Chapter 44

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3rd Person's pov

Ieyoshi and Natsu was eating Lunch peacefully in the School ground under the tree with there other friends ofcourse Reborn was there at Natsu's head sitting and eating too.

"Did Tsuna came to school?" Reborn ask.

"come to think of it I Didn't see him anywhere." Natsu said.

"Might because he didn't come. Is he sick again?" Ieyoshi said.

"I doubt it." Natsu said.

"Yeah, Tsuna-nii is impossible to be sick again since he is well Weir last night. " Ieyoshi said.

"Yeah, To think he was at Kokuyo land. Wait, If your gonna re-think was just happen, Where in the world did Tsuna hide? How come the two of us didn't know? Are intuition is doing fine aren't they?" Natsu said.

"Yeah, That place was almost reck. So Where would be Tsuna is hiding?" Ieyoshi said as he was thinking.

Reborn smirk. Probably Tsuna uses mist Flames to hide itself. He might posses flames or He is working with Mukuro Roduko. Reborn thought.

"Neh? Reborn, isn't possible that a person who is dead may be replace by another person?" Ieyoshi ask.

"What kind of Question is that?" Reborn ask.

"Well, Its like Tsuna-nii. Replace by a another person." Ieyoshi said.

"Possible if there is a reasonable explaination there is." Reborn reply which Natsu and Ieyoshi was confuse.

Then Ieyoshi's face was suddenly in the ground.They look at Ieyoshi on what the hell just happen? They look what cause Ieyoshi's face in the ground.

They saw a girl. More like an 8 years old girl who has black hair, And wear a Chinese cloths.

 More like an 8 years old girl who has black hair, And wear a Chinese cloths

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An 8 years old girl like her manage to Knock out Ieyoshi.

"Who In the world did that!?" As Ieyoshi manage to see the Girl.

"I-Pin found her target." The girl said and attack Ieyoshi in the stomach.

Ieyoshi fell to the ground and was holding his stomach.

"Hey! What in hell are you doing with My brother? How did you pass That Demon's security anyway?" Natsu yelled and was confuse how This girl got pass to Kyoya's security.

"Must Eliminate Target." She said and attack Ieyoshi once again, but before she manage to close to Ieyoshi, Natsu caught her hand and manage to throw her not that Hard though.

The girl just stand and position.

"Why are you targeting Ieyoshi anyway?" Natsu ask

The girl got a picture In her pocket and made it show to Natsu."I-pin's target. Wanted Man."I-pin said while pointing at the Picture.

Natsu laugh a little because I-pin's target looks like Ieyoshi but at the same time old and different person. "Hey, You got the wrong target!" Natsu said.

"Nope, I-pin Target is specific."The girl said then she position her self and attack Ieyoshi again but Natsu stop her and Natsu is the one who is fighting the girl

"Hey! Your taget isn't my brother you stupid Bitch!" Natsu said as he attack the girl, but the girl manage to elbow in his back neck which Cause Natsu to the ground.

Then The girl's eyes was on Ieyoshi. The girl speed up and attack Ieyoshi but Ieyoshi manage to dodge her attack. It went like that until the girl position her self in a weird position.

She eat a tons of Gyoza and manage to launch her self to Ieyoshi.

But before the Gyoza technique happens, Ieyoshi manage to gave I-pin a glasses. Reading glasses.

"Hey, Look at your target!" Ieyoshi said.

I-pin look at her target then she was shock that she attack the wrong person. She immediately lean down at Ieyoshi.

"I'm sorry. I didn't meant it, I'm really sorry." I-pin beg for an apology.

"N-No. Stand up its fine. I accept your apology." Ieyoshi said and gave her a smile.

"I'm really am I sorry. I didn't mean it." I-pin said.

"Why are you after him anyway?" Ieyoshi ask.

"Well, They said if I'm gonna kill this guy they will give me a home to stay. I-pin doesn't have a home to stay since Master went to a mission and never come back." Ieyoshi said.

"Who in the world are they!? And Who in the world is your master!?" Natsu ask rather yelled.

I-pin glare at Natsu. "You don't need to know Grumpy guy." I-pin said.

"Why you bitch!"

"Natsu-nii. Don't, I-pin is just a girl child. So Don' hurt her "Ieyoshi stop natsu.

"She is a bitch. Damn.!" Natsu said pissed off and just sat next to Ieyoshi.


"Reborn!" Natsu yelled.

"Being as Impatient as you are can lead you to Nowhere." Reborn gave a lesson.

"She just Hit me! She just attack me Damn!" Natsu said.

"Is that your way on saying You were defeated by a girl? An 8 years old girl?" Reborn said.

"What!?" Natsu said. "Shut up you Damn Baby!"


Ieyoshi and I-pin just laugh at the scene. Then Ieyoshi look at I-pin. "Want to come home with us? There some kids too in our house so you might able to play with it." Ieyoshi said.

"Sure" I-pin happily nodded.

"Ieyoshi, Are house is not A ORPHANAGE!"

"Shut up! Baka-Natsu." Reborn said.

"Nothing is wrong if we brought I-pin to the house, beside A true sky should be able to accept all. Always remeber that." Ieyoshi said.

"Hm, Looks like you remember all of Tsuna's words." Reborn said.

"Of course. Beside his right, If we wanted to be strong and wanted to be a true Decimo, a True sky element we should be harmonized and acceptance. Right?" Ieyoshi said.

Reborn smirk. "Looks like your really becoming a true leader indeed." Reborn said then look at Natsu.

"Your brother on the other hand will be just a subordinates." Reborn said.

"Shut up!Spartan"


"What you say?"

"I did say Nothing Reborn!"

Ieyoshi and I-pin just chuckle together. But I-pin realize something, Ieyoshi mentioned the name of the demon child Tsuna.

"Neh? Ieyoshi-nii Right? (Ieyoshi nod as a respond) Is Tsuna the so-called demon child in your house?" I-pin ask

"How'd you know?" Ieyoshi ask.

"You just talk about him." I-pin said

"Yes, He is. But don't worry he is not that scary person. He is well the nices person you will met." Ieyoshi said.

"O-Ok." I-pin said, Seems Tsuna the demon is not a demon afterall.


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Hope you enjoyed 😊😊

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