Chapter 31

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3rd Person's pov

"Morning Kyoko, Hana and Tsuna." Haru said with a smile.

"Good Morning Haru." Kyoko greeted back.

"What are you guys doing here? You need to walk faster or else Your lover will gonna bite us to death." Haru said as she look at Tsuna.

"Kyo-chan is not my Lover." Tsuna argue cutely.

"Right, And you." Haru look at Joyce edz who is leaning on the wall while looking at them. "When are you planning to move?"

"Since when did you get here?" Hana ask.

"A couple of minutes before you start to drag me here talk to Kyoko." Tsuna answer.

"Wait, What!? She is there all along?" Hana said in shock.

"Yeah, She is." Tsuna said.

"Hm, Impressive. You know I'm here without you even looking at me." Joyce edz said as she look at Tsuna.

Tsuna who gave a confuse look at her but Inside he was panicking. "Shit, Stupid intuition. " Tsuna thought

"Any who aren't you planning on going to the school?" Haru ask.

"Well it will be fun if we were late. Its a challenge and a chance to have duel with Kyoya." Joyce edz said with determination.

Everyone look at Joyce edz with a what look.

but after Tsuna broke the silent."How about we go now or Kyo-chan will be angry." Tsuna said.

"EXTREME nice to meet you Sawda, But if your gonna hurt my sister-"

"I know. But I swear I won't hurt your sister, I know I'm a magnet of trouble, Its the best if Kyoko and the rest would stay away from me but.... I guest I can't say No to those people wanted to be friends with me. So Sempai, Will help me protect my friends specially Kyoko in any danger come?" Tsuna said as he bow politely at Ryohei who was shock at his words.

Everyone was shock too with Tsuna's words. They know really the consequences being friends with Tsuna will be a lot of trouble because of the fact of beinga a demon child.

"Its fine to the EXTREME. I'll help You if they wanted too." Ryohei said as he gaze at Tsuna's friends who gave Ryohei a happy smile.

"Oh, Thank you very much Oni-chan." Kyoko said as she hug her brother. After that, They all went inside the school again, But Ryohei saw something unusual.

Natsu was running with his boxer with fire on his forehead. Which The fire stop when he reaches the gate.Too bad, Kyoya was waiting.

"For Inappropriate uniform. You shall be bitten to death"

Poor Natsu who was bitten to death.

"Wow, That guy is cool. Maybe he should join my boxing club to the EXTREME." Ryohei said.

"Yeah, It will be a great training for him too." Tsuna said.

Then Ryohei went to Natsu.


"Shut up you loud headed guy!" Hayato said.

And the arguement of Two started, Tsuna and the others find this a away to avoid a Hibari so they run towards thier classes. Little did they know, That Hibari saw them and just let them go, specially his Omnivore.




During PE time, The teacher in the class didn't showed up in Natsu's class. So all they needed to do is nothing. This is an opportunity that Ryohei wanted to Challenge Natsu to a match.

Natsu refuses but Reborn force him into the ring saying a boss shouldn't say No to a fight which Tsuna Chuckle about it remebering it almost the same event happen to him, Well part of it.

When the match begun, All Natsu did was run in the ring. Reborn is not gonna shoot unless his Students is stop running around like a coward.

Natsu gaze landed on Tsuna. Eho gave a thumbs up and a wink and smile. Natsu was shock a bit, but that gave him courage. Even though those words that Tsuna promises was to Ieyoshi he too needed to be stronger so he can be the boss and be the Vongola Decimo which at the first place he doesn't like it yet its his future.

So Natsu was able to have atleast one courage and face Ryohei, The match had begun. In the middle of the Match, thats the time Reborn shoot. He knows that Tsuna was the one who gave courage to Natsu, Reborn smirk at that. It seems Tsuna is more interesting. He searched information about The Current Tsuna and make sure to follow Tsuna's every move, but all of them are the same.

Tsuna was sweet and kind as always, his daily rutein was usual no something Interesting to find out. But Reborn will make sure he will find out the secret of Tsuna.

The match end up with Natsu being the losser, It seems Ryohei was more stronger than him in boxing but Natsu has a potential. Ryohei wanted to Natsu Join the boxing club but Natsu refuses. Instead Reborn ask if Ryohei wanted to join the Famiglia that Natsu is forming.

Ryohei who is looking for EXTREME adventures agreed to Join the Famiglia and become the sun of Natsu all thought he didn't understand what are those flames were.

Tsuna who saw it just gave a smile. "The only one is missing is the pineapples. I wonder how we will meet in this world, a world with different sky." Tsuna said.


Thanks for reading.
hope you enjoy 😊😊😊

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