Chapter 18

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3rd Person's pov

"Deh? Whrre do you think his gonna slesleepep tonight?" Natsu ask as he look at Reborn

"Yes, the room is not spacious." Ieyoshi said as he look away.

The room has two beds separated with a curtain in the middle. Then Reborn sleep in a hammock. So there is a little space that Dino might sleep.

"Jah, Why don't you sleep in Tsuna's room. I'm sure Tsuna won't mind."Reborn said plainly.

"WHAT!?" All of them looking at Reborn in disbelief.

Tsuna is a good nice kid since he wake up in the coma but it doesn't mean that you can trust really a demon child.

"We-well that idea seems not bad." Ieyoshi said nervously.

"Ye-Yeah-" Dino agrreed.


Tsuna on the other hand was preapring hisself to go to bed because tomorrow he will go to Haru's house to spend time with and maybe he can bring Joyce edz too with him so that everyone can have fun. The more the merrier.

But suddenly he heard knock at the door. Tsuna look at the door curiously before going towards the door and open it to revealed Dino with Reborn on his head. The twins were standing behind Dino.

"Hello Tsuna. " Dino greeted sheepishly.

"Oh, Hi Dino-sama. What brings you here?" Tsuna ask .

"Will you stop calling me Dino-sama. " Dino ask gently.

"A friend with a Prince shall be greeted nicely. " Tsuna reply.

"Well, We came here since Useless-Dino have no place to fell asleep with, Can he sleep at your room?" Reborn said as plainly as ever.

"Of course." Tsuna said happily as he gave a smile. He glady invite Dino in.

"The bed is just small sorry through." Tsuna said as he gave a sheepishly laugh.

"No its fine." Dino said as he look

"Then help yourself." Reborn said as he kick Dino Inside Tsuna's room then shut the door.

Dino almost kiss the floor that time, But Tsuna held him. Tsuna look at Dino and gave a gentle smile. "You should be careful next time Dino-sama. "

Dino look at Tsuna with disbelief. He can't belive that this was what they called Demon Child. Dino then stand up.

Tsuna said that Dino, Can sleep in the bed While Tsuna sleep in the floor. But Dino argue that he can sleep on the floor but Tsuna insisted since Dino was a guest. In the end Tsuna had sleep on the floor peacefully. And As for Dino, He keep looking at Tsuna peaceful sleeping figure.

He started to think that Tsuna is cute, and Yet nice and Kind. He really wonder, Why would thr so-called demon child is like this? Is this really the demon child? Is this the same person that Stab ieyoshi? At the first place, Why it did happen?

Dino had many thoughts regardings Tsuna. But he shook those thoughts away and have a peaceful sleep.


Next Morning,

Dino had smell a sweet smell of Vanilla yet like Strawberry scene. Smelling it, Makes him wanted to eat a cake. Dino started to stir and realize that the scene was coming from the white pillow he was hugging. He sat up and notice that he was on a unfamiliar room.

Then memories of the last night came. He look down and Tsuna wasn't there. So he quickly got out of the door thinking Tsuna might already do some crazy things. Dino trip in the stairs down almost kissing the floor, Gladly Tsuna catch him again.

"Morning." Tsuna said with a smile. "Are you ok?"

Dino look up and met up with those brown doe eyes. "Ye-Yeah" Dino reply as Tsuna help him stand up.

"Didn't I told you last night to be careful. Your gonna damage your self. You know your one good looking guy."  Tsuna said as he sigh. "Well, I was going to wake you up since Breakfast is ready. But I guest there is no need for that, Reborn and the rest are taking their breakfast already.


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