Chapter 33

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3rd Person's pov.

As Tsuna went upstairs and open his door. He met up with a scene of Lambo who is humming a song while making a drawing up in the bed.

"Tsuna-nii." Lambo happily said. Tsuna went to the bed and sat on gave a tired sigh.

"Are you ok Tsuna-nii?" Lambo ask.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired." Tsuna said as he gave Lambo a gentle pat.

"I draw something for You Tsuna-nii. Look." Lambo said as he shows a Paper with his drawing. Tsuna smile at the drawing, Its a drawing of Him and Lambo. Well Its not that nice (Since The drawing wasn't really that grate. But a drawing of a normal 9 years old kid) but for Tsuna its precious.

"Why did you draw a image of me and you on a park scenery?" Tsuna ask.

"Well, Its something my mind just show me. I was bored and that image pop out.All though my drawing wasn't  really that nice." Lambo said rather shyly.

"Well, Yeah Your drawing is not nice. But your starting since your still 9 years old. This drawing for someone as age like you. But this drawing means everything, because for me the drawing itself if you can't understand the content and concept of it. In this case, The drawing was not nice but the Content and Concept is there. You wanted to express about how you wanted to spend time with me more? Don't you?" Tsuna said with a smile.

"Woa, Tsuna-nii is a Futurist. He can predict things such amazing Tsuna-nii." Lambo said cheerfully.

"Thank you by the way." Tsuna said as he grab the drawing on Lambo and tape it in his cabinet.

"Neh? Tsuna-nii. Why are you displaying that?" Lambo ask when he saw Tsuna posted his drawing on the Cabinet.

"Well, Its one important thing from you. I take it as a gift, and I don't like to throw it away, specially when it comes to someone who is important to me." Tsuna said.

"Well, Tsuna-nii is like a brother to me. Because you always take care of me and always make me happy, Teaches me the things that I should know and give me courage. Thats why I want to say thank you." Lambo said rather shyly.

Tsuna chuckle but then look down. "Your always welcome Lambo." Tsuna said as he gave Lambo a pat. Lambo just smile and comfortable silent broke them.

It last a couple of while before Tsuna started to talk.

"You know Lambo. I know someone who said the samething to me years ago." Tsuna said.

"Who was he Tsuna-nii?" Lambo ask.

Tsuna look down. "Lets call him, My Lighting."

flashback ends

Tsuna was walking in the hall of the Vongola Mansion at 9:30pm. He notice in his glass large window in the Garden was Lambo. A 12 years old Lambo was sitting in the bench while focusing on drawing something with a jar of candy beside him.

Tsuna smile and decided to check on Lambo.

"Eating too much candy again?" Tsuna said.

"Tsuna-Nii." Lambo said with a lazy smile and look at Tsuna.

"Yeah, What are you doing so late at night?" Tsuna ask and sat beside Lambo.

"Well I'm making a drawing." Lambo answered as he show his u finished drawing To Tsuna.

"Oh, Why so late at night?" Tsuna ask.

"Well, When at day I'm busy. I have class together with Fuuta and I-pin. and then everytime I draw Baka-dera always showed up and said my drawing is suck, we ended up arguing until I forgot that image in my head that I should draw. So Night time is the best to do this." Lambo said as he showed the full drawing of him

Its The Vongola Garden, With the mansion was in the back. In the Garden, Tsuna was sitting under the tree laughing with Lambo, I-pin, and Fuuta together with a Mini-Reborn sitting on those anti Gravity hair of Tsuna.

The half of the drawing wasn't finish yet, and there is no color of it. But his drawing was already a real sketch. Even Tsuna can't sketch something like that.

"Wow, Its amazing." Tsuna said, Lambo blush.

"Thank you." Lambo reply.

"But why did you wanted to draw me of all things?" Tsuna ask.

Lambo chuckle sadly. "Did you know? The day that you found me, I was just acting like a Brat because deep inside me I was hurting. Hurting because at the age of 5 my parents sent me to a mission impossible and show me, No its clear that they don't want me? Did you know that Tsuna-nii?" Lambo said sadly.

"I know, All those years you act like a brat was an act to shadowed your true feelings." Tsuna said as he gave a gentle smile.

"Yet, Your the only one who was able to know. I was to the point when being a Brat was not an act at all, Its true. Yet you didn't got that Angry, You didn't throw me away, You accept me no matter what because I'am Me and me alone. I was glad I was accepted by you, and no matter what this world goes around My sky is always You Tsuna-nii and no one else. With this drawing, will remind me of Tsuna-nii's Smile, A smile who gave me courage, a smile who teaches me to be nice to others, the person who accept me. So Thank You Tsuna-nii of all that."  Lambo said as he gave a one big true smile at Tsuna.

Tsuna smile back and hug Lambo which Lambo hug back. "Your always welcome my Lighting. Your always Welcome." Tsuna said as comfortable as is it.

flashback ends.

"And Thats how My Lighting said. Yet, When we separated that tragic event happen, He never did show me the complete drawing of his drawing. But I was glad I'd able to take a peak of his sketch, his an important element to me a family and I'll never forget him." Tsuna told Lambo about his Lighting treasure him and vice versa. But Tsuna didn't told Lambo about the name of his Lighting, he just gave it a nick name Lighting and He didn't say about he is the sky. He just explain how they care for each other deeply.

"I envy Him Tsuna-nii. Because you care for him that much. You treasure him." Lambo said while looking down, he admit he felt a little jealous.

Tsuna chuckle.

"Silly Lambo, I too treasure you here. Your one great kid, your more important than any of those golds and diamonds, You all do. Takeshi, Joyce, Hana, Haru, Kyoko, Kyoya. All of You are my treasure, My precious that I someday shall protect take care of." Tsuna said as he gave a smile.

"You Too Tsuna-nii is my Precious. No other person did said those words to me, No other person did treat me as their precious. So I can only say Thank you." Lambo said as he hug Tsuna and buried his face in Tsuna's chest.

"Well Your always welcome my Friend." Tsuna said.

Silent broke them, until Lambo broke the hug. "So Did you eat Dinner already?" Tsuna ask.

"No, Its not fun eating without Tsuna-nii so I waited." Lambo said.

"So shall we eat dinner now?"

"We shall."


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