Chapter 45

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3rd Person's pov

When Ieyoshi got a permission for Kusakabe regardings I-pin is gonna stay in school until the class ended. If Ever I-pin need something she will just ask Kusakabe.

I-pin was sitting in the bench under the tree in the school ground. She was shock that she saw someone look like her master yet, It was like not. This person was in uniform, with black coat and was carrying a tonfa. And his face wasn't sweet but deadly, He was glaring at anything and his awra was cold looks like his in a bad mood.

The guy look at her. And went towards her.

"What are you doing here? Seems your not from this school." He said.

"Ahm... Onii-san I was with Ieyoshi-nii he said I should wait for him until his class is gonna end." I-pin reply.

"Hn." He said and walk away. He is not in a mood for some herbivores like those and like I-pin. He is in the mood for someone who deserves to be bitten to death. Like his Omnivore who he didn't see all day, and intended to skip School.


On the class on the other hand there is a new tranferee student name Chrome Dokuro. She was shy and a her one eye was being patch.

This time they didn't have any class, the teacher didn't showed up so they have time to chit chat at one another. Ieyoshi Notice that Chrome was hanging out with Tsuna's friends. Like Joyce edz, Haru, Hana and the one reason why he can't approach them was Kyoko. Kyoko who is his crush.

Ieyoshi wanted to talk to chrome regarding Chrome might be a possible Mist guardian at the same time she has connection to Mukuro roduko because at some point they look a like.

Ieyoshi went near them and started to listen to their conversation.

"So you mean you never met any Girl Friends before?" Kyoko ask Chrome.

"N-No." Chrome reply shyly.

"Don't be so Shy now." Joyce edz said as she circle her arms around Chromes neck." Were friends now and from now on your a member of this group." Joyce edz said happily.

"Yeah, We ate lunch together earlier so you don't need to be shy around us" Hana said with a smile.

"Th-Thank you for being friends with me. " Chrome said as she bow.

"No problem, Your cute by the way. You can be my model, I have tons of dress in my house. But... Well I guest he is still my best model." Haru said.

"He?" Hana ask.

"Oh, How about this. You guys can come to my house next Saturday so you guys can see the new design of cloths that I made, and also your gonna see my best Model ever, I put his picture on the wall." Haru said.

"His? Could be your Idol?" Hana ask.

Haru Chuckle. "You'll be surprised who am I talking about." Haru said.

Joyce edz suddenly laughing. "Oh, I remember that day when he wear that stupid maid outfit." Joyce said smiling.

Haru Chuckle. "Actually thats the Picture that I hung in my room. That was the best piece." Haru said.

"I agree. Speaking of him, I didn't see him today. Absent?" Joyce edz said.

"Looks like it." Haru said.

"So Chrome, Would you like to go to my house next Saturday?" Haru ask said.

"Sure, But I don't know the way." Chrome said still shyly.

"Well, Where were just gonna met in the front of our school. And I'll lead the way." Joyce edz said.

"You once Went to Haru's house?" Hana ask.

"Yeah, You'll be surprised to where in the world she live." Joyce edz said.

"Ok." They all agree.

"Ahm...." Ieyoshi interrupted.
They all look at Ieyoshi. "Chrome Roduko, Can I talk to you with something?" Ieyoshi said.

Chrome got nevous since she saw Ieyoshi fighting with Mukuro, And Also the demon child Tsuna. But Tsuna according to Mukuro his the reason why her Mukuro-sama did free in the vindice. Chrome do believe that Mukuro is not a bad person, Mukuro was her savior and has a good heart somehwhere. She just didn't have strength to say that Mukuro.

But she admit that sometimes Mukuro is really a scary Guy. But sometimes a cool guy too.

Chrome nod shly.

"What does that Idiot want with Chrome?" Hana said as Chrome and Ieyoshi walk outside of the class.

"Well, Ieyoshi is a person you can Trust easily since his nice and all. Yet, Chrome... There is something with that girl is familiar with. It reminds me of someone." Joyce edz while looking at Chrome.

Ieyoshi on the other hand once they were outside of the class apologize to Chrome. "I'm sorry" Ieyoshi look down.

Chrome was shock at the moment. "What for?" Chrome ask shyly.

"For you know about Mukuro Roduko. I know this is weird but there is a part of me feeling Guilty. Guilt about that Kokuyo land incident, So I'm sorry." Ieyoshi said looking down.

"N-No its fine. A-Actually, th-the one you ne-need to say so-sorry to, is Mukuro-sama since his the one you fought with." Chrome reply.

"I guest. But I really can't since Reborn told me he is in the Vindice, so do you mind to deliver the message for me?" Ieyoshi ask.

"Sure I'll be happy too." Chrome agreed. She really didn't want to tell Ieyoshi about Mukuro's freedom since Mukuro said that she shouldn't tell about that.

"Thank you Chrome. And by the way, I heard from Reborn about your background story. The four of you, Ken, Chikusa, You and Mukuro. You four once a test subject of the estrano. I'm sorry if those things happen to you." Ieyoshi said.

Chrome was shock, No one did she met had ever said those words to them. Some just treated them as a Criminal who belong to the Vindice prison, Some think of them as a monster. No person did thought of them Like that only Ieyoshi.

Chrome gave a smile which Ieyoshi was shock.

"Thank you. Those words are enough" Chrome said.

Ieyoshi smile back, "You have a cute smile Chrome. Smile more." Ieyoshi said.

Chrome blush, She smile that she found someone who treat her as that.


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Hope you enjoyed 😊😊😊

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