Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

"thoughts in a thoughts"
"Text Messages"
"Normal speak"

3rd person's pov

His mother look down and grip her apron, She re-think what Tsuna just said. It means something and not literary, and Nana know too well what it means. Nana felt regret, She regret that she wasn't a good mother in her oldest son. She remember that ever since Tsuna was a child, Tsuna just love to be alone in his room locked or sometimes reading a book. Tsuna likes to stay away from anyone even his own parents, Nana always thought he was shy, but she guest its too far being shy.

Then she heard footstep coming down. She wss surprise it was his twin and also Reborn.

“Hey mom, Good Morning.” Both Ieyoshi and Natsu said. .

“Morning too, come eat your breakfast.” Nana invited. Each one of them sat on their perspective sits. “Ale? What kind of breakfast is this?” Natsu ask.


“REBORN!” Natsu yelled after Reborn smack him in the head.

“Its an Italian Breakfast idiot!” Reborn said..

“Italian breakfast, Cool. I don't know mom can do such a thing.” Ieyoshi said.

“Its not me who did it. Tsuna did.” Nana said while looking at her white coffee. She sip it and was amaze that it was good.

“Mom, It may have poison.” Natsu said looking at the Breakfast.

“Itadakimus!” Ieyoshi said as he take a bite at his breakfast. Surprisingly its good. “ Woah, This heaven.” Ieyoshi said as he dig up to more.

“Ieyoshi!” Natsu scold, beside until now, he doesn’t trust the person who try to kill his brother.

“Don't exaggerated Brother. Its good really, and it has no poison since I'm still alive am I?”, Ielyoshi said, “Even reborn see.” Ieyoshi said pointing at reborn who's stealing Natsu's breakfast while drinking his heavenly Expresso.

“REBORN!” Natsu scold and take back his plate.

“It seems to me that you don't wanna eat it.” Reborn said.

Natsu stay quite and then stare at the breakfast before giving it a bite. He was surprise it was heaven. “Tsuna made this?” Natsu ask in disbelief.

Nana nod happily. “Speaking of Tsuna, Where is he?” Natsu ask.

“He went to school first. “ Nana simply reply, the words that Tsuna said to her earlier, She can't get that out of her mind.
Natsu went quite and continue eating, Ieyoshi look down and continue eating too. He enjoy walking with his brother, despite his brother try to kill him once.

Tsuna on the other hand, when he reach the gates of their school everyone make sure to stay away from him as possible, they look scared and fear was present in their eyes. They chit-chat how Tsuna was a demon child who try to killed his own brother. Tsuna just sigh and ignore everybody. He sat down on his chair and slam his head on the table and sigh. “Geez I know I'm popular, Stop praising me.!” Tsuna wanted to yelled to those student who keep whispering about him

He manage to close his eyes for a few minutes before a tap on his shoulder was made. He look up and saw a smiling Takeshi who had a broken arm. Tsuna immediately stand up.

“Are you ok? What happen to you? Are you hurt anywhere than your arm? Are you fine? Hey?” Tsuna said checking on his friend worriedly

Takeshi laugh. “Hahaha, Tsuna,I'm fine. Haha, Your like my mother who is worried about me a lot.” Takeshi said with a smile.

“Who wouldn't worried, Geez Takeshi you should be careful sometimes.” Tsuna said.

“Ah, I should. I follow your first advise though, to try and try again.” Takeshi said.

“BAKA! It doesn't mean you need to hurt your arm, Geez No wonder your grades are failing, You don't have a brain” Tsuna said.

“Hey!” Takeshi defend with a blush.

And both of them are laughing together. But Tsuna stop and look at his window, his gaze was focus on the tree that was infront of his window. “Whats wrong Tsuna?” Takeshi ask. .

“No, I just felt someone is watching.” Tsuna said, “Probably the spartan tutor from hell" Tsuna thought. ,”But I guest, Its my imagination.” Tsuna said.

“Mah, maybe its an effect of lack of sleep.” Takeshi said.

“Yeah maybe. By the way. I'll help you in your failing marks subject. But let it be a secret between you and me ok.” Tsuna said with a wink. Takeshi agreed.

Reborn who is hiding in the tree was curious, he was sure that Tsuna saw him. And that’s not all, he heard what Tsuna said too, “Is that means Tsuna has an Intuition?” Reborn thought, he shook his head. “That's not possible.” Reborn thought again and continue examining the so called brunet. He guest there is more about of this so called Demon child.


During in the class, Tsuna was almost fell asleep. When Nezu slam the table. “Sawada Tsunayoshi, How dare you fell asleep in my class. I'm discussing here and your just gonna fell asleep! How dare you! Don't you know I'-"

“Yeah, yeah, I'm an Ellite Teacher. I get it you said that a thousand times in at least past 20 minutes. Get over your self you know? Your like a dog who doesn't stop barking for food. And Can I ask a question? How did you became an elite teacher when you didn’t pass High schools in the first place? Infact how are you qualified on teaching when the fact is you don't even know what are the 8 parts of speech is or even solve an equation. A simple one? If you can’t solve that means you don’t know how to make grades, or compute them. How did you do that? Magic? Mind Telling me the answer?” Tsuna said in English language this time.

All of his classmates was shock so thus the teacher itself.  He can believe that the so-called Dame Tsuna and a demon can actually speak in English, in a appropriate way. The accent of Tsuna was also good. Well how can it not be good when he have the best teacher. (Its not reborn, it was his so-called big brother Dino. He rather be thought by Dino than the Spartan tutor.)

“Sa-Sawada Tsunayoshi! Go to principal office right now!” Nezu said rather nervously but still his confidence was there.

“Oh goody, I would love to go to the office rather than listen to your boring not related in the subject discussion. insegnante stupido” Tsuna said standing up and walking away in the class, but before he give the whole class ok. “ By the way enjoy his teaching.” Tsuna said as he wave goodbye.

Everyone was looking at Natsu. “Hey, What are you looking at me?” Natsu said raising his hands.


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Hope you enjoy it 😊😊😊

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