Chapter 65

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3rd Person's pov

3rd Person's pov

"Ok Class we have new Student. Pls introduced your self." As the teacher said and look at the new Student.

"Ah-ahm... My na-name i-is Kozarto, Enma. Ni-nice to me-meet yo-you." the boy name enma introduced. He has pale skin and red hair.

"Well then, You can sit beside Joyce eds. Raised your hand pls."

Joyce raised her hands and point the sit next to her. Enma nod and gave a slightly bow at the teacher and sat beside Joyce edz. Joyce notice Enma was a silent and a nervous boy so she approach Enma.

"Nice to meet you too Enma, I guest you already know my name." Joyce said lazily.

"Ni-nice to me-meet you too." Enma reply shyly.

"Are you this shy?"  Joyce ask out of curiosity Enma just look down and don't know what to do.

"Well I take it as a yEs." Joyce said and look at the lesson once more.


When Lunch came Enma was feeling a little bit nervous. He knows his new means no friends, well its like he had friends in his old school. The only friends he has was Julie Katou and Adelheid Suzuki. But currently they are not here since Enma's mission is to find the weakness of Vongola Decimo and bring them down for the betrayal of their ancestors in past. For Shimon Famiglia. But Enma was a shy little kid, He can't really go and spy on someone without doing it wrong.

"Hello Enma Right?"

Enma look up to meet up with a smiling Ieyoshi. "My name is Sawada Ieyoshi, and this is my brother Sawada Natsu." Ieyoshi introduced.

"Sup." Natsu said.

"Were hoping if you would want to eat lunch with us?" Ieyoshi offers.

Enma look at them shyly again. Thr two of them was supposed to be the Vongola Decimo. The next boss of their enemy which will become Enma's enemy. This offer is a perfect chance to spy on them so..

"I-I would love too." Enma said.

"Good, Come on we can eat in the roof top." Ieyoshi said as he drag Enma in the roof.

When they got their Ieyoshi saw Ryohei and Hayato was arguing with other and Takeshi was between them. Hayato, when he saw his beloved Juudaime he quickly stood up like a loyal servant and bow at Ieyoshi.

"Good Noon Ieyoshi-sama." Hayato greeted.

Ieyoshi blush."Pls Hayato, Stop calling me that. I told you I'm not a 'Sama'" Ieyoshi said.


"Will YOU STOP SHOUTING FOR ONCE?" Natsu yelled.

"I agree with Natsu-sama." hayato said and look at Ryohei. "Your an annoying loud mouthed lawn head." Hayato said.

"EXTREME what in hell did you just said!?" Ryohei said.

"WHAT IS WITH YOU?" Hayato said.

"Maa~ Maa~ You two calm down. Looks like we have new comer." Takeshi said.

Everyone look at Enma. Enma got nervous and look down.

"Well Enma.." Ieyoshi said sheepishly and mess up with his hair. "This Gokudera Hayato....

"Tsk." Hayato said and look away.

...Sasagawa Ryohei...

"EXTREME! Nice to meet you." Ryohei said energetic.

...Yamamoto Takeshi...

"Hello." Takeshi said with a smile.

...They are my weird but important friends." Ieyoshi said with a smile.

"And guys, you already meet him since he introduced hisself this morning right?" Ieyoshi said.

They nod. "Your Enma Ko- Ko..." Takeshi said as he was trying to remember Enma's name.

"Its Kozarto." Enma corrected.

"Yeah, That is." Takeshi happily.

"Any friends of Ieyoshi-sama shall be treated well." Hayato said and look at Enma. "Its nice to meet you Enma-sama."

Enma blush no one reaaly call him a 'Sama' even he is a Decimo. He didn't really like formality. And He can see that Ieyoshi either.

"N-no its fine. Call me Just Enma." Enma reply. Then he suddenly gaps when an arm circle around his neck He look at his side and surprise it was joyce.

"Then Enma then, Your have a unique name." Joyce edz said.

"Ye-Yeah I guest." Enma said while he look down.

"HOY WOMAN! What in hell are you doing here!?" Hayato said feeling annoyed since Joyce never treat Ieyoshi a 'sama' and mostly just glare at Ieyoshi and snob at him. But their are friends its just Joyce edz is just a cold woman who likes trouble.

Joyce edz Glare at Hayato. "So? The roof is isn't yours so I have a right to be here. And beside this is a place where I could eat me lunch together with my girls." Joyce eds said.

"Tsk." Hayato said as he look away pissed.

"Maa~ Maa~." Takeshi said, Hayato glare at Takeshi because of the fact Takeshi do nothing but smile. Well his smile somehow annoyed Hayato in a good way.

"Hey Enma, This is my friends anyway." Joyce said and introduced the girls.

"My name is Sasagawa Kyoko, and Yes His my brother." Kyoko said as he pointed at Ryohei.

"The name is Miura Haru desu, Nice to meet you." Haru said cheerfully.

"Kurosawa Hana. Call me just Hana" Hana said.

"M-my na-name is Chr-Chrome Do-Dokuro." Chrome said shyly.

Enma smile. "Nice to meet you." He said as he bow.

"Well? Shall we eat lunch and maybe we can know you better" Joyce edz said.

Enma nod.

During the lunch, Ieyoshi and the others mess around. Instead knowing Enma their lunch turn out to be fun and playfull since Ieyoshi's friends keep arguing in a fun way and Natsu too. Enma laugh along those scene.  he did conclude that Ieyoshi and the others were a lively Family. He can see the strong bond between all of them. Even though they argue a lot.

But Enma, Look at them too confusedly. Julie said that Vongola Family were a sinable famiglia and Bad. They are not what it seems they are. But In Enma's eyes, He didn't notice anything different. Ieyoshi and his family was just Fun to be with. Enma doubt that all of this was just an act. Because if this is an Act, then why would they just mess around and play with him? Should they be causion because he is here?

Enma became confuse.


When Class was ended Enma was planning to walk home alone but Ieyoshi approach him.

"Sorry about the lunch a mess. My friends are just weird and well lively." Ieyoshi said.

"More like Dogs who doesn't stop barking and running." Natsu murmur.

Ieyoshi elbow Natsu on the stomach."Don't call them a dog Nii-san. They are not animals." Ieyoshi said as he glare at his brother.

Natsu just nod. Damn his brother hut pretty hard since Reborn trained his brother.

"Sorry about my 'idiot' Brother." Ieyoshi said.

Enma chuckle. "No its fine. In all of my life I never saw such a Lively Lunch and a sweet relation to your brother." Enma said with a smile.

"Oh, God. You look....CUTE!" Ieyoshi said as he smile.

Enma blush. "wh-what?"

"You look Cute when you smile. Your Ruby eyes shines brightly matches with your hair and pale skin. You look like a cute mini You." Ieyoshi said cheerfully.

Enma blush more. No one had ever said those words to him. But he admit he felt a little anger saying his cute, He is not a girl to be called a Cute!

"Smile more Enma its suit you." Ieyoshi said with a smile.

"Tha-Thanks for the complement." Enma said with a shy smile.

"Your welcome. We are friends now aren't we?" Ieyoshi said.

Enma think back, Friends? In his school he had no True Friends except for Julie and Adelheid. All of them.just bully him and saying how useless he is and a whimp. It didn't go Physically but Mouth can't make it hurt emotionally. And What you feel inside is the most important because it can be too hurtful than physically.

Enma smile. He made a friend "Thank you again." He made a friend.

"Your welcome." Ieyoshi said with a smile.

He made a friend, Even if this friend was his enemy.


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Hope you enjoy. 😊😊😊

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