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3rd person's pov

"Deh? Tsuna what donyou wanted to discuss?" Reborn ask as he look at Tsuna who currently sipping his tea. Together they are sitting infront of the table for refreshment and at Kyoya's house.

"Simple, let me ask you Reborn. How did you got the Curse?" Tsuna ask seriously.

Fon, Viper was shock at Tsuna's question and Reborn just smirk.

"Seems to me you know about the cursed." Reborn said.

"I already told you, I know about it... Well partially since I don't know where and when did it start in this world." Tsuna said.

"Ho-how'd you know?" Viper ask. "About the cursed I mean.."

Tsuna chuckle. "Then that means I need to tell the truth to you right?" Tsuna said as he narrowed.

"Well, You always got your answer and our question about you, well I may just say we don't get our own answers." Reborn said.

Tsuna smile. " i know that. Its Unfair, but I swear Reborn. I need answer of all before I'll answer your questions. Its because my answer will be as one. I want to tell you the truth believe me, but my intuition say's no. And I don't have a guts to Disobey my intuition, You and I know what will it result if I ignore it." Tsuna explain.

"Something bad.." reborn said calmly.

"I know." Tsuna said.

"Deh? What question do you like to ask?" Reborn ask.

"Answer me first question." Tsuna said.

"The curse?" Reborn said.

Tsuna nod.

"Hey, Reborn are you sure your gonna tell him?" Viper ask. Reborn narrowed.

"Why? Something wrong?" Reborn ask.

"Ah... well..." Viper stop, there is nothing wrong but this secret its really important. Viper thinks Tsuna is a very, Very, Stranger.

"I see I don't mind Telling Tsuna, Its worth of telling anyway." Fon said calmly,

"Bu-but..... Fine, if something ain't right gonna happen then its your fault." Viper said snirking. Tsuna smirk and Reborn sigh.

"The curse started when Luce manage to find all of us. She is the reason why we all met and became the Arcobaleno. We are known as the strongest 7, but Later on she present a Pacifier that it said to regain the balance of the universe. So we protect it even it its a curse, then when Luce died because of it the sky Pacifier was pass on to Aria. Same Aria did die because of the curse itself and sky pacifier disappeared within her. "Reborn explain.

"A year later, a mysterious man appeared in our dream. This man said the curse will be broken if a true sky is Gonna showed up. Yuni, Dino, Ieyoshi, Natsu, Byakuran was born but none of them has the sky Pacifier." Fon explain.

"We search for all but no one has ever saw it." Viper said.

Tsuna chuckle a little but then gave a serious look at Reborn. "Reborn? Do you know who's the mysterious man?" Tsuna ask.

Reborn shook his head. "No, but Luce did tell us a story about Sepira and A man he didn't know but I can assure you that she once describe this man, She said its a blonde hair and wear glasses that is according to Sepira who is Luce grand mother. Luce said that they are previous owners of the pacifier but accordingly to Luce They both dead now." Reborn explain. Tsuna smirk.

"That man With blonde hair and wears glasses is he the person who you saw in your dreams?" Tsuna ask.

Fon, Viper and Reborn look at each other. And Look at Tsuna.

"Yes, he is Why?" Fon said.

"Ah... Sou... His name is Kawahira I guest." Tsuna said.

"How'd you know his name?" Reborn ask.

"Well you see, he appeared in my dreams When Varias battle happened. He gave me this (Tsuna said as he showed the Sky Pacifier) and said that I shall broke the curse here, he also stated the reason why this is in my hands and why am I here in this world in the first place. He explain that I'm the only one who can Broke the curse in this world." Tsuna said as he was playing the Pacifier. "But, he also said to me that, Thid Pacifier is powerful those people who knows this are aware its power yet not aware of the curse. You can wish anything you wanted within the pacifier but the price to pay is either yourself or Love once." Tsuna said.

Reborn and the others was shock a bit. "Y-yo-you have the sky pacifier." Viper said. Tsuna nod.

"So? That means you'll broke the curse?" Fon ask, Tsuna nod.

"How?" Reborn ask.

Tsuna sigh. "Don't know, but I think it will come soon because me Intuition told me so." Tsuna said.

"How vague is your intuition." Reborm commented.

Tsuna just shrug away.

"Hey, Tsuna." Fon called.


"Since your the Arcobaleno's sky, What shall you do with the pacifier?" Fon ask.

"Absolutely Nothing, I'll just wait it to disappeared." Tsuna said.

"You manage to do a Unison Flame with that on you. You know it consumes your flames." Reborn stated.

"Yeah, I can't believe it either." Tsuna said,

"A true sky indeed. Where did you really come from?" Reborn ask so Curiously.

Tsuna chuckle. "You and I know that I won't answer that Question unless that day comes." Tsuna said.

"Kufufufu~ How interesting is your topic about the Arcobalenos but, One question Tsunayoshi, Why aren't you an Infant Unlike them?" Mukuro ask.

"One, I don't know. Two, Maybe because I'm not From here. Three, maybe its because I'm suppose to be the True sky yet my name is Not that but A Demon child who is... Well known as Bad, well I guest no matter what world am I I will be always start in a bad one and goes to a good one. Well this time the Tsuna in this world didn't get his happiness." Tsuna said looking down.

"We don't know what you mean, But we will know when that day will come right?" Fon ask.

"Yes." Tsuna answer.

After that discussion, Tsuna change the topic to the Diavlo Famiglia and there doings. Reborn reported that they are most dangerous Mafia at current state but not as dangerous as the vongolas. This so-called unknown Famiglia has a secret of a person who has a powerful Black-Yellow-orange flames or Dark Sky Flames. It stated that this is the same flames he uses to destroy and burn the different base of 64 Famiglia in all over italy. All of those members of 64 famiglia's even the innocent workers were dead and according to the unknown source the Diavlo Famiglia is planning to attack the Vongola Decimo since its a first thing to make Vongola Fall.

"I see, I guest something bad is gonna happen tomorrow." Tsuna said smirking.

"Why'd you said that?" Reborn ask.

"Because, A bell in my head won't stop screaming." Tsuna said and smile while looking at the sky.


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Hope you enjoy it 😊😊😊

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