Chapter 54

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I'm not good at Fighting scenes. So expect it not great.

well Enjoyed.

3rd Person's pov

"Looks like the event from here is different from what you have experienced Am I right Tsunayoshi?" Byakuran said. With this means He was serious.

"Well at the first place the scene was already not the same its already different since I didn't Meet basil in that way. Beside Its suppose to be different since I'm the one who will Fight Xanxus." Tsuna said as his gaze was on the mini-Tv made of Mist flames.It showed every battle of the elements happen and how Xanxus too is watching.

"Too bad, I was hoping to see how You fight little bunny, Kufufufu~"

Tsuna turn to Mukuro who showed up a few Minutes when they got on the roof. Since Mukuro is keeping his eyes on Chrome Mukuro manage to find out about this event gonna happen.

"Well, Aren't you gonna help Chrome within her battle?" Tsuna said.

"Well, She is a strong girl. So I'll help her later." Mukuro said.

"Mean Muku-chan. You should be there helping your sister." Byakuran said.

"And A marshmallow Freak like you to talk." Mukuro said gave a sweet glare at Byakuran.

"Wait? Nagi is your sister?" Tsuna ask, well in his world Chrome wasn't really related to Mukuro. So he was kinda shock a little bit.

"Nope she is not. But were both on the same Laboratory that time so I Don't mind her being my sister." Mukuro said.

"Oh, This is interesting." Tsuna chuckle.

"As to why?" Mukuro ask.

"You know in my world Chrome wasn't really an Estrano Famiglia Victim. She was an Anti social Girl who Almost cut her self in the world without you saving her life. I guest No matter what world am I, You two will seems to be connected." Tsuna said Chuckling. "But in my world, Nagi is shy but when it comes to protecting what she wanted to protect, She doesn't need a help From anyone including You since she was a strong girl." Tsuna said seriously and focusing on Chromes Battle vs Viper.

"Kufufufu~ Chrome in your world is probably something interesting." Mukuro said.

"Pervert Pineapple Head." Tsuna murmur.

"What you say? Tsunayoshi~?" Mukuro said pointing the trident at Tsuna.

Chrome on the other hand was doing fine and was creating Her Illusion to Fight Viper.

"Such a weak panthic girl. " Viper said as he creates an Illusion of hell.

Chrome then get serious and turn the hell to Ice. Its like a frozen Hell in all.

Viper cacelled those illusions and summon some vines on Chrome so Chrome would be drown with those Vines, But Chrome manage to brake the Vines.

Chrome got the ring. She knows that Mafias Are not good they were all bad but this Famiglia isn't. Ieyoshi was nice and a good boss someday, If she accept this power she will gained more power to protect what she wanted to protect.

Joyce edz, Haru, Hana, Kyoko are her best friends that she wanted yo protect from anyone who tries to hurt them.

So Chrome wear the ring and lit it with mist flames. She connect the ring to the box and the box manage to summon an owl, and her trident turn into a scythe.

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