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3rd person's pov

"U-unison Flames?" Enma said curiously.

"A Unison Flames is a combination of two flames turning into one. You and your flames will be mixed together with me and my flames to came up with one enough power to lit this vongola ring." Tsuna explain seriously.

"Why?" Enma ask.

"To find out the truth." Tsuna said and everyone is shock.

"We can do it I know, even it had 3 consiquences." Tsuna said. "One is that its tiring and consume, drained your energy in your body You might faint and as for me Meh, I might Sleep for 2-3 days to regain my consciousness . Two, the flames of each person must be balanced. If he convert it to number you must atleast 50% of your flame and I also have 50% too. If one lf us will lack or extra it will form unbalanced therefore it won't work, to do that The 3 is there. You need to Trust each other truly to make it things right. Trust is important in this unison Flame to make it complete." Tsuna explained seriously.

Now he smile and extend his hand infront of Enma.

"So Enma? Do you trust me?" Tsuna said with a smile.

Enma stair at the hands then at Tsuna. Do he really Trust Tsuna? But yet again Enma wanted to find out of the truth, he doesn't want to brake the friendship he had with Vongola, Vongola family was warm and nice to be with. Its like his world is complete when he found them, more like they found him. Enma was happy and his willing to do anything to get that happiness.

Enma accept the hand and stand up. He look at Tsuna and both of them Nod. Suddenly Tsuna's chocolate eyes turn to orange sun set and a flame from his forehead appeared.

Reborn, and the others was shock. Well ofcourse for The Mist and Cloud who already see the power of their sky. Well for those people who were shock, they were shock that Tsuna can Go To HDWM without a bullet, and then Tsuna's sky flames were more stronger than anyone, more pure and more light. This is amazing, Is this the true Sky?

Tsuna and Enma connect their heads together, Mukuro and Viper take this as a hint to Follow Tsuna's request. Tsuna and Enma focus their flames to each other until it create a big Brigjt light, Mukuro and Viper lit the ring with their flames and next thing you know everything turn white.

When they all open their eyes, they saw something that Ain't good.


Cozarto was badly injured. His hands was chained in the wall. A unknown man was smirking and was holding a gun.

"Oh come on, Shimon Decimo~ Its easy to say I Surrender~."The man said as he grab Conzarto's hair and yank it up ward.

"Never I ever will say that. I rather die than to surrender." Cozarto said.

"Hahahaha,Funny. A mafia boss said such a thing. Tell me, why do fight? For power? For money?" The man said smirking.

Cozarto smirk himself,"i fight for what is right, my family, my friends."


Cozarto cough a few blood after that man Gave him a hard slap.

"How pathetic, Family and frienda are useless without power." The man said.

Cozarto smirk, "your the one who is pathetic. Fighting and surviving for his self. How Pathetic and Pityfull you are. You never had someone, loneliness and being alone is what you are." Cozarto said.


"How dare you say those words!?" The man said in anger.

Cozarto just smirk despite him being Badly injured.

"Show some Fear in me You STUPID!" The man said. Cozarto smirk and remeber something.

"Fear is not a bad thing, it show your weakness. Once you know your weakness you will become more kind and Stronger." Cozrto remember Giotto's words in his head imagining Giotto's smile as he said those words.

Cozarto re-think it. Even if he is hopeless currently. His heart and mind won't be that weak, even if he knows this could be the end, he will have faith and never give in. Because it what He learn From Giotto. Be strong.

They heard a explosion and the man smirk.

"Oh~ Looks like they are here." The man gaze at one hole in wall to see the scene He smirk. "Your little of a companion is here Shimon Primo~." The man said happily.

"Well I guest its the time." The man said walk towards Cozarto and put a gun in his forehead. "Any last Words?" The man ask.

"See you in hell." Cozarto said full of confidence.

The man smirk. "Gladly."


Cozarto smirk and murmur. "Giotto,"

Giotto on the other hand was frustrated. He knows that the Mission that Cozarto will take is dangerous. The mission is to save atleast a hundred of innocent people who ready to be exported as a slave or being sell(means to get their organs and stuff literally kill them) in the other country. The mission is to go and stop the ship before they manage to export those people.

The mission was a success the Ship sink before it can go, but bad news to make the mission success Cozarto sacrifice hisself to be captured by the boss in order to Save those people.

When Giotto find this, he is furious to do everything in his power to save his bestfriend Cozarto no matter what. In the first place Vongola won't be created without the Shimon's help, so he will do the favor this time.

When demon and Alaude able to locate Cozarto's location, they attack and save Cozarto. But too many mens to knock down.

"Giotto! Go, we can handle this find That Idiot Now!" G yelled as Giotto.

Giotto look at his Guardians and they all nod along with Cozarto's guardians too.But before he can take another step he heard a bang.

Everyone stop Fighting. Giotto got more worried and concern. He quickly run towards where the shot was made and found a little basment. He kick destroy the door and was shock to find Cozarto chained up in the wall badly injured.


Giotto said and went to Cozarto. He quickly check Cozarto's neck and found out Cozarto is still alive. He quickly broke the chained but he saw a key and a letter was place under the floor it read as.

"scena adorabile vero?
bene, è bello avere un giocattolo come lui.
È un buon compagno di giochi" the note stated. Giotto clench it and got the key he hurry and free Cozarto.

lovely scene right?
well, it's nice to have a toy like him.
He's a good playmate ]

He try to wake Cozarto up but no avail, even Giotto already cry and beg to Cozarto to pls Wake up it has no avail. Without a thought giotto carry Cozarto back to their ride and hurry up towards the base. There CoArto was been healed by Sun flame users and Cozarto manage to stay asleep within 2 weeks. Giotto was glad that Cozarto wake up after and Cozarto was safe.


Thanks for reading
Hope you enjoy it 😊😊

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