Chapter 48

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3rd Person's pov

the days seems to be fine for the Sawada's household. Although after the last Chapter when next day comes Tsuna was bitten to death by Kyoya because of the fact Tsuna skip school without a valid reason.

Don't know where and when but Kyoya seems to have a photo of Tsuna and Mukuro inside of a cafe, So that made somewhat Kyoya angry.

As a result, Tsuna was late in class which he got a stupid cermon from so-called ellite teacher. Nezu said that thanks to Tsuna he almost lost his job. Tsuna is one pest in his life.

Tsuna who didn't care not a single bit, Thought how on earth did Kyoya manage to get such a picture like that and as to why is that affect Kyoya the most? Tsuna started to Chuckle thinking Kyoya might be jealous

But he needs to concentrate since Kyoya in this world is not his lover. Well if he did tell Kyoya from this world that in his world 1827 do exist, He start to wonder what would Kyoya from this world reacted.

Tsuna keep on chuckle on the thought.


Chrome in the other hand, when she saw Tsuna first thing in her mind is to thank the demon child for realising Mukuro.

But Mukuri did tell her that Tsuna might have a reason as to why he realise such a monster. So Chrome is a little bit scared approaching Tsuna.

She saw that in whole Math class, Which was under Nezu. Tsuna keep on chuckling while looking at the window. She start to wonder what could be the possible event that can made Tsuna happy.

"Pst, Chrome"

Chrome look at Joyce who is her sit mate.

"Lets eat lunch together just like last time. In the rooft how that sound?"

Ofcourse Chrome nodded since she do like her new friends today. She never did have Girl-Friends since her only friends was Ken, Chikusa and Mukuro-sama. If this three are well her friends.


In Italy.

Timeo Was having problems with the Vongola since half of the Vongola rings was missing. His adopted son must have it. The Varia members, and now the Varias are missing.

Knock, Knock

Someone knock on the door, Timeo signal that someone to come in and it revealed Basil and Iemitsu.

"Ah, Finally you guys are here." Timeo said.

"Why did you call us Sir?" Iemitsu ask.

Timeo sigh and look at them in a boss like. "As you may know, Half of the Vongola Rings are missing." Timeo said.

Iemitsu gave a what-look. Before looking at each other.

"How?" Iemitsu ask.

"I persume that Xanxus has an Idea about this." Timeo said.

"a-Ahm... If I may speak."Basil interrupted nervously. "The Vongola rings weren't missing. They were at me, I once saw Xanxus-sama steal it from the safe so when I have a chance to switch the fake ones which was our back up, To Real ones I exchanged it. I was gonna tell Iemitsu-sama but he seems busy, also I think I should tell him first before I'll tell you sir." Basil formally said.

Timeo sigh. "Its fine then, But Basil You shall deliver the Rings in the Decimo's hands. He shall be the one who will possess its power including his guardians. " Timeo said.

"I'll do it." Basil said politely.

"But, Boss. Are you sure? What if the Varias will be after with Basil?" Iemitsu said in concern.

"He won't, I'll ask the other Famiglia for help. " Timeo said.

"But sti-"

Iemitsu was cut off by Timeo..

"Basil will be fine, He has skill that should be praised. " Timeo said.

In the end they all agree in that plan and basil has no problem with that.


Back to school.

Lunch happen and Tsuna went straight upstairs. He was greeted by a tonfa as usuall since Kyoya is in a bad mood.

"Kyo-chan, Forgive me na, here I bake your favorite. I was really planning yesterday to go somewhere that is very important pls.." Tsuna said as he was holding the purple bento while he was giving his best puppy eyes ever.

Kyoya swear he can't say No to such a Usagi cute like. Those sparkling stars around Tsuna didn't help at all.

Kyoya look away with a Unseen Blush and accept the bento.

"Tell me where you should go yesterday rather than going with a stupid Pineapple herbivore. " Kyoya said as he sat down on the roof

Tsuna sat down beside Kyoya.

"Later, Beside they are here." Tsuna said, with that the door open to reaveled Takeshi.

"Tsu-Na." Takeshi said as cheerful as ever.

"Hi, Takeshi. Oh yeah, How was your grades are they doing fine?" Tsuna ask.

"Ofcourse, I have a best tutor. But why didn't you come yesterday?" Takeshi ask.

"Oh, Thats another story to tell." Tsuna said.

Takeshi just hum before he open his bento full of Sushi. Takeshi gladly share along with Tsuna. Later, the girls went in too along with Chrome too since she wanted to talk to Tsuna.


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