piano while Tsuna was singing a song in Hayato's room. That was one great memory he had.


When Tsuna wake up in the morning, He quickly made down stairs to prepare a breakfast but he was shock when his mom was already in the kitchen and Reborn too.

"Ara~ Reborn, Do you enjoy your stay here so far?" Nana ask.

"Yes, Your twins are good Boys. " Reborn said. Tsuna that time roll his eyes.

"I hope, That demon doesn't bother you." Nana murmur.

Reborn just stay silent even though he heard what Nana said, Tsuna heard too even if its a murmur beside the Spartan tutor from hell trained him too hard to make his hearing sharper.

Tsuna sigh and decided not to eat breakfast. Maybe he will eat breakfast at Takeshi's store. But he shook that thought beside, Tsuyoshi-san might be scared of him and the rest of the customer. He can't go to Kyoya, Wait, Thats it. Kyoya. One Kyoya like sparing so his training will be easy, And Breakfast will free. Tsuna decided to go meet up qith Kyoya. Today is Saturday, and at this Kyoya is in patrol so maybe he can met up with Kyoya and maybe get him to spar at him in his place. If he remember Kyoya lives alone in an old Japanese mansion. So maybe he can get there.

As Tsuna was about to go out, His Natsu and Ieyoshi saw him.

"Where are you going this early in the morning.?" Natsu ask.

"Somewhere in skylark practice in the clouds passing through sky stop and make out with him" Tsuna said then he off. .

"Geez, Can't he speak properly." Natsu said.

"Ara, Good morning Na-kun, Iey-kun." Nana said sweetly as ever. "Breakfast is ready." Nana said.

"Neh, Mom? Did Tsuna eat breakfast?" Ieyoshi ask.

"HmM~ Nope he didn't." Nana said.

"Thats bad." Reborn suggested and eat Natsu's breakfast.

"REBORN!" Natsu yelled.

Tsuna on the other hand was walking in the Namimori and wanted to fine Kyoya. But then he saw a girl who has brown air sitting in the river bank crying. Tsuna narrowed. If he to be correct, this girl was Haru.

"Princess." Tsuna called and approach Haru. Haru who look up back away a little.

"Why are you here early in the morning? Crying? Its not good to cry in the morning it brings you bad luck." Tsuna said as he sat beside Haru. Haru sniff and look down. She pull her knees and hug it.

"Wh-Why are you here?" Haru ask.

"Oh, I came here to find a certain skylark. Did you see him around?" Tsuna ask.

"Skylark?" Haru ask.

"Oh, forget about what I said." Tsuna said and give a smile. "But why are you here? Don't you have any friends to comfort with?" Tsuna asked softly. Haru shook her head.

"Then let me be your friend. I know what are you thinking that I'm a demon child, but that doesn't mean I can't be a goodguy right?" Tsuna said with a smile.

Haru look at hesitantly but.. she had a feeling that this guy will be a true friend. A true comrades. So he accept it to become Tsuna's friend.

Tsuna stand up and stretch a hand to Haru. Haru gladly accepted it and stand up. Tsuna walk closer to Haru and wipe those tears away. "Its really not good to see such a beautiful girl like you cry." Tsuna said with a smile. Haru blush at that statement. "Come on, Smile for me. This face doesn't suit you." Tsuna said.

Haru gave a small smile. "There you go, You look beautiful." Tsuna said. Haru smile and her cheek was pink.

After that Tsuna and Haru walk together. Haru was telling a story how her parents was strict. They wanted their daughter to be fancy an elegant daughter. But she doesn't like to be elegant. She wanted to be a simple girl who just simple. His mother said that she was a girl who is just in the sidewalk.

"Your parents must be really, really strict. I advise you fight for what you wanted, because of the path you are taking is not the path you wanted then it will lead to not a happy ending. If it is too much, How about you leave and live alone? I mean it will be fun since you can do anything you wanted." Tsuna said. .

"Maybe your right, or maybe your wrong. Thank you by the was Tsunayoshi." Haru said.

"Call me Tsuna...Ahm.." Tsuna said. Haru chuckle.

"You become friends with me but you don't know my name. How Ironic." Haru said.

"Then What is your name?" Tsuna ask.

"My name is Haru."

"Then nice to meet you Haru."

"Nice to meet you too Tsuna."

After that walking, Haru say goodbye since her parents will gonna punish her if she run away In more time. Tsuna say goodbye and smile at Haru. He said be safe at Haru before they went in separated ways. Haru gave her number to Tsuna so thus Tsuna gave her his number.


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Hope you enjoy. 😊😊😊

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