chapter 34

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3rd Person's pov.

When Tsuna wake up next morning his intuition won't shut up. It keeps ringing like hell so He just Cursed his intuition for having its own Mind.

Tsuna got up and saw Lambo who is sleeping peacefully. Tsuna smile and Pat Lambo's soft hair. Tsuna then stand up and went to his closet to prepare his cloths and uniform. For today. But he kinda doesn't have any energy and Mood to go to the School beside his Intuition is giving him head ache. So He decided to skip school.

He tried to call Kyoya to tell him that his not feeling well and to avoid the last event he went absent. Which Kyoya send some students in the hospital.

Tsuna then started as his phone confuse. Kyoya never answered despite Tsuna called 10th Times already. Tsuna wonder as to what happen to the skylark.

Tsuna shrug it and went back to hacking some Few datas in his Lop top.


Soon, When Tsuna was hacking A certain Marshmallow Freak did message him

Marshmallow King: So? Do you have any lead as To where this Kawahira Guy might me?

Cielo 27: Still had no clue. But I had to admit, Giglio Nero's Family was Taken over by Gesso, How did that Happen?

Marshmallow King: Really, Some event is really Confusing.

Cielo 27: Your already Weird in your own nature.

Marshmallow King: Your the one who talks, Cute Girly

Cielo 27: Why You💢

Marshmallow King: 😋😜😜

Tsuna rolled his eyes in annoyance and focus hiself to work, During the worl Tsuna was interrupted by Lambo.

"Tsuna-nii? Me and Fuuta is gonna play outside if its ok with you ?" Lambo ask.

"Sure thing Lambo. Go ahead." Tsuna said with a smile.

"Thank you Tsuna-nii." Lambo said with a smile.

Tsuna on ther hand continue his work.


Ieyoshi on the other hand was highly alert because of the fact that Mukuro Roduko might be In Japan base on Reborn's source.

Ieyoshi didn't care at first, But he was scared and afraid of what Mukuro will do him and his Friends. To all his precious people that is close to him.

Ieyoshi sigh once again, The room was filled with Student. He was greeted by them and he just great them with a smile.

Yet, Ieyoshi again didn't quite see Tsuna in the school.

"Neh, Natsu-nii?" Ieyoshi called.

"Hm?" Natsu humm.

"Did you see Tsuna-nii around?" Ieyoshi ask.

"Nope, Beside Why would he go to school when clearly his already Smart." Natsu reply.

"How'd you know about that?" Ieyoshi ask.

"I saw him teaching that cow-lazy Brat Some Math, Science, English and a little bit of History. He was good tutor and he really explain well. I bet his a better teacher than The Teacher in this stupid school." Natsu explain.

Ieyoshi smiled. "Do You want that Tsuna-nii is gonna Tutor us regardings in our academic?" Ieyoshi ask.

Natsu look away with blush. "I can't just ask Him." Natsu said, "You know I always act cold towards him." Natsu murmur.

"Heh~? So your saying that You like Reborn Methods of Teaching than Tsuna?" Ieyoshi said.

Suddenly Natsu was infront of Ieyoshi Kneeling. "I beg you my brother, As Tsuna to be our tutor. I rather go with him than That Tutor of us. His not even tutoring his Torturing." Natsu said.

Ieyoshi chuckle. "Hai, Hai. I'll ask."

Natsu a hundred times like Hayato for a Thank you.

little did thet know behind the tree was a certain Mini-hitman who heard their conversation. That Hit man smirk. This is gonna be interesting.


Tsuna on the other hand got a new message from a Certain Marshmallow Freak again.

Marshmallow King: Tsu-chan, If ever your gonna accomplished your, As to why your here, Do you think you will disappeared too?

Cielo 27: Maybe, Beside I'm supposed to be dead Am I?

Marshmallow King: That will be sad 😭😭😭

Cielo 27: Don't Worry, You have some marshmallow to accompany you.

Marshmallow King: I may move on easily, But deep inside somewhere I wanted to be With the true sky.

Tsuna smirk at that reply.

Cielo 27: Your not the only one. My guardians too.

Tsuna remembering his Guardians makes him sad at the sametime. There isn't a day had pass by that he didn't think of them He knows his Guardians had move om, But he can't be sure that all of them did move on properly He knows that his Guardians were still sad about losing there sky. Tsuna too is sad lossing his elements.

"Were home."

Tsuna heard Ieyoshi's voice, He notice that its already afternoon. So Tsuna went down beside he knows that Nana wasn't home yet.

But along the way He stop.

His intuition was giving him headache since earlier and it ring again.

"I wonder What its about?" Tsuna said.

"Oh? Tsuna your going somewhere?"  Reborn ask.

"Yeah, Maybe. Hey did you see Kyoya in the schoo today?" Tsuna ask.

Ieyoshi look at Natsu and Natsu did the same. "No"

they reply, Which Tsuna find it odd. "Where in the pineapple can he be?" Tsuna said.
"Wait? Pineapple?... AH... COULD IT BE HIS THERE" Tsuna said, "Shit, Shit, Shit, I forgot about that event. " Tsuna said as he run towards back to his room and fix hisself before going out.

"Where are you going Tsuna-nii?" Ieyoshi ask.

"To a Pineapples." Witha that Tsuna walk out of the house immediately leaving Ieyoshi and Natsu confuse.



Thanks for reading
Hope you enjoyed 😊😊😊

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