Chapter 17

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"thoughts in a thoughts"
"Text Messages"
"Normal speak"

3rd Person's Pov

As Natsu took a peack, he was shocked to see Tsuna who is dress beautifully. He choaked. “Wh-Why IN HELL ARE YOU DRESS LIKE THAT!?” Natsu yelled while pointing at Tsuna.

“Long story short. “Tsuna simply reply. He saw that Ieyoshi look at him frozen with a flushed cheeks.  Tsuna tilted his head.

“Natsu-sama, Yoshi-sama are the two of you catch my cold last time?” Tsuna ask.

Natsu was really pale. “N-no why would you say that?” he asked and look away but not Tsuna.

“Well for starters your cheek were red, and its obvious that your nervous.” Yoshi said. Natsu gave a glare at his twins.

“Not helping.” Natsu murmur.

“Don’t worry I’ll bake a cake for you guys, and ofcourse for the beloved good looking guy here.” Tsuna said as he pointed Dino then walk towards the kitchen.

Dino too had a flushed cheek. This the first time he saw a such a beautiful lady.

“Reborn, Is that one of their girlfriend?” Dino said as he pointed at Natsu and Yoshi infront of him. Reborn smirk.

“No, that lady wasn’t a lady at the first place. That lady, is the demon kid Sawada Tsunayoshi.” Reborn said.

“HHHHHEEEEEHHHH!?” Dino said in shocked.


Dino receive a smack from his formal tutor. “Shut up, your too loud.” Reborn said.

“Are you sure that was him?” Dino ask still in disbelief.

“Yes its him. But why in the world his dress like that?” Natsu said as he look at the kitchen with still a flushed cheek.

“Well he look good, beautiful anyway.” Ieyoshi said as he chuckled

“Not helping my brother.” Natsu yelled. 

Tsuna on the other hand was happily humming a song while he bake the cake. Once the chiffon cake was baked, he happily put the white icing on the top of the cake and design it beautifully with some fresh strawberries that girl Joyce eds gave him before he existed that house. She gave the strawberry as an apology for the reason he went like this. When the cake was done, Tsuna made drinks. He ofcourse made an expresso for Reborn, Vanilla for Bianchi, Hot choco for the twins, and a white coffee for Dino and his mom. Once its settled he put the drinks in the tray and and carry it towards the living room

“Hey, Minna, how about you take some snacks.”Tsuna said with a smile.

“WHY IN THE WORLD YOUR STILL WEARING THAT DRESS!?” Natsu yelled still blushing madly.

Tsuna just chuckle making him more cutely, he ignore Natsu and set the drinks infront of them.

Then he went back towards the kitchen and get the cake. He then put it in the table he gave a smile. “You guys share the cake equally, specially you Reborn.” Tsuna said.

“Why would you say that?” Reborn ask.

“My eyes did catch you everytime we had dinner or breakfast, you always steal Natsu-sama’s food. That’s not good.” Tsuna said. Reborn just smirk, Natsu pouted. “Yeah, Yeah, Its not good listen to Tsuna.” Natsu yelled. As a reward he receive a kick from Reborn.

“By the way Reborn, Who is our beloved guest?” Tsuna asked.

“Oh, His name is Dino, my previous student.” Reborn said.

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